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  • in reply to: grandio price increase on new retireds!! #510842

      I don’t like that they suddenly, IMMEDIATELY upped the prices either. Armiks will match the price of any Windstone that is being sold at a regular price. All you have to do is email them a link to the exact item, and they calculate in shipping (if aplicable) and if the competitor’s price is still lower, they will match it.

      They also give you a 10% store credit that is useable 30 days after you make your purchase. I phoned them today 🙂 I was hoping to get a deal if I ordered like 5 pieces at once, but the guy basically told me no, but that if I wanted a price break, buy half now, and half in 30 days. Ah well.

      And I want to say again that I love the folks at Magical Omaha 😀 And they have a Ruby Emperor at $300 if anyone is interested. Free shipping the rest of the year!

      in reply to: Copper PYO Dragon #510719

        WOW! That looks like Windstone quality X_X She’s gorgeous! I wish I could add her to my brown dragon collection. She’s amazing! Do you have an expensive airbrush? I’ve seen them at craft stores for like $25, and obviously I know you wont get such good quality work, but aside from that I know nothing of airbrushing.
        You did a 100% perfect job on Penny

        in reply to: Why collect Windstone? #510605

          Maybe a tiiiny bit contributes to the sparkly and expensive aspect of them. Another part would be something that has been discussed before-they are THE best quality and prettiest dragons out there. If you collect Wolves, you want to have some pretty ones for your collection. If you collect pigs or cows or unicorns or chickens (like my mother) you want to at least have a few nice pieces among the common ones…but if you’re financially ABLE to have a collection of nice things, why not?

          I fell in love at first sight 7 years ago in jr.high and bought my first ones, the original green family (got super lucky on ebay) as a ‘HA! Take that!’ for having no money in jr.high. Then of course, I wanted them all.

          Today I was thinking, “What’s the point of collecting?” Because when I get one, I open it, stare at every inch of it for about half an hour, clear a space for it and start hunting down my next one. I really need to STOP BUYING and start appreciating the ones I have more than I already do, but I feel this frenzy to try and catch up; get the ones I REALLY really…REALLY want like the spectrals, rainbow male and gold lap, but its hard!

          I wish I had a moving story to tell, like ryliecat, but alas; they’re pretty, and I love owning them. And, a bit like Ski says, I like having a limited production item, because I feel like I got something that only ‘Special Privellage’ people got. Anybody can go to the store and buy a Windstone, but the limited production or numbered pieces, you gotta be at the right place at the right time. Not EVERY one out there knows about the Windstone website. To me, that alone is like having a collector’s club.

          Its like eating chocolate…not good for you, but very pleasurable 😀

          I also agree about the friendlyness of Melody’s sculptures.
          All of my 32 Windstones are in my room, and my mother will walk in there, look around, and later, if I’m telling her about a nightmare I had (had lots after my other half left for the Army) she would say, “Im not surprised you have nightmares, sleeping in a room full of dragons!” I always tell her, “But not THESE dragons! They’re nice…see…that one is just itchy :)” I think she still equates dragons=evil.

          in reply to: Other Pena Pieces #510686

            CherylKaufman wrote:

            I have Maya Hill’s candle with the little boya nd his mother but I’m not a huge candle fan. It may be because the candle/sconces 1) cost less and 2) have a functional purpose so people can justify buying it a little easier.

            Cheryl, why am I not surprised you have that one 😉 That’s so sweet ^_^

            Personally my favorites are the Griffins. I have 3 of them and they are all lined up on my night stand. I LOVE LOVE LOVE them. I also share the same amount of love for the flap cats (I now have 2) they are incredibly life like, I can swear I see their eyes move, as they think about flapping away from the tables they’re sitting on.

            But alas, Griffins and flap cats, Wolfen cannot buy from a store, (yet!) so I drool over dragons 🙂

            I am dying to get the Grand and male unicorns though!

            in reply to: were the gold laps a limited thing? #510761

              Ya, I was about to leap on that one, till I saw it was coming from Canada. With shipping and such, it will probably be not much less than buying direct from Windstone.

              in reply to: Ski I got this one just for you #510018

                I could probably shrink it and keep it animated it for you, Ski 🙂

                in reply to: New Griffie: black billed magpie (Better Pictures!) #509344

                  *casually walks by, picks up Maggriff, shoves under coat and keeps walking*

                  What Griffin? I dont see it anywhere…..

                  Ver’a purdy! I know its different birds, but the song, “Sing a song of six pence, baked in a pie…when the pie was opened, the birds began to sing…” pops into my head when I see him

                  in reply to: Gryphon and Ki-Rin… FINISHED! Pics! 11/23 #509049

                    WOW, he’s coming along nicely! The blending looks very smooth, I applaud you ^_^ Man, I wish I had a bunch of PYOs to experiment with. They’re so much fun, non?

                    in reply to: Peacock Dragons Real color? #510393

                      The only peacock dragons I have are the ‘family’ dragons and the Emp. Not any of the “different” ones like the lap, spectral(YET!!) fledgling, scratching, or OW; but these all seem to have a bright, beautiful, turquoise coloring to them. Like this…

                      Is that picture accurate to the lap and fledgling and spectral’s color? I hope so, I like it MILES better than the mother/male/young dragon’s darker colors.

                      in reply to: I guess what I paid wasnt that far off #510360

                        I’ve seen a small handful of white laps….

                        Why do you say ‘it wasn’t that far off’? *is dense*

                        I was watching a peacock sitting spectral dragon, and was hoping to get it for $100 with shipping, and it sold for $150. That’s silly, there’s still plenty of websites where you can buy it MIB for $130. Ah well.

                        I DIDNT POST THIS ABOVE! No one else has access to my computer but me. ugh.

                        in reply to: Re: Stolen Windstone Annoucement by Chessie #510286

                          Vantid! That’s terrible! 😥 I would definatly call the cops and let them know what happened, quietly let them know you’re home alone, maybe they can keep special watch on the house (or the factory if the factory is close to the house)

                          I can’t belive someone would do something like that! I hope they get caught and I hope they get what’s coming to them 👿

                          I got the vibe that the Lion Kirin was very special and personal to Melody, I had a very special and personal painting stolen from school last semester, I cried over it, and it didn’t take near as long as Mel’s statue to complete. *offers hugs*

                          That’s kind of humurous though that you grabbed a peacock OW. If it really had been robbers and you knocked em out, we’d all have another excuse for buying more dragons; “BUT THEY SAVED SOMEONE’S LIFE!” They’d be like beautiful little gaurd dogs you don’t have to feed 🙂

                          I hope they do pawn the stuff off, because that gives all of us a chance to find it. If they keep it or think its worthless (the unfinished statues) they might just destroy them and, well gosh I hope they dont do that! 😥

                          in reply to: Brown Young Dragon for trade/sale #509494

                            Ah, SPark, I’d love to strike up a deal with you, but I cant afford her so soon. I’m trying to get the last rainbows and peacocks I need (not to mention Holiday gifts!)

                            in reply to: TRADE: One Russet Curl for One Mint Young Brown #510049

                              I think it will be nearly impossible to find a brown anything with original box. Nobody kept those back then because there were so few hardcore collectors. I’d be surprised if DM even has the orignal box. And too, sometimes stores throw them away after they put them on display. I wouldn’t hold your breath 😕

                              in reply to: WTB Russet Curled Flame… #510072

                                TILL 8am? From what time? Yes, that is not only love, but devotion! Loyalty!

                                in reply to: What did he do? #510024

                                  Such a pity…and so YOUNG too. He was probably born into captivity

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