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  • Lauren

      These are awesome so far! Did you repaint shimmer’s horn silver, or did she come with a pewter horn?

      in reply to: Preparing to take the plunge… *update 7/8* #915126

        I only have a small handful of colors – I generally just mix. I have both Liquidex and Golden mediums and honestly I can’t tell the difference in terms of ‘feel’.

        Of course, I am not much of an artist or PYO painter so that might be part of it! πŸ™‚ I have a pearlescent medium, a couple gloss mediums, and a metallic medium.

        I actually ran into a small problem when I was trying to get the liquitex iridescent medium (which I think is supposed to do the pearlescent tinting like you’re talking about. It’ll either do that or metallic; I guess I’ll find out). When I tried to order it, it told me it couldn’t be shipped overseas due to manufacturer restrictions / licensing stuff. This happens more often than you’d think and can be really frustrating. I have a way around it since I actually am a US resident and I can get my mom to put it in a larger box of things for me, but man, it’s just a hassle sometimes the hoops I have to jump through.

        I’ll have to see if I can find any decent spray paints for priming. I know I can get some cheapo spray paints up at the store, but I think maybe they’re more for outdoor use perhaps. I have a difficult time reading the labels since it’s all in Japanese though (I have given up on literacy at this point) so that makes me leery. But otherwise it sounds like regular paint will do, so we shall see. (And in any case it’s now rainy season, bleh, so that means having a chance to do any spraying may be difficult.)

        In the end I decided to splurge a little more and get some of the lumier metallics as well in the tiny 1/2 oz bottles, and I got the GAC 100 even though it’ll mean my package will have to wait a bit longer to ship. Regardless, I’m REALLY excited, and as soon as I can figure out how much I have to put toward statues, it’ll be time to order me some PYOs!!!

        in reply to: new pyos: when might we see them? #915128

          Can you stamp the standing kirins on their bellies? It doesn’t seem likely, but you never know!

          We can just barely fit a tiny stamp on the pads, but we need to somehow make a little bitty stamp first.

          Carve a stamp, Melody! πŸ™‚ You can do it!


          Actually, one year–I think it was eighth grade–we actually did do stamp carving in my art class. It was kind of fun but rather challenging. And the tools are so sharp! I definitely cut myself at least once. I don’t think I’d want to have to carve that fancy lion or those teeny tiny letters myself. XD

          What kind of pyo frog? Are these like the magician frogs, or just regular frogs?

          in reply to: Grey cats or flap cats? #915127

            There’s an active thread right now about the progress of PYO statues that Melody’s been responding to if you’re interested in asking Melody about the short-haired PYO. Or I could ask her for you, if you want. Otherwise, what about a kitty griffin, maybe? Or if there were any white flapcats made, perhaps you could repaint one without too much trouble?

            in reply to: Sushi cats print #915125

              If I had the spare funds for that painting, I would ABSOLUTELY be bidding on that.

              in reply to: Preparing to take the plunge… *update 7/8* #915121

                I was actually thinking about getting two of the small foo pups for experimenting / working out the ‘I-don’t-know-what-I’m-doing’ feeling. XD I guess really as far as the medium goes, I was wondering if anyone had tried using liquitex medium with the Golden paints instead. If pretty much everyone says that the GAC 100 is worth waiting for, perhaps I’ll just order that separate.

                I should be able to avoid breaking the bank and still be able to get myself some reasonably nice paints. πŸ™‚ I’ll just have to work with a smaller range of colors, maybe, for a while and try mixing in some of the pearlescent stuff liquitex makes into normal flats instead of working with a whole range of metallics. Just cheaper that way.

                in reply to: Quest 15 is CLOSED #915079

                  I feel so STUPID! I am stuck

                  I feel so STUPID! I am stuck on many of the clues and hours searching on the website have been unproductive….I am so inept at crossword puzzles AND computers!! Tongue I’ll keep trying…

                  You’re not stupid!! I was stuck for many hours on numerous answers. Don’t give up. πŸ™‚

                  in reply to: Preparing to take the plunge… *update 7/8* #915078

                    Also, do people use anything special for priming, or just a bottom layer of black or white paint? (Since I know the gypsum apparently just soaks it all in initially.)

                    in reply to: Preparing to take the plunge… *update 7/8* #915073

                      Darn it. I’m really stumped on the polymer mixing fluids. I understand that they’re for extending the pigment, of course, but I don’t understand the purpose of GAC 200 as opposed to 100 (and is there a difference between using that and a varnish finish?) and I’m also running into the problem that Golden’s GAC 100 is out of stock at the moment. I don’t want to have to wait, but I also don’t know what might be a good alternative. Does anyone have any thoughts?

                      in reply to: Preparing to take the plunge… *update 7/8* #915067

                        For those of you who do have the Golden Fluid Acrylics, can you tell me if the 1 oz bottles are ample paint enough to do a couple of sculptures, provided I have the GAC 100 & 200 mixing materials and the drying retarder?

                        Yes, easily. I’ve been in several swaps and have used it for several non-Windstone projects and still have plenty. It’s amazing how far twenty drops of GAC and 2-10 drops of paint in a bottlecap will go. (after the first coat of primer anyway… it’s amazing how much the raw gypsum will absorb.) I mostly lurk, but am looking forward to seeing your work. πŸ™‚

                        Ack, I hope I can come up with something worth sharing!! Everyone here is so seriously talented. 8| I may well be out of my league. ANYWAY! That’s great to hear that it’s plenty, with the GAC. Ahhhh I am getting so excited for this. Time to go see about placing that order~

                        in reply to: Preparing to take the plunge… *update 7/8* #915063

                          Thanks so much for your comments so far guys!! They’re incredibly valuable to me, and I really appreciate it. For those of you who do have the Golden Fluid Acrylics, can you tell me if the 1 oz bottles are ample paint enough to do a couple of sculptures, provided I have the GAC 100 & 200 mixing materials and the drying retarder?

                          And thanks for all the advice about the metallics, too, that was another thing I hadn’t entirely made my mind up on yet (but now I think it’s a definite must.)


                            Ooh. This sounds interesting. Are they primarily/all dragons, or do you have unicorns and kirin mixed in as well?

                            in reply to: Grey cats or flap cats? #915045

                              Oh gosh. This isn’t whining at all. πŸ™ Losing a loved one is never easy, and sudden losses like this just hit you like a ton of bricks.

                              I know that in the classified ads section there are these little round kitties for sale, I think in some of Margaret’s adds, and one of them might have been grey? Other than that, I don’t know… and probably won’t be able to be very much help. πŸ™

                              But I actually really like Kim’s idea. Your cat may have had a distinctive look you’d like to capture, and there are some very skilled PYO artists here who could really do him/her justice by capturing it perfectly. If I was you, and this was something I could afford, I think that’s what I’d do anyway.

                              So sorry for your loss, rachelled.

                              in reply to: PYO swap pictures! #914991

                                Finally able to get pictures of Bullrush (Ernie) up! I can’t say enough just how much I love him. He just screams the Grand Prismatic Spring. Thank you so much Melody! He’s absolutely gorgeous. And you’re right, what is with these Father Foos and their names!? πŸ™‚ I hope my pictures do even a little bit of justice to him.

                                WOW!!! Bullrush is amazing.

                                in reply to: January — 2014 eBay Auction Picture Thread #914978

                                  I think, at the end of the day, if you never spend more than a piece is worth TO YOU, you’ll never be sad. πŸ™‚

                                  Truer words have probably never been spoken. πŸ™‚ I imagine it could be hard to tell in the moment sometimes if something is really worth it-but then again, maybe not.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 226 through 240 (of 388 total)