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  • in reply to: Updates ? #889068

      So when is the new Dragon hatcher coming, and what happened to the Very Large dragon I called an Empress. The largest one you made that was a possible outdoor one? I would still love it as an empress. Females can be bigger them males, just look at Black widows Female vs Male for size comparison in real world.

      in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #852218

        Would love to see the TWILIGHT series in production it looked lovely.

        ASH BLUE another lovely color.

        OCEAN BLUE Dragons in all types, a new production line for all to get.

        Forest Green

        Ocean Greens


        Black Violet baby Kirin, Lavender Pearl Wife… Squeal, Squeal, Squeal!

        A black Pearl Ki-Rin would be my wife’s Squeal real loud and far. Or perhaps an Armament Ki-Rin or Gothic.

        Slate productions and Silver Grulla productions.

        Blue Ice with that large mold as an Empress! actually either would be wonderful, the Blue Ice in a set or the Empress. Just would make a great combination.

        A cheetah dragon would be a nice pattern.

        Maybe some parrot coloring: Blue/gold, Scarlet, Sun Conure, African Grey, Blue Parrots, Senegal parrot, King parrots, red-lored, blue crown conure, Catalina, Green winged, Harlequin, Hyacinth, Noble min macaw, Red fronted macaw, Hawk-headed parrot, Eclectus Parrot. etc…

        Salmon Pink would not be bad, although I only want one of them. Fledgling or Young dragon.

        Black Rose Male Kirin…even as a special production piece.

        in reply to: Your Favorites! (Getting to know fellow members) #888679

          Colors: Blue, Green, Red, Black

          Animals: Cheetah, Big Cats, Komodo Dragons, Raptors

          Mythical Creature: Dragons

          Food: Clam (New England long neck type), Tacos, Chili, Fudge

          Flowers: not much a flower person but, carnations, roses

          Gift: Dragons, Money, gift cards, jewelry making material

          Collections: Dragons, Baseball cards, FB cards (Miami Dolphins)

          in reply to: pay it forward #888335

            I have paid for the car behind me on a bridge toll, have gone into a fast food type place and while buying a drink for use of the bathroom (my choice they did not ask me too) I decided to be nice to the lady that thanked me for holding the door for her and paid for her purchase of dinner for her and her husband. She told me she would pay it forward sometime soon. I have left tips bigger then the cost of my meal and large tips almost as much.
            So I guess it is something I just do when I can, be it as little as a couple of bucks for a bridge toll to $20 or so for dinner.
            Pay it forward does not have to be a lot of money it is after all the thought that counts, and it is true. It makes someones evening to see that their is kindness in the world.
            I had one place I just bought a coke and fries at a Denny’s and while eating had overheard waitresses talking about the lousy tips that evening. Topping off the evening for the waitress I had was that she had just finished a large group of 10-15 people and not one person complained, in fact others help deal with them and took other tables so that they were treated right, and what tip did these ungrateful people leave, nothing. Not a dime among them all. So I decide to leave her a better tip, and while I did not have a lot of cash I left a tip equal to my dollar amount of my check. It cost me $5.?? for my meal and I left a $5.00 tip. I told the waitress that she deserved a better tip then those people had left and laid the $5 bill down. They were shocked as the new how little I ordered and said I did not have to do that. I said I know but she deserved it and more so consider it part of the tip for the other group. They thanks me and said they all would be talking about it for some time and were sure it would make her night. I heard a squeal as I was leaving when she found the tip and was told about it. I just smiled and walked to my car and left.
            That is how you can pay it forward.
            Also pay it forward can be helping someone, hold a door open, let that person with less items in front of you at the grocery store, help someone lift an object, help them find something, share your knowledge, help someone move, wait for someone to cross a street, let a car in front of you in traffic.
            Hope all those help you if you would like to try to “pay it forward”.

            in reply to: Windstone Identification Thread #887289

              Would like to know if any can say whether this is a Jade variant, I have some Jades myself and still not quite sure. If anyone has an idea and yes I have asked the seller and not sure either.
              Opinions please.


              in reply to: Will Rock/Little Rock Dragons ever come back? #885853

                One of only two sculpts I do not own myself, but do so want. I do not care if cement or not and yes my Little rock one lives inside. Had a dragon stolen off my porch once, will never take that chance again.
                Rock Dragon, I have searched the web and any store that listed seems to be out. But I still search on. I was lucky to find the Little Rock Dragon this way.
                And just to say the other is a Moon. I am sure one of those will re-appear some day too. Just have to time the money right between trips, to far off places. Although my offer to search a certain warehouse still stands, will catalog all things I find in it, even the live ones. 😉
                Just say when Melody or John!

                in reply to: Unusual Trend that is bothering me #885796

                  In the case I mentioned where someone was selling a piece before they had even received it and bidding on another at the same time it could come off in a way that makes it seem like they aren’t bidding because they like the piece so much as they like winning a competition with other bidders.

                  I suppose this could rub someone the wrong way if they are bidding because they genuinely like the piece and feel they are receiving competition from someone who doesn’t care about the piece just winning the competition between bidders as it were.

                  It might not be that way at all. About a year ago, I bid on a pebble cat that I just loved! I won and paid for it….then an hour later one that I liked even better popped up. GAH! Now what? I spent my spare cash on one I loved, now there’s one I can’t live without! LOL :bigsmile: I think cases like that one happen a lot too.

                  And I understand that, if that is what is happening but it seems that would be just now and then, not as often as it has been happening. And you have the right to do this so my next comment is not meant in offense, but there always seems to be that next, must have, piece. Just seems to be happening a lot is what I am saying for this to be the reason. Maybe I am wrong and there are a lot of (again no offense here) wishy-washy people that oh and ah that next piece. I have worried about that sort of thing myself, saying what if one I like better comes along..I just say oh well if I like this one well enough with the limits I have to outbid someone for it then that is what I stay with, I am rare in that I know.

                  What this thread was for is for me to try and understand why this trend has picked up so much as of late and I am still not sure I have an answer. Are there that many more people flipping today, are there that many more people wanting the next one, I am just not understanding?
                  I like many of you do not want to see a bubble burst on Windstones, although it might make them more affordable. I want everyone to get a Windstone that wants one, and I want Windstone to succeed. They are great people and so are their fans.

                  in reply to: Unusual Trend that is bothering me #885795

                    I am not pointing fingers at anyone, so no one person take offense, but there seems to be a trend as of late, last couple of months anyway, of people buying eBay Windstones and within a month or two turning around and selling them. At time this is without even taking them out of the box they were shipped in, heck as far as I know they do not even open the box to look at the piece.

                    I am confused why this would even be a concern to you???… I am sure every collector has a reason for letting go of a piece they they ended up being the high bidder on.

                    I am sure every collector does have a reason, and as a collector and forum member, and admirer of Windstones I have seen an increase in this trend and am concerned for the many that this practice takes out of the loop. It narrows those able to get them since those that do it now price it above the stand market price. It also inflates prices of ones I might want. Also narrows those that can now afford a piece as people need to recoup there money after being a high bidder. I don’t mean everyone can afford a Windstone special, but a market that is artificial inflated with this practice is bad for everyone collecting them in the long run. (take a look at housing)

                    I personally know of a few collectors who paid a lot for special Ebay Windstone’s,…

                    Price is not the issue in general, heck I have paid a lot for my specials as well 81 of them including a SK. And have lost bids on a lot more.

                    How can you make the assumption that people don’t even take the pieces out of the boxes or for that matter even open the boxes?? Now I’m confused!! Not offended, just confused.

                    I am not assuming here at all, I am taking the comments directly from those that have been selling them, comments of “never been opened, or opened to just take pictures” have been stated by these same sellers. Some have been sold before the arrived even. Those were “waiting for them to arrive”.

                    in reply to: Unusual Trend that is bothering me #885794

                      Am I missing something?? I still don’t see how buying and reselling a
                      Special ebay piece… Effects anyone but the person who is the highest
                      Bidder…. I think its almost a give in… That you won’t be getting
                      More than you paid…. I’m sure there are a few exceptions.

                      If your willing to pay top dollar for a peice that you know you might
                      Be taking a loss on…. I’m not seeing how this effects anyone
                      Other than the original owner. **shrugs**

                      It affects the second place person as well that may have really really wanted it but just could not outbid a deep pocket person. And if they resell it for their bid price it is out of the second persons range or they may have offered it the first time.
                      Think of the bubble that has been mentioned in the thread, it gets very limited at the top and most of the collectors are out of the market in that range no matter how much they might want it.

                      in reply to: Unusual Trend that is bothering me #885793

                        I think that there is some reason to be concerned about this. This type of behavior can artificially inflate prices leading to a bubble, which leads to a crash. We’ve seen this effect so many things over the years from the Hunt Brothers and silver to the housing bubble, dot com bubble, stock market collapse, etc. While I’m not suggesting that the price of Windstone pieces would have a vast global effect, it certainly affects us, the people who love Windstone creations. Individual necessity happens, but if there are people using Melody’s art as a ‘flip’ to make money we all lose.

                        I have to agree. There really should not be any offences taken unless the party taking the offense is guilty. “flipping” Is a trend that seems to be creeping into every market. Inflating the Bubble too much will make it pop, surely. In the meantime… it is not fair to those who honestly want a piece and are working very hard to save for it. Those are the individuals who value Melody’s pieces the most.

                        I am not saying the people here that disagree with me are guilty of anything, they have the right to their view as well. I said that at the start. So to those that disagree with me, all the more to you for your viewpoint. No offending on here at all. (steps way back for any flying objects, hehe)
                        Just trying to understand a trend that is becoming more common as of late.

                        in reply to: How many Curlies do you have and what colors?? #885704

                          Brown, Green, White, Emerald, Rainbow, Black Gold, Gold, Emerald Peacock, Amethyst, Copper Patina, Autumn Leaf, Blue Pearl, Emerald color shift, Glacier, Lavender pearl, Nutmeg, Opoponax, Pink, Red Flame, Sand, Serpentine, Silver w/ blue eyes, Silver w/ lavender eyes, Toasted Pearl, Violet Flame.
                          Also specials; Indigo, Starry Night, Plum Copper, Marine Blue, Silver Patina, “Blue Amethyst” as a special gift.
                          25+6(7)* specials
                          *Might have another eBay one still to come.

                          in reply to: Old Brown Emperor on eBay #884952

                            Just to let people know, the Brown Emp made it safely, he has joined his brood and is sitting nicely with family once again. He is now looking for the rest of his family, Fledgling, Lap, OW, RS.

                            in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #884007

                              BVP: Curlie, mother coiled, Spectral, more coiled.

                              Silver: Mother colied

                              Gold: (if not retired) Coiled, mother colied

                              Peacock: Curled

                              White: OW, Spectral, RS

                              Glacier: Fledgling

                              in reply to: What's being painted for the store? #884006

                                Hopefully more BVP coiled as I missed out on them.
                                And if they are bored fill in the missing curls; BVP, Peacock, (dreaming here) Red Fire, (another dream) Ruby.
                                A bunch of the coiled are missing, and mother coiled too.

                                in reply to: Old Brown Emperor on eBay #883853

                                  I am trying to get all the Production and LP pieces and the Brown Emp is one I need so I have to hope the price stays where I think it will and get a bid in to get it. If not as has been said will just have to wait for another one. I am so close I can see the light at the end of this part of collecting Windstone, although with the new Hatchlings coming more will get added to that list. That is why I hope to get them sooner then later as I am sure Windstone will continue to add production or LP dragons in the future. I am down to needing just 11 more pieces. Some I have seen but were more then I wanted to pay at the time, many I have not seen since we joined up about a year ago.
                                  I have been collecting since 1990 when I received the first 12 dragons as a wedding gift, but money became tight just after the wedding and we only recently were able to get back into getting them. We picked up a few between then and last year as we could. I missed that one that showed up as a buy it now but this one has 7 days (yes rather long, and I hate when a deal is made and the item is pulled too, this one is to wanted to do that to I hope.)
                                  No ill will to whoever gets it, but I am going to hope I do just as those bidding do.

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