Forum Replies Created
To the forum!If you have difficulty with posting or any other issues for using the forum, you’ll find most of your answers by simply visiting the FAQ page:
HEREA few words from Jennifer:
Please Read this first! Rules and Conduct the new forum: multiple posts:
It should also apply to Regular Windstone picture postings. If you have several that you would like to share please post it in a single thread/post.VERY IMPORTANT!
FAKES! Email John:
If you see a fake reproduction of a Windstone please email John with the link to that piece. All Windstones Editions and Maya sculptures are copyright and are not to be reproduced in any form by anyone else other then Windstone Editions!
Here is a thread to report what could be a possible fake/counterfeit Windstone:
Windstone Frequently Asked Questions
HEREWindstone Editions Store:
To be on the Out of Stock waiting list, email Susie at:
susie@windstoneeditions.comWindstone Editions Cafepress merchandise: (tees, mugs, and lots more)
HEREThe Windstones Editions eBay auctions:
HEREWindstone Editions Main website:
HEREWindstone Blog:
(please remember that it requires a SEPERATE ACCOUNT from the forum)
HEREWindstone Database:
HEREWindstone Editions Buying guide:
HEREWindstone Packing Tutorial:
HEREPaint-Your-Own Windstone Info:
HEREWindstone Paint Your Own ordering page:
(please remember that it requires a SEPERATE ACCOUNT from the forum)
HEREChoices of eye color and jewels:
HEREWindstone editions sculpture CARE and FAQs:
HEREWindstone Radio Show:
😀 Here is the recording for this past February 5th 2008 radio show with Melody:
Once you are on the page, right click on the link saying “Save this link to your computer” and click ‘saving target as’ then save it on your computer.
Voila you have it saved and you can listen to it anytime you want. 😀Second Radio Show recording Oct 8, 2008
2nd Show Information & Recording follow the same directions as above for the first show. 😉NOTE: Radio Shows are currently ‘retired’ — no more are planned for the future.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You might find the following links to this forum members’ collections interesting:
Members Windstones collections:
Members’ Collection 1Members’ Paint-Your-Own Windstone Gallery:
HEREThere are 2 Paint-Your-Own Windstone tutorials:
Windstone’s PYO painting tutorial by Jennifer MillerPYO painting tutorial by Koishiikitty
A Members’ Repair Tutorial:
Repair Tutorial by Drag0nfeathersOther collections (other than Windstones):
Members’ Other CollectionsPictures of Windstone Collectors: (what we look like)
Pictures of Windstone Collectors 1Pictures of Windstone Collectors 2
If you wish to be part of the birthday list you can post your birthday date at the following link
HERETo view the Birthday list itself go
HEREHope this will facilitate your first navigation to the Windstone’s forum.
Enjoy! 😉
April 9, 2011 at 11:19 pm in reply to: Report Windstone Fakes/Knock offs/Infringment Pls read first #842194Hey guys just a friendly reminder that John’s contact info(email) is on the first page in this thread in the first post besie John’s name written in big red letters. 😉
April 9, 2011 at 9:13 pm in reply to: Report Windstone Fakes/Knock offs/Infringment Pls read first #708408Edit August 15th, 2010: Hey guys I notice that the lots of you don’t mention if you reported it to John by email. Please let me know if you did. If you don’t want to do it yourself please PM me so I’ll do it for you on your behalf. This is important to John and Windstone. We need to know if it was emailed to John. john at windstoneeditions dot com (put an “@” instaid of “at” and a “.” instaid of “dot” and close the gaps)
Thank you 😉
😀 Hi,
I thought it might be a good idea to make one single thread for fakes. Several of you can not find John’s email so by creating this thread if you need to report a fake you can look up John’s email here at the first post and post it at the same time.
I’ll ask Jen if we can make it a sticky. 😉
When you do post a find, please let us know if you did email John or not about it. This way he doesn’t get several emails about the same item.
Thank youFAKES! Email John: john at windstoneeditions dot com
If you see a fake reproduction of a Windstone please email John with the link to that piece. All Windstones Editions and Maya sculptures are copyright and are not to be reproduced in any form by anyone else other then Windstone Editions!
This includes color, form, pose, molds and different mediums like Jewelry, prints….To read more on copyright infrigement , go to:
EDIT: Jennifer here guys. Just to let you know, Windstone has something called a Trade Dress on Windstone products. To put it simply- not only can Windstone protect itself from DIRECT fakes/copies, but anything that is close enough to have the look/style of a Windstone. This does include coloration to an extent too (e.g. a dragon painted with the same exact colors in the same places as a Windstone- EVEN IF the sculpture itself does not look like a Windstone).
To see examples of what I’m talking about, and examples of fakes, see here:
These are good guidelines for determining if it is a fake or not: in doubt, report it! This helps Windstone out immensely.
Okay guys, as a reminder:
Outright Copyright Infringements:
Please email them to John directly if you feel it is an infringement. If you’re not sure feel free to ask us our opinions here, but in the end if no one emails them to John, he might not see them in time. He doesn’t check here often. Please do not report these or write to the seller. John is the only one legally allowed to pursue actual infringements.
Keyword Spamming:
These YOU can help us out and report! 🙂 John does not need to report these, and in reality probably doesn’t have the time to do so himself. These can be reported directly to eBay by going to the page that is Keyword Spamming. On the right side, underneath the block that contains the username, feedback number, Item location, etc… you will see three links. “Share” — “Print” — “Report Item”. Click Report Item. There is a dropdown menu and you will want ‘listing violations (improper keywords..)”. Then there is a second drop down menu, where you can select “Keyword Spamming”. Click submit and you’re done, and have done us and eBay a big favor! 🙂Doing a great job Syn! 🙂
Yes it’s my first time on since the change. I’m using interent explorer.
I’ve refreshed and still noting. I would prefer to continue using internet explorer. Not seing the pics is a real bummer. 🙁😉 Hey guys! I’ve updated the Birthday list and changed the font size and the link to the original “birthday list thread” to post your birth date in. Please do not use this thread to post your date but do it at the following link:
To view the birthday list itself go here:😉 Hey guys! I’ve updated the Birthday list and changed the font size and the link to the original “birthday list thread” (this one) to post your birth date in.
😉 Hey guys! I’ve updated the Birthday list and changed the font size and the link to the original “birthday list thread” to post your birth date in. Please do not use this thread to post your date but do it at the following link:
syn789 wrote:It looks like I have a new job then. I’ll get with you, BDW, to get instructions. 🙂
Pmed you 🙂
syn789 wrote:
I do not use Facebook either; never even been there once. And I do not intend to ever go there. :negative:However I am on the forum every day; so If you want some help posting the auction photos, BDW, let me know.
🙂 Would you? That would be great!
I’m sorry if I was disappointing everyone by not posting them but the internet provider is not something I can control. 🙁
Nor can I change it since my landlady is obligating me to share her bill for it. She decided it’s part of the rent. 🙄kitsunelady wrote:Ditto. Facebook is evil. >.> But I look at ebay on my own every day anyways, so do what’s easiest for you, BDW!
It’s not a question of easier, but it’s my s@#$#$@ internet that is not constant. Driving me nuts! The good thing is that I miss alot of goodies so more money in my pocket…or should I say for bills 🙂
Welcome back Amanda!
Hope you replenish your Windstones 🙂
Here are two stickies that help you find Important links with lots of interesting stuff for all new members: us a little about yourself and your passion for Windstones. 😀
Oh! Almost forgot….Welcome to the Windstoneholics Anonymous…just kidding around!
😮 That is terrible! Did you surpass the recommeded maximum weight on the shelves? I would tell the cabinet company about it. If you know who made them that is. Just a thought.
I hope you can salvage most of them. 🙁 -