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  • in reply to: Hatching dragons #511705

      Yes, I DID save up all my questions for while you’re away!! 😈 Sorry, I can’t help it…I can’t sleep and my mind is running around in circles and thinking of stupid things…


      Will the hatching emperor, empress and kinglet ever get released in any of the colors they’ve missed? Like RUBY and RAINBOW and black gold?? No preference on my part, of course… 😉 This was sort of maybe brought up before by Drag0nfeathers, but I was dissatisfied with the answer so I’m draging it back from the grave. ^_^

      "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
      -J R R Tolkien

      in reply to: Web hosting #511651

        So, Snap, being a complete noob when it comes to websites, what services DO you offer that others don’t, and what kind of price are we talking??

        "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
        -J R R Tolkien

        in reply to: Griffin family #511658

          rockerbot wrote:

          You guys do know that Melody and co are having limited computer time right now, no? XD (Y’know, being away and all, missin’ stuff.)

          I wanna know, though, too. 🙁 I wonder if Nirvanacat is going to come in here smirking like…well, the Cheshire Cat. XD

          Yeah, I know…she’ll have lots of questions to answer when she gets back!! 😈

          "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
          -J R R Tolkien

          in reply to: ARGH! trying to find peacocks… #511609

            SPark wrote:

            Yes, if you’re frustrated about local stores not having Windstones, I highly reccomend going around and recruiting! After three or four tries I finally got one new store to pick up Windstones, which is how I managed to get my Birman Flapcat.

            All I did was mention to the store how much I loved Windstones, and gushed a bit about how much higher quality they are than any other fantasy art out there, and then took down the store’s contact information and sent that to the folks at the factory.

            Believe me, I HAVE tried…There have been about 4 days when I just made the whole day all about looking for potential Windstone dealers. I’ve got a little folder full of flyers and catalogue I made myself to show the various pieces…I gush and gush about how much I love them and want more stores to sell them than the ONE that does…but so far it’s gotten me no where. 🙁 There was even a store that sells garden decore that would have been PERFECT for the rock dragon; they even acted really interested. But no…

            "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
            -J R R Tolkien

            in reply to: Griffin family #511655

              Yes, yet another thread bugging you about the griffin mom and chicks!!
              I just want to ask what your plans are for them on ebay…are you going to do the first ten like you’ve been doing with the golds, or are you going to be putting up limited editions or one of a kinds?? I ask this because I want to know whether to save my monies – griffins are my absolute FAVORITE and I don’t want to miss out on any special ones…I’ve been waiting for the rest of this family since I got my old tan male years and years and years ago. ^_^

              "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
              -J R R Tolkien

              in reply to: Web hosting #511642

                Hey guys!
                I want to set up a website for myself, and I’m looking for recomendations on webhosting. I’m not skilled enough to do anything fancy, I just want somewhere to advertise myself a little and post lots of pictures. The last time I did research on potential hosters, I think I decided on BlueHost. Let me know what you guys think!

                "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                -J R R Tolkien

                in reply to: grandio price increase on new retireds!! #510872

                  I’m pretty sure I got the last rainbow mother dragon from Gradio at $94…they disappeared from the site right after I placed my order, though they are back now. I got her and she’s beautiful! I should have ordered the lap and scratcher in peacock at the same time while they were cheap, but there’s only so much money to be had…

                  "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                  -J R R Tolkien

                  in reply to: Color Variations #511232

                    Well, at this point I think I’ll have to put up with what I can get if I want one at all…nobody has any… ;_;

                    "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                    -J R R Tolkien

                    in reply to: Sam the Eagle (or WOW griff) and a silver Ki-rin #511594

                      drag0nfeathers wrote:

                      SQUEE! The eagle came out AWESOME ARLLA!!! I especially LOVE the silver Ki-Rin!!! Hehe! Now we both have KoiRins! YAY!

                      EDIT: Wow, the more I look at the eagle the more intense he seems! The brown feathers LOOK GREAT! 😯

                      XD Thank yoooo!!

                      "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                      -J R R Tolkien

                      in reply to: Gothic Unicorn on ebay #511202

                        Keplilly wrote:

                        Hey! Just wanted to let people know that btweddingcreations just put up a gothic unicorn on buy it now at $109.99 which is near what the auction on ebay is at right now.


                        I noticed that too…interesting that BT’s WC would have competative pricing for once! That one doesn’t come with it’s box though…
                        These unicorns used to go for around $76 on ebay…not too long ago…I’ll be those days are just gone. 🙁

                        "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                        -J R R Tolkien

                        in reply to: ARGH! trying to find peacocks… #511607

                          DANG!! That means the tinder box won’t be able to get an OW for me then…Thanks for pointing me to that thread, though. ;_;

                          "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                          -J R R Tolkien

                          in reply to: Sam the Eagle (or WOW griff) and a silver Ki-rin #511591

                            ladybrooklyn wrote:

                            LOVE the Ki-Rin!!! Gorgeous color!!! 😀

                            And the Eagle Gryphon… very nice! 😀 I think the lion half might be a bit stark… but it looks good with the white head and redish upper body. 😀

                            VERYnice work! 😀

                            I know, it does look very plain in the pictures! 😕 but there actually is antiquing and shading and stuff in the lion half…it all got blown out.
                            I’m glad you like the kirin!! 😀

                            "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                            -J R R Tolkien

                            in reply to: ARGH! trying to find peacocks… #511603

                              I just spent an hour calling every store on the Windstone dealers list within 120 miles of me to see if they have anything peacock in stock….

                              MORE THAN HALF the stores I called off this list said they don’t carry Windstone anything anymore. Some said they never did.

                              Out of the rest I found 1 place that has a scratcher and a hatching empress, and it’s about an hour and a half away. 🙁 All I want to do is see an old warrior in person!!

                              Also – several of the stores I’ve talked to said that the peacocks are retired (I know) and that they can’t order them anymore (huh??) – is this true?? Last I heard, the factory still had plenty in stock to ship to dealers until they run out…they can’t have run out already??

                              EDIT: Though I have to say I LOVE the Tinderbox here in SD…they’re going to order an OW for me in peacock and if I don’t like it I don’t have to buy it. SWEET! ^_^ At least I hope they can order it – maybe the other stores that said they couldn’t were lying…

                              "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                              -J R R Tolkien

                              in reply to: Sam the Eagle (or WOW griff) and a silver Ki-rin #511589

                                I finished these two a bit ago but was too lazy to get the pictures together until now. For some reason my photobucket site no longer allows me to post actual pictures from it, so I have to post links instead – sorry!

                                Here’s the bald eagle/lion griff – as simple as this color pattern is, I had to go and make it super hard for myself. So there are about 6 separate layers of color on each feather. (except for the white parts, which only have about 3) I did this to get depth and richness of color…I don’t know if it was worth it, but it did work! ;P Sorry about the light parts being blown out…I’m not a good enough photographer to compensate for the bright white bits in the bright sun! The white feathers do have some color layering on them though – they have yellowing tips and a light antiquing.




                                Here’s the ki-rin – there was discussion of “koirins” (tm Vantid??) in other threads. I’ve wanted to do a koi ki-rin for a while, too…Drag0nfeathers did a BEAUTIFUL one (it’s up in her gallery) similar to what I had in mind, so I did a kirin based on another of my koi that I like very much instead. He’s a silver Gin Rin (I think that’s what it’s called – with the shiney scales) and he looks like he’s wearing armour. This ki-rin may not look like a koi, but that’s what he’s inspired from!



                                "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                                -J R R Tolkien

                                in reply to: I really like! #511189

                                  Greater Basilisk wrote:

                                  I think Nirvana wants any army of griffins. 🙂 I like that griff too. Hard to believe it was her first one. And if you look what she’s been selling on E-Bay lately – wow!

                                  Well, that guy that’s in the link wasn’t my first one – my first one was a little black and tan guy. This one I did fairly recently! ;P
                                  And the way things sell on ebay blows me away – people will throw money at anything, I think!! I totally didn’t expect this one to go above $50.

                                  "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                                  -J R R Tolkien

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