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  • in reply to: Griffin family #511688

      Which ones do we want first? I’d choose the dark stripey brown griff OR blue eyed pearl. Very happy with either.

      Or the bronze sunset new color which I know you are going to make 😉 *nudge nudge*

      in reply to: Hatching dragons #511717

        Nambroth wrote:

        I think a lot of the choice on what gets produced in what colors is based on sales and what moves the best for Windstone, especially though general retail. Or, it could be totally random! I’m not sure. 😀

        Which is why the family in Peacock is selling out so fast! They’re cheaper than the OW, Scratchers, etc.
        But I’d love to see hatchers, scratchers, laps and Old Warriors in Rainbow. ESPECIALLY the OW. WOW what I’d do for a Rainbow OW.
        I’d love to see a black and gold Sun Dragon too (not necessarily the black gold sunset they have now, but literally black and gold) although the “black gold sunset” would look nice too.

        And a Ruby Sitting Spectral! I’m so in love with the riser, he needs a friend he can relate to 😉

        in reply to: Custom PYO in Exchancge for Windstone Gargoyles #512118

          Would you trade a Hyena Gargoyle for a copy of that Fire Kirin we’ve talked about? 😀 I don’t have one on hand, but I could order it for you after Christmas and have it shipped to your house, if you’d be interested 🙂

          in reply to: Peacock & Rainbows #512015

            what about the peacock laps and sitting spectrals? Or hatching empresses?

            EDIT!!I just ordered a Rainbow male and peacock hatching empress from Imperial Weapons, and the guy says he thinks I got the last two from Windstone and even added I should send payment soon because he didn’t know how long he could hold the male Rainbow. I don’t know if that was a marketing tactic “Yea, you got the LAST ones!” in hopes that my fear will drive me to buy the rest of the line in Rainnbow (I wish I could, it worked!) or he was telling the truth. His name is Clyde and he was very helpful. He (I think) called Windstone immediately and called me back within 3-5 minutes to let me know that he could indeed fill my order.

            in reply to: Show off your Spectrals! #512253

              I want to see pictures of everyone’s pretty Spectrals! I don’t remember seeing more than the Ruby Riser in the collection photos. I got my first one the other day (also the Ruby Riser) and he is the prettiest one I’ve seen! I can’t stop staring at him! I’ll try to get photos sometime during Tuesday.

              in reply to: Griffin family #511672

                LOL wow…well if she and the clevage didn’t bring us poads, maybe she at LEAST snagged herself a Secret Keeper in there 😉 TEE HEEE HEEE

                in reply to: Give me your tired, your poor, your damaged Windstones… #512137

                  Ya, I would have convienantly snatched it when no one was looking. After all, it is “trash” to them!

                  Yes, damage is okay with me as long as I know the story. I got 2 green males, a green mother and hatchling off ebay, and they were chipped in small places because they were thrown from the mantle in the (if I remember correctly) San Francisco Earthquake of 1983. I traded one of the male dragons away to someone here, and it was hard to let him go, even though I had two, just because I knew his story. There’s a mother dragon on Ebay and the seller calls her “Delilah” and talks about her as if she’s a pet. I’m tempted to bid so bad…I need the mother, and I’d love to get her from someone who loved her so much. I’d keep her same name too 🙂 But unfortunatly, I still need the family in Rainbow, and a few peacocks. 🙁

                  in reply to: The dinner report (aka. gossip from Melody) #511898

                    vantid wrote:

                    Man, they love hearing about the furry fandom. We’ve had several people from the fandom over for dinner, from furry lifestylers to furry fans and of course furry artists (like Kenket, Thornwolf, and Goldenwolf), and each person has a different story to tell about what it is and why they are it.

                    I think that would be THE ULTIMATE….dinner with Melody and Chessie and Vantid and anyone else there.
                    I’d kinda like to meet…..the husband/dad (does he have a name? ❓ :shock:) I don’t recall knowing anything about him, other than he exists. Although I’d be too excited to eat. I’d just sit there, grinning like a fool, listening LOL One day I’ll make it out of Texas, and hopefully it will include a stop in Hollywood to visit the factory.

                    You know, I had a dream (no joke) that the green fledge was made to be, and there was a picture posted on the website and he was immediately avaliable for sale, like Melody didn’t say anything about him at all until he was ready for sale. And in the dream, my first thought was “Ohhhh boy. Wait till DM sees this!” ^.^

                    in reply to: Save the Date #511733

                      Arlla wrote:

                      I’m getting married. In a matter of months. I’d swear I’d be more excited if I’d slept yesterday (truly, tho – I’m marrying the man of my dreams) but right now I’m thinking of the save the date cards I need to send out yesterday…

                      Anyone know of any nice fantasy or maybe dragon oriented save the date cards? Any of the fantastic proffesional artists connected to Windstone do anything like that maybe? Ha, in my dreams…

                      Nambroth wrote:

                      If you need any help with a design, feel free to give me a shout. Congrats!

                      Well hey, looks like you ARE dreaming! Nam offered her services, AND you’re marrying dream man!
                      That’s so exciting! I’m happy for you both ^.^

                      in reply to: The dinner report (aka. gossip from Melody) #511891

                        Yes, Arlla, as I was reading, I was wondering that too. Did you actually go to the factory, or catch up with them in OR?

                        in reply to: Peacock & Rainbows #512009

                          Greater Basilisk wrote:

                          I’ve got to ask now. What is lay-away?

                          Lay-away is when a store sets something aside for you, and you pay them a downpayment up front, usually 10% or 20% of the cost of the item, and you’re allowed to pay on it as long as it takes to pay the item off.

                          Some stores limit your time to 6 months or a year, or ask that you pay even a little bit each month.
                          It works great for larger purchases/items if you don’t have money (like for Emperor dragons!) or if you just want to secure a hold on something and come back in a week or so with more money.

                          in reply to: Hatching dragons #511709

                            and *COUGH* GOLD! Don’t forget GOLD! I know the hatching Empress has been done in gold LEAF….but I prefer the hatching Emperors anyhow, so I’d be happy with a hatching gold Emperor, and kinglet

                            I wanted to ask as well, since it seems the new color will be the HEP, does that mean we’ll see an OW in that HEP as well? I’d love to own one of those.
                            Or what about Old Warriors in gold paint? There have only been gold leafed dragons released. *big sad puppy eyes*

                            Although now I’m having second thoughts about the BEP OW. If we’re going to see the Hybrids actually released, that looks a lot like the BEP. I might have to go for the BVP OW

                            in reply to: Peacock & Rainbows #512006

                              Hehe-if you take lay-a-way, I’ll order several pieces from you!
                              Mwahha! You know where I live! Pretty Pwease?

                              in reply to: ARGH! trying to find peacocks… #511610

                                Its sometimes hard to find a place that looks like they would even think about carrying them. There aren’t really any “hippie” stores around here.

                                But! If anyone wants a mother dragon, I saw a *GORGEOUS* NOT dusty, NOT washed out, bright, amazing peacock mother dragon. I already have her, so I don’t remember the price, but the store’s prices on the few other Windstones they had were fair, so she was probably about $100. …if anyone is interested 🙂
                                She is so pretty, I was really considering selling mine and buying that one.

                                in reply to: Ebay Q #511241

                                  Well maybe ‘scam’ wasn’t the appropriate word, but I remember when you could list anything on eBay for $2.00 and that was it, back in the day. I mean, even with that, that’s somewhere way above and beyond $200,000 per DAY, probably. I think that would be plenty money for them to get their cut, but charging you on how high you want to start your bid? That’s ridiculous. And charging again if your $0.99 item goes up to $999-greedy. If I’m wrong on anything, let me know, but that’s how I understand it works.

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