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I don’t usually like the lighter colors…but Blue Ice looked good on the Emp. I’m not sure I’d buy anything in that color, but it did look good. >.>
The pegasus, on the other hand…o_O; I’m sorry, but that color on him makes him look like he’s made out of plastic for some reason.
Bearing in mind, of course, that a “me” person won’t have a clue what I’m talking about…
It doesn’t matter how you try to reason with someone like that, they don’t get it…have had that problem and sounds like Kitsunelady is having that problem.
Indeed. XD I’m not sure I would call her a ‘problem’, of course…she IS my friend, no matter how crazy I think some of the stuff she says is! Fortunately, we’re both able to accept that not everyone is going to share the same thoughts/values about everything, but we do like to argue, lol.
Don’t worry TDM, it’s not my flavor, either. >_>;
There isn’t much on ebay lately, eh..>.>…You guys must need more painters. I volunteer my services for Poad painting. 😀 *grabby hands* 😀 😀
October 11, 2011 at 8:15 pm in reply to: ‘Fantasy’ 9/22/11 Grab Bag Young Unicorn batch discussion/picture thread #859739Mine arrived today! Although I think they are both pretty, I am open to trades, particularly for Spark, since I don’t think I’m keen on the ‘baldface’ unis. Astrologer is great, but I’d also give him up if I was offered something I liked better.
Astrologer is a dark bronzed brown with an iridescent purple mane and tail. He has periwinkle eyes and purple gems. =)
Spark is a pinto – he is a white pearlescent color, with coppery brown spots, some of which are painted an iridscent purple. He also has periwinkle eyes and purple gems.
I didn’t want to clog up the thread too much, so here’s a link back to the gallery if you want to see the rest of the pics I took : sounds to me like you did your best, too. Feeling like you didn’t is only natural, though. I’m not going to say that feeling will fade quickly, but it will eventually.
It might make you cry (tears are therapeutic!), but here is a poem our vet had framed on the wall in his waiting room about this :
If it should be that I grow weak
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then you must do what must be done,
For this last battle cannot be won.You will be sad, I understand.
Don’t let your grief then stay your hand.
For this day, more than all the rest,
Your love for me must stand the test.We’ve had so many happy years.
What is to come can hold no fears.
You’d not want me to suffer so;
The time has come — please let me go.Take me where my need they’ll tend,
And please stay with me till the end.
Hold me firm and speak to me,
Until my eyes no longer see.I know in time that you will see
The kindness that you did for me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I’ve been saved.Please do not grieve — it must be you
Who had this painful thing to do.
We’ve been so close, we two, these years;
Don’t let your heart hold back its tears.— Anonymous —
I can’t say life screwed me over; I’ve had a pretty awesome life so far! I did get laid off, but found a job two months later, and it turned out to be something better for me, so I can’t consider it being screwed over. It wasn’t life-altering, that’s for sure – no need to sell the house or move.
My dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2010 (he’s now 64), and that’s been completely life-altering for my mom, but not that much for me in itself. Internally, yes. But my life is going on pretty much the same, though I spend more time with my parents than I used to in order to relieve my mom.
Does that qualify/disqualify me?
Haha, I don’t know. XD I’d ask her, but she’s not online right now. She thinks that *everyone* gets ‘screwed over by life’ at some point, and I told her I was sure there is at least ONE person out there who did not feel that life had ever ‘screwed them over’. I acknowledge that facing difficult situations is just part of most people’s lives, but I’m sure there are people out there who live a blessed existence. However, she is a very…hmm…negative sort of person. She thinks she is just realistic, but she’s so “realistic” that imo, it’s crossed the line into just plain negativity/cynicism in some ways.
She’s also the one who thought that being selfish was the better choice – to her, choosing the path that benefits her/is what she wants to do is the correct decision…no matter who it hurts. I asked her if the notion that perhaps she might ‘screw over’, say, ten other people with some selfish decision she might make held no weight in her mind, and she said – “Everyone gets [screwed over] by life at some point, so what difference does it make?”
So mostly I’m just like >_>; @ her right now.
Depends on how you define both of those in my opinion.
Ah, we already agreed to disagree on the selfless/noble vs. selfish thing, if you were wanting our definition of those – in that regard, there is no changing her mind, and no changing mine. My only question really is the second part – have any of you made it through life without being [seriously] “screwed over” at some point.
I’d show you guys the conversation, but it’s not rated for general audiences. >_>; Not to mention the odd way she types…
Hmm. I didn’t think Melody would ever let anyone else paint her precious Poads. I want to paint one too! *stomps feet* XD Want want want!
October 7, 2011 at 11:48 am in reply to: ‘Fantasy’ 9/22/11 Grab Bag Young Unicorn batch discussion/picture thread #859366Awww, Panhelion is just my cup of tea! XD I love the blue interference on his dark parts! I wish I had mine already, and you liked one of them, haha! Hmm, I like Sumatra, too…<3
Hmm…one of my favorites is Paula Deen’s Crockpot Mac & Cheese…although we leave the egg( s ) out, because it takes two people so long to eat all of it. XD
October 6, 2011 at 10:37 am in reply to: ‘Fantasy’ 9/22/11 Grab Bag Young Unicorn batch discussion/picture thread #859305I would LOVE to see Relic. 🙂
I won’t be receiving mine soon. It takes about a week for things to get to me from the factory. THE… WAITING… IS… TORTURE!! >.<
Same here. = Mine aren’t estimated to arrive until next Tuesday. D:
I saw Relic! Read the book, too. Haha. e.e
October 4, 2011 at 10:50 pm in reply to: ‘Fantasy’ 9/22/11 Grab Bag Young Unicorn batch discussion/picture thread #859171I like Derek. He’s pretty. I bet I’d like him with light eyes too. o.o Let us see Vinter? <3
What is ‘paint puke’ and ‘calicoloosa’ anyways? >.>
I want to see too. o.o