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  • in reply to: Return of the Orientals? #913576

      gosh yes I would like to know. And in what colors, too; will there be new ones?

      in reply to: Blue Morpho Dragons #913569

        Oh man, I love the baby, he’s SO cute! I think he’s one of my favourites of this family.

        Isn’t he though?! The black outline around his eyes makes them that much more adorable! My husband doesn’t ‘get it’, sadly. He thinks the baby is identical to the fledgling! But he listens to me go on and on about my dragons while I listen to him tell me about computer parts, so it’s a fair trade 😉

        They’re very close, but definitely not identical; even the sculpts themselves have different shapes to them. I think it takes a close eye for detail to really see it though. In fact, I had to bring up the pictures for them to compare side-to-side today as I was debating whether or not to get a baby in addition to the fledgling I’d already bought. I chose not to as I want the lap or perhaps even the scratching dragon quite badly to go with the morpho baby, but it was a close thing because especially with that larger eye it’s just *darling*.

        in reply to: Blue Morpho Dragons #913557

          Oh yeah, pretty dragons. I was hesitant about getting this guy but am very glad I did! Not sure if a photo belongs here or in “Show your Collection”, so he’s in both places. 🙂

          Oh my word that Spectral is FANTASTIC!! I really hope that gets re-released at some point, I’d love to have one of those next to my fledgling. And also a lap dragon. I am still waiting on that one to pop up.


            I am really interested in getting at least one of these for myself. For those of you who have been here longer than me, do PYO’s usually run out of the store fast, or would I probably be safe to wait until the 21st of June (my pay day) to order one?

            in reply to: Windstone Sculpture Ideas #913548

              The cute little kitsune with nine tails showed up on the Windstone Facebook page one time. I think a kitsune is a fox in Japanese. Somebody else can explain the nine tails. 🙂

              😀 Ohhh kitsune! I’d love to see some kitsune. Kitsune is the Japanese word for fox, but I think in this context you’re probably referring to their mythological status in Japan. They’re thought to be sort of demi-gods/messengers to the God Inari. They can shapeshift and are something of tricksters, some of them malevolent and some not. They usually carry a jewel known as a ‘hoshi no tama’ with them that is supposed to carry their soul/powers inside it, especially when they change shape. The number of tails that a fox spirit has is supposed to represent how long they’ve been alive.

              in reply to: Windstone Sculpture Ideas #913547

                Also, is it too crazy/out of left field to desire either a unicorn alpaca or some sort of horned alpaca sculpt?

                Oh! And I’d love to see a Jackalope family!

                Unicorn alpaca or alpaca with wings–I basically NEED these in my life.

                in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #913546

                  Oh, thanks for the pointer there! I think I would have been a bit peeved with myself if I messed up and missed it because I didn’t know to click a different button.

                  in reply to: Has anyone used copic markers? #913523

                    This is my thought too. I’m going to actually look into which paints I should invest in/if they’re available here and for how much, anyway, in case I try not to try this.

                    in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #913519

                      Also, I know we’re only supposed to squeak once and edit said squeak, but it’s so far back now I’m afraid it’s buried. Is there any chance we might be able to get PYOs of baby kirin, mother kirin, and father kirin? I know we have the general kirin but it would be awesome to be able to paint whole families, like with the foo dogs.

                      in reply to: Has anyone used copic markers? #913517

                        I could give that a try, though I suspect Jennifer is right and it wouldn’t work; I know they slick off things really easy. I guess the question though would then be if that messed up, would the POY statue still be workable with acrylic after, or would I be out a statue for sure?

                        in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #913515

                          I had read that the oriental dragons (sun and moon) had some casting issues–bubbling feet, was it? It’s a pity, they’re gorgeous. And I guess there might have been some issues with the babies as well, since the young ones in patina apparently had some casting goofs? But at least it sounds like the kirin are unaffected by all that, so hopefully soon it will be cost effective enough to get stuff plated for unicorns and ki-rin if nothing else.

                          I saw a picture of the blue morpho lap dragon on Melody’s blog and was just in awe. I really hope that I don’t miss it–and that if/when it comes out, it’s in a price range I can afford. I’d really like one to match my fledgling.

                          I found the button for notifications, so I am on the list. I’m excited; I’d really like a grab bag colt. I’m not sure if I want a tadpad or not, personally, as they seem to be super tiny, but a young poad would be both within my budget and a little bit bigger I think. More to enjoy 🙂

                          Thanks so much for your ever informative replies.

                          Hmm. The lists seem to be mostly for dragons and grab bags. Any chance that there’s something like that for ki-rin as well (and I’m just missing it somehow)?

                          in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #913465

                            Fair enough! I thought that grab-bags came around maybe once a year, actually, so hearing that grab bag unis and poads are actually pretty frequent is heartening actually. Maybe I’ll just have to keep a small bit of extra cash around just-in-case gb curlies ever do pop up again. But I’ll definitely be hunting down this sign-up for new items; I don’t want to miss a thing. And it seems like I have a lot of catching up and learning to do about what kinds of pieces have already been done; I imagine there’s bound to be a list out there somewhere.

                            Also, I’m not sure if it’s okay to ask or not, but you mentioned that the horns are in production again. Is that just for unis, or is that also for kirin and the oriental dragons as well?

                            @dragonfeathers – I imagine that if they did blue morpho, they’d use the scale pattern to make the scales look like wings folded to the back by following edges of certain scales with the black and silver. At least, I can kind of picture it in my head; I’m kind of failing to put it into words. The colors would be stunning, though, especially with a pewter horn.

                            And oh my gosh I got a response from Melody herself. Wow. That’s kind of amazing; like somebody famous acknowledging my existence…

                            in reply to: May 2014 “Class of 42” GB Curlie Photo Thread #913459

                              These are all so beautiful! I’m trying really hard not to be jealous about missing out on such a unique opportunity. Congrats to all of you.

                              in reply to: Flight Rising – dragon pet game #913458

                                Oh, that reminds me I never thought to ask. Which flight(s) are you guys in? I’m in Lightning. 🙂

                                in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #913429

                                  I only started paying close attention to the site in the last two months, so I have no clue. But it seems like it would possibly be popular. The grab bag for the curly dragons went really fast, and I think so did the unicorns before that? I could be wrong.

                                  How about it Melody, grab bag baby kirins? Pretty pretty please?

                                  The grab bag curlies weren’t really meant to be grab bags – I think they take too long to paint in general (Melody had been working on these for at least 6-7 months and there were only 42.) She was doing test paints to see if she liked anything for a new production color and ended up with so many she just did a small grab bag. I’d be surprised if we ever see grab bag curlies again unless a similar situation comes up. Usually a grab bag has to be fast to paint. Unicorns and poads are, but other sculpts not so much.

                                  I think the mini-keepers were also fairly quick because Brandi was helping and they didn’t have to worry too much about the colors overlapping clear transitions in the sculpt.

                                  Kirins are tricky because the fur and scales need to be painted separately. Melody did say she MIGHT do a small batch of the new standing kirin colts as a grab bag once they get the pad issue sorted out.

                                  There’s also the problem with trying to keep a grab bag from looking too much like a test paint or production color. For a new sculpt like the mini-keepers or standing kirins that’s not a problem, but for something like baby kirins which have been painted in large numbers, it’s hard to avoid an overlap.

                                  Melody also tends to like things that have large smooth-ish areas so she can paint patterns or wings and such on them.

                                  The only production color for kirin right now is the albino with pink or blue eyes. The brown/white color is retired and would probably only come back on new sculpts. I don’t think Windstone un-retires production colors general.

                                  No more GB curlies? 🙁 Oh, I am so sad to hear that I missed a chance. I can see I’m going to have to start stalking this website, because otherwise I’m going to miss out on lots of one-of-a-kind opportunities.

                                  Thanks for all the info on why some things do and don’t get grab bags made for them. I guess I’ll need to stalk / advertise for a brown and white kirin then if that color is retired and never coming back.

                                  But I think when I was talking more natural colors, I meant things that have colorations/patterns from normal horses like the GB unis (ex:palamino, stockings and starbursts, paint, dappling, etc) or even like the ziger where it’s a pattern taken from another animal. A kirin with a giraffe pattern would be really neat I think. But even just seeing some more fantastical colors used like with the oriental dragons (ex: red and gold, green and gold, blue and silver) would be really neat. Although I guess like you say, that tends to start sounding more like a test paint. Guess I need to stalk those, too (I can see this is going to become an expensive hobby for me >_>)

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