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  • in reply to: What's coming soon? #895289

      Ooh, yeah if there were some safaris like a zebra, leopard, tiger or giraffe in whole instead of a combination of prints, I would love an animal print unicorn in natural colours as one whole animal.

      Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!

      in reply to: March Raffle? #895288

        So can we e-mail an entry now or do we wait for a blog post for the raffle?

        Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!

        in reply to: March Raffle? #895239

          I would love it if I got a young unicorn!

          Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!

          in reply to: What's coming soon? #895173

            I am excited for the grab bag unicorns again. I would hope to get a pretty palomino with blue or teal eyes. I would love to get a v2 hatcher in pearl, rainbow and old peacock.

            I am also looking forward to the baby dragon, unicorn colt, mini keeper dragon, pyo flap cat, baby standing kirin and the kitty griffin.

            Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!

            in reply to: My cousin will be on The Voice!!! #895099

              That’s awesome! I looked her up and she is really good with a nice tone to her voice! Hope she does well!

              Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!

              in reply to: What was February 2013 Raffle Prize? #895098

                That is awesome! I love the colours! I hope I win one sometime!

                Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!

                in reply to: My little angel is about to cross the Rainbow Bridge #895097

                  So sorry to hear. It’s always really tough to lose a beloved pet. I have had many come and go over the years that I have loved but I hope you find it in your hear to love another again and maybe adopt another kitty in the future in need, from a shelter or somewhere they might otherwise be put down. Maybe your kitty gave her life so you could save and love another one. One of my cats is getting old too and is really skinny even though she eats well but I can tell she may not have many more years, or maybe months. I was going to rescue a couple other kitties from kijiji as many need homes on there but I think I will let mine get older peacefully and then rescue some more.

                  Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!

                  in reply to: PYO swap pictures #895024

                    That griffin is so gorgeous! I want a pyo griffin in the future!

                    Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                      Not sure if this would still apply but first of all, if someone was seriously injured in a car accident, liability insurance would cover any medical expenses but because she didn’t even go see a doctor and was obviously fine after the accident, she has no proof of any medical issues and could get get in very big trouble for falsifying anything in court. If she was already paid for car damage by the insurance company but nothing for injury, she has nothing to sue you with, no evidence and especially the minimal damage on her car, would be laughed out of a courtroom. Now for her to even file a small claim, I don’t know where you live but it costs us $200 to do that here and for her to hire a lawyer which could be a lot more, she would be laughed at if they have no evidence against you of any injury. No lawyer would even take a small claim case like that.

                      If by any chance she took you to court or won anything which she wouldn’t, they would simply file a judgement against your name. This means very little as most people never even pay off a small judgement which is basically a paper sitting at the court house with your name saying you owe someone something. And even if you did have a judgement on file you can fight or appeal it. I know as I have been involved in many legal battles in small claims court over problems when my house went through foreclosure and bad landlords trying to file claims for rent though never returning damage deposits, etc. I have seen people fighting for every kind of case you can imagine and most cases are simply dismissed without proper evidence.

                      Secondly, if anyone asks you about your assets, you have none. If you have to, write a bill of sale to your sister for any random made up value for your Windstones that is low as no one would know the difference. People can even hand write a bill of sale for a car for $1 if they want to and it’s still considered legal. Although once this is all over with, rip it up and I would suggest if you don’t already have your Windstones covered under your house insurance, to get contents insurance if they are worth a lot in case you ever have house problems again where they could be destroyed or even stolen.

                      I don’t think in a case like this you would have to spend any money on a lawyer. Sounds like this lady is crazy or full of hot air and threatening to sue people is pretty common if people are angry until they calm down and realize they have no chance of ever winning anything against you. I have been to court, had judgement filed against me and never had to pay out anything or sell anything as I simply filed my own counter claims and judgments against the same people until everything was dropped.

                      Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                        I would like that too as I was trying to track the older ones down too and had to go through a lot of pages to find them.

                        Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!

                        in reply to: PYO swap pictures #894886

                          Wow! That one is awesome! I am looking forward to seeing everyone else’s photos! I feel so bad I wasn’t able to finish mine in time as I had to move suddenly and put all my Windstones in storage for a while and had to stay at a friend’s house and find a place to move to, so my name is out of the swap but I will definitely join in next time when I have time to get one finished! I wonder who is going to end up getting the one I asked for? Whoever it is I would gladly trade you in the future if I can do a special one for you!

                          Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!

                          in reply to: Help! Advice about trading grab bags! #894884

                            I guess I consider myself new compared to people who have been on here for years and I have been a little intimidated to talk to many I know already have a big network of friends they trade with after the response I have had in trying to message anyone. It’s not that I have been hunting down anything. I just sent polite messages inquiring about 2 pieces I really liked and no one seemed to know where they ended up or at least wouldn’t tell me. I was just told they had had been traded or re-traded. I just figured maybe if something went to someone who isn’t that active anymore that they may consider trading again if they knew what new pieces were available. From what I was told about the ones I asked about, it looks like they may have been traded multiple times so my thought was if it is a piece that tends to be traded over and over, how do you find who has it now to see if they would trade again? Especially if they are not active on the forum now my thought was just asking the original owners? But that didn’t work unfortunately. I guess there are lots that go to people that aren’t active on here unfortunately so maybe there are some pieces we will never find out who has them but I guess I will keep my hopes up. There are some I would give a permanent home to if people wanted to trade them again.

                            Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!

                            in reply to: WHINE is served #894840

                              Sorry to hear about your rooster. I am going to go read about your chickens! Makes me want to stick more to a vegan diet I have been trying!

                              Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!

                              in reply to: International Shipping Recommendations #894818

                                This happened to me too with UPS. I live in Canada and I ordered a big lot of 600 beanie babies off ebay from the US and UPS was the least expensive method to ship them in 4 big boxes. But they charged me an import and brokerage fee when they brought them to the door before they would leave them and I had to write them a cheque for I think it was something like $150 and this was after I had already paid $250 for shipping these four huge boxes. Then when there was a problem with them that they turned out to be not as described and I filed a paypal claim, paypal said I had to pay to ship them back to the sender which would have been another $250 to send them back.

                                When I told UPS to just pick them up and return them to the sender, they said they would just send them back because I rejected them and I was told by UPS no one would have to pay to have them sent back. But I was told later after UPS had been holding them for 2 weeks that the seller would have had to pay the shipping fee and the seller refused so I was out $700 I had paid for them with the shipping. What ended up happening was I was refunded on paypal initially but then when the boxes weren’t shipped back, the seller appealed and they said I now owed the seller back $700 and the whole time UPS was just holding the boxes.

                                Then one day UPS just brought the boxes back and left them at my door with no explanation so I thought I was stuck with what turned out to be worthless beanies as they were all dirty with bent tags so I donated most of them to the children’s hospital and was mad paypal wouldn’t let me use my account again without sending the seller the money back. I wrote an e-mail though to paypal and told them to pass it to the highest person in charge there demanding I should be able to keep the refund because the seller deliberately sent me damaged beanies when the desciption said they were like new and that it was too expensive to ship the beanies back and they were worthless and that the seller had refused to have them sent back anyway.

                                To my surprise after a couple weeks, paypal decided to take the hit on the refund and let me keep my refund of $700 the one time because of what happened and they unblocked my account. I never did get back my fees from UPS though even though when I phoned and talked to them, I was promised a partial refund. So I would not deal with UPS again on any large or expensive items. With USPS, I have never had to pay import or customs fees.

                                Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!

                                in reply to: Darrien Kicked Cancer's Rear!!!!!!!!!! #894773

                                  Brandy, that’s a pretty foo pup! What a good idea to send him those. Has he gotten a few to cheer him up?

                                  Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!

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