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  • in reply to: Windstone Photography #565859

    AH Koishii, I really do love your newest PYO… have a feeling it’ll skyrocket on ebay (good for you, bad news for those of us bidding).

    All the windstone pics here are great. For the most part mine are all displayed in with other dragons I collect, but now I’m thinking they’ll look better together.

    in reply to: hmm…griffin PYO….hubby's gonna kill me. #570998

    Wow – he’s gorgeous Purplecat! Great body work too.
    No worries Keschete – I would never bid against a Pernese, and then it would be on dragons. 🙂

    in reply to: We're civilian again…. pg 21 #571427


    But what about all the one shot Pern books? I just checked her Web site and her chronological list that included all of those is gone now. Maybe someone else saved it elsewhere on the Web.

    Even with all the others, it’s best to start with the 6 I listed, though some occur earlier, these are the first written and the best (and you don’t lose anything by going back and reading the prequels later, as they are completely different people, and not always as good as the 1st two trilogies).

    in reply to: Winged Kirin…idea by Whippetluv #572070


    Phoenix wrote:
    Can you find Batwings? I think that would look cool on a kirin.

    I do believe I can. Oooh…jut had a thought, I know, that’s dangerous, anyway…vampire kirin!

    Would these work?

    These would be great! I think it’s a good PYO direction.

    in reply to: We're civilian again…. pg 21 #571424

    Dragonriders: Dragonflight, Dragonquest, (then insert the Harperhall series if you want chronological continuity: Dragonsong, Dragonsinger, Dragondrums), The White Dragon. Well worth reading! But, if you haven’t read Eddings, I’d start there. Does your husband read fantasy/scifi? (Not that he’ll have a lot of down time.)

    in reply to: ummmm yeah……. #572117

    Love ’em! It’s too bad we (common folk/coin collectors) don’t have more say in what’s on our coins. I collect foreign coins, though my husband collects US coins, and we both love the quarters. Our local paper just printed up the 3 possible versions for our state quarter, and they were all the same and all sucked! Everyone was writing in, as there was never any advertising or requests for designs. Too bad we can’t get something like that hawk on the tail side, too.

    in reply to: We're civilian again…. pg 21 #571422

    Great book list!
    For a really fun read try David Eddings (Pawn of Prophecy, Queen of Sorcery, Magician’s Gambit, Castle of Wizardry, Enchanter’s Endgame)
    Also, I just started Jim Butcher’s Codex Alera series and I’m really enjoying it (very different from Dresden files). Finally, Dragonriders of Pern(Anne McCaffrey) are always good to revisit!

    in reply to: Expensive Scratcher #563960

    but as Phoenix pointed out, someone else was also willing to pay $400 or $404, really.

    in reply to: We're civilian again…. pg 21 #571394

    I am so sorry. I know there’s nothing to be said to make you feel better, but I wish there was. How long is the deployment? 90 days? 6 mo? (Please not a year) I was an airforce brat, and when my dad went on his first long assignment away from home he had to take a bit of leave to come back because mom couldn’t get me to eat. As I got older she said I created imaginary friends who would come to stay whenever he went away. I don’t know how mom dealt with it, or how you or anyone else does either. The most I had to deal with was a week-long absence.

    in reply to: artworks (heavy image spam)novel illustration #562782

    I love the fox! Fantastic work! I admire anyone who can handle water colors! (Colored pencils: can do; water colors, pastels: help!) Thanks for sharing!

    in reply to: Happy Birthday List. #527290

    Dec 16! Sagittarian (fire, yay!) & metal pig!

    in reply to: What's your wish list… #570582

    Mine are also too young to do Mother’s Day, so last year after husband forgot, I told him it’s his job so that the kids grow up doing something for Mother’s Day. This year I told him to get me a new pair of garden clippers (good ones), but a white curlie wouldn’t go amiss!


    I’ve been having to deal with that all night long. My 2 year old hasn’t kept anything down since 7 p.m. yesterday.

    Peg, is your babe sick, or feeling your stress ’cause Dad is leaving? I’m so sorry! What a crappy way to spend Mother’s Day! 😥 Hopefully your 2 yr old will at least be better by then.

    in reply to: Great forum! #569102

    Eek… sorry about the siggies mess up, too funny (though not for dragonessjade, if it’s on your wishlist!)
    Don’t think the curled is a jade… got her in the mall. She’s a touch darker than the mother and kinglet, but not that off.
    On the other side of things, I just got my 2 new curlies (what an appropriate nickname!) and I didn’t know they were so small! I love them! (I read that they were smaller, but I figured, so are the other curled dragons…)… they fit in the palm of your hand! Now I have to order more colors! Grin!

    in reply to: Finished!! #569894

    Love the pale blue on white!

    in reply to: Eeeeek!! She's done!! #570326

    Wow, beautiful! I’m starting to look at the PYOs and it’s making me want to try it, but I don’t know that I could sell it then.

Viewing 15 posts - 946 through 960 (of 972 total)