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  • in reply to: Deformed ACEO #523754

    Oh, I’m glad! :3

    I guess I could add that it’s for sale on Ebay…

    in reply to: New Magnet – Peacock Phoenix ๐Ÿ™‚ #523468

    The epxression makes me grin. KERPOP

    in reply to: Copperplate Gryphon Auction #520820


    in reply to: Deformed ACEO #523752

    I have a bad habit of miscutting the ACEO cards once I finish them. This one, I forgot that ots 3.5 inches, not 3 inches, so the dimensions are 3 by 2.5. I wondered why it looked so funny and my composition got all funny!

    The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep.

    ~Robert Frost

    in reply to: Okami Okami Okami #523562

    I didn’t want to keep pulling the thread off topic (um, what topic? Heehee!) so I thought I’d make another one here! ๐Ÿ˜€


    OH! Here’s a trick with demon fangs!!! On the loading screen that is blank, but paws randomly appear if you hit the X button, Keep hitting it as fast as you can and you can get demon fangs that way! I was really bored and figured that one out!

    Oh! fishing! I love fishing, but I get so aggrivated with it sometimes Some of the big fish take FOREVER!!! LOL! I love the Koi fish =)

    You have Okami Fanart??? Where???

    I have another way of getting demon fangs, too, but I won’t give it away. ;D But now I will have to try that way too! Giffin told me about the pressing X thing, and I was just doing it for the heckuvit.

    There are koi?! Really??? I haven’t caught one yet, I get so cranky at the fish that are RIGHT THERE and get away. When they are finally free of the water and you cut them, do some of them take more than 1 cut for you or do I just suck at slashing them?

    And a really mooshy digital fanart, it’s kinda stiff, but it was fun.

    I keep finding more and more about this game, apparently there is a lot of really awesome stuff even after you beat the game and beyond! [/img]

    in reply to: What's your typical day like? #522770

    Re: Okami blatherings

    I haven’t rescued any cat god yet! Nor am I ready to fight the Water Dragon, I am roaming around myself trying to find more stuff to do. like fishing and collecting demon fangs. ๐Ÿ˜€

    I made some fan art, I love it so much. :E

    in reply to: What's your typical day like? #522740

    Okami is AWESOME. I have something like 25 or 26 hours logged, but that’s since it got released a few months ago. I’m saving my money for that last special move…what is it, Brown Rage?

    in reply to: Besides the Secret Keeper…. #521963

    I was sick the day that photo was taken! It was at the Windstone Holiday Party, I am not in it. And I have short hair, DM you saw me with short hair! I cut it in August. ๐Ÿ˜›

    Anyway, some names. Melody is down there holding a beaded dragon, dunno the name of the dude on the left, he works in casting. Going to the right of Melody is Chessie, Griffin, and Nuy. Nuy is teh guy who packs up all your windstones so carefully for shipping, and then Karen. Yay for Karen! The dude at the very top above Karen is Jeff and he is the General Manager of Windstone. I dunno the ded on the left of Karen, he is another caster. The lady on the left…uh, again, I don’t know her name but she does the BEST gold detailing. Lance is next to her, he works on Alberti design stuff. Then Maria, she does lots of stuff like painting and eye gluing and more I am sure that I don’t know. The Husband, or John, is on her left, then someone I don’t know, then Olimpia, our head painter and very nice lady. She is the one who designed the white dragons you love so much. Susie, who is John’s sister and other favorite office lady, on the left, and the rest of those ladies, I do not know. :< The last guy in there is Charlie. He also does machine and metal working for Alberti Design things.

    I look like this. :}

    You have to guess which one I am.

    in reply to: Plans for New Years, Anyone? #521868

    I went to sleep around 10:30 after a dinner of hamburgers, woke up to the sound of “5! 4! 3! 2! 1! and dozed off again during all the noise.

    I’m not a big New Years celebrator…except I get to put up my new calander! Yay Wish You Were Here! Doggies!

    in reply to: Tournament of Roses parade #522283

    I may have, but I didn’t have a good idea of what he looks like so i wouldn’t have known him if I’d seen him!

    I am no pop culture whiz at all, I tell ya.

    in reply to: Tournament of Roses parade #522280

    I’m so out of touch and uncultured sometimes. XD

    My friend asked if I wanted to camp out with a mutual friend of ours to see the Rose Parade. I was grumpy about it because we had planned on camping in the Angeles National forest for New Years, away from the city and then this came up! He said that since our mutual friend works for a store that is right on the parade route (Dino’s Computers) he was allowed to bring his RV into the parking lot and stay there for free and it would be a private party with free food and BYOB.

    I agreed, grudgingly. I didn’t see the point of seeing a bunch of stupid cheerleaders and loud brassy marching bands blare by, and I didn’t think he was the type to want to see it either.

    Then as we were driving into Pasadena New Year’s Eve, I noticed all the people lined up in the streets, camping out on the sidewalks…and I started to wonder…

    “Hey, is thing a big deal?”
    “Is it like, a worldwide thing?”
    “…yeah…Don’t you know what the Rose Parade is?”
    “No…well, yeah, it’s a football parade, right?”
    “Well, that’s what it’s supposed to be about. There are floats made of flowers…”

    I stopped being a surly curmudgeon after that. ๐Ÿ˜›

    So I had front row seats and what a neat theme! The Giant Mother Nature at the head of the parade was amazing! And there were hummingbirds and there was even a bird of paradise that made me squee! And the dragons rocked hard core. And when the Star wars stuff came by, I wanted to pee because I thought it was so frickin cool. 200 stormtroopers make a lot of racket. The Imperial marching band was impressive too.

    And the llamas. And the pretty horses. Oh it was wonderful.

    But not so wonderful I’d want to camp there again to see it. Gimme National Forest quiet anyday.

    in reply to: Just how white is white? #521187

    Ah Frozen, that;s such a locely pic. I hope we get around to making a sitting spectral in white so you can add to it..

    in reply to: We broke the record!! #521272

    skigod377 wrote:

    YAY! I am not an odd ball!

    No, you’re still an oddball. :3

    in reply to: New member hello #521202

    Hiya hiya HOI! Welcome to the boards, have fun and make merry!

    in reply to: We broke the record!! #521270

    Me and Chessie noticed too!

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