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July 22, 2014 at 3:47 am in reply to: Seriously considering PYO…EDIT- OK, Im diving in ! Got my PYO sculpts ! #916019
I hope all this is ok, and that I didnt buy anything that Im not supposed to use, lol ! I also hope its ok to mix liquitex and golden products together ? Maybe these are questions I should have asked before….
One thing Michaels did not have was the Golden GAC 100 Acrylic Polymer Medium. All I could find were 2 other products which I thought MAY work , but I wasnt sure, and the staff at Michaels were not much help on this. One was called Liquitex Gloss Medium & Varnish (fluid Medium) which said it could be used both as a thinner for paint and a varnish. Then golden had a product, Polymer Medium (gloss). But Im not sure if these do the same thing as the GAC 100…. all this is still so confusing at times.
Thanks again for everyones help !
I’ve mixed liquitex and Golden brands together before, and had no problems. Just my experience though, not sure if others have. Just make sure to follow the guidelines on the label of the Retarder, as too much will make your paint finish sticky and won’t dry properly.
I haven’t tried either the Golden Polymer Medium or Liquitex Gloss Medium & Varnish, so I can’t offer advice.
July 22, 2014 at 3:16 am in reply to: Featherwurm's PYOs! (Mackerel Flapcat Completed 6/14 – Page 2) #916018Congrats on your first! The color orange definitely doesn’t get enough love =)
The Pebo ‘DYNA’ paints are not quite like Golden’s interference paints (they have a base color and do not become milky when applied heavily, however because of the colored body they do not wash as easily), but their effect is very shiny and pretty.
Maybe you know this, but in case you didn’t, if you dilute the Golden Interference color before you apply it with something like GAC, or airbrush extender, or water, you shouldn’t get a milky effect.
So cute! This year, my sister raised chickens for the first time, and they all ended up being total sweeties! Very curious and they love spending time with the humans =D
Eskar is lovely, and Copper Tiger is too! Don’t know how I missed this thread before.
July 22, 2014 at 2:45 am in reply to: 07/14/2014 Fantasy Grab Bag Unicorn Colt Picture Thread! #916013This thread is very exciting to open, even when you didn’t purchase one. What will pop up next?!?! I tend to like the more natural unis, though for colorful ones, I do really like Shotzy’s uni and Kila26’s sister’s uni. The majority of ones everyone else are coveting aren’t doing anything for me. Nice to see there is something for everyone =)
Late to the party, but congrats! It was a great quest idea and the Tadpoad is adorable =)
There are several I’d be ecstatic to own, but I have to sit these out. Good luck to all those who buy! Please post photos when they arrive!
The castings are now coming out really nice, so we are casting the other three foxes too: the bat-eared fox, red fox and arctic fox.
YAY! This news has made my month! Maybe even season… possibly year! WOOT!
Good for you =) Change is scary, and the thought of it can be debilitating for a lot of us. It’s great to read that you followed your heart and are enjoying the outcome. Very inspiring! Keeping my fingers crossed you land your “dream” job!
Awesome, Congrats! Enjoy all that Vitamin D =)
I went from craft paints to Winsor and Newton Galeria acrylics (they are student grade) to Liquitex Soft Body to Golden Fluid acrylics. Without a doubt, Golden was the best brand I tried, however, having the “best” might not be your primary consideration. Jennifer’s break down of the brands in the link provided is pretty dead on. There is going to be a trade off between quality and price. I’d suggest buying the paints that are at a price you are comfortable paying. This shouldn’t be stressful or break the bank, but fun =) The small bottles of 1 oz Golden paints do go a long way though, so that shouldn’t be much of a concern. I do recommend Golden’s GAC 100, if you are willing to wait for it to be restocked. It’s a versatile medium. I actually gave some bottles of it as Christmas gifts to two individuals who I knew were starting out in acrylics.
I may be a little unconventional, but I’ve had some luck in using the Liquiitex Acrylic Spray color paints for priming.
Ha, I was wondering if anyone besides me had tried the Liquitex acrylic spray paints. I got the white and unbleached titanium on sale. I used the white as a base coat for my last PYO. I really like the evenness and silkiness of the finish afterwards. My only problem was the amount of overspray. I sprayed indoors in my attic, in a huge box, then had a plastic painters tarp attached to the ceiling behind, and still found evidence of the spray getting around it.
Happy Canada Day!
Is it sad that I need to bring up a celsius to fahrenheit converter to figure out what temps you all mean?
Congrats on your first….of many!
The kitty grif is both cute and beautiful. The uni is very striking 🙂
Happy Birthday! Another year wiser:)