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  • in reply to: Peacock Emperor for Sale on Web site #517429

      emerald!!!!! can i have the peacock emperor?! i forgot i needed to contact u about that! i wasn’t sure how to do that, as i am back home with dial up and it is tooo slow to browse thru all the pages finding the ‘instructions!. i would like to do layaway if that’s ok, i know you said u email an invoice to get started…. email me at and i can pay do the initial payment with paypal.thanks so much! i will on be later today- late afternoon, but not really til then (except before we leave here in a couple hours) as we are driving back to r.i. thanks so much!! talk soon! tiffany

      in reply to: Im curious what was your best and worst Windstone buy? #509232

        right i assumed all was fine too til i saw that name start bidding on everything half a day or so before the auctions ended. i imagine they knew they wouldn’t get a whole lot on them being a new seller and at least wanted to get their ideal minimum without using a reserve. i will be curious to see if we all get second chance offers or if they relist!! i watch alot of pieces on there just for fun to see what stuff goes for and who bids, but i never saw that person come up on any auctions for the gargoyles, which i have been trying to win myself.ebayland is a big place though. long as you are happy with the price you paid for the item and you do actually get it then its not all bad, other than feeling like you may have been had a little. hopefully that isn’t so though.

        in reply to: Im curious what was your best and worst Windstone buy? #509230

          p.s. that mysterious bidders name was arlene1265

          in reply to: Im curious what was your best and worst Windstone buy? #509229

            i was watching those auctions too, i wanted a couple of her gargoyles. anyone notice that a mysterious bidder with no feedback bid on almost all, if not all of those auctions, including yours Ski, driving the prices up? it looked very fishy to me, so i stepped off after bidding conservatively on the sentinel. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, lol. seems wierd to me that someone who never ebayed before would bid on all of those at once, lol. bit of a long shot you know? but hey you got a great deal, so that’s what counts when u want something, long as you don’t get taken and it does arrive, etc. i would have bid more, but i didn’t want to give my money to someone who was maybe being sketchy/untrustworthy. it just looked wierd to me.

            in reply to: new colors #515747

              arlla, i’m so jealous you got to see the new color, no place near here would ever get them!! i wish i could see!!! was the finish shinier too? some pieces i have look matte in places ,where others are higher gloss, like the fledglings’ back, etc.
              i have a situation i would love your input on. i stopped by a shop that had a peacock old warrior and his color was good, nice n rich and the shop keeper said i could have him for 175 if i bought him before new years, when he would raise the price, due to it being retired. however, i was really looking to get him in the emp.pea and/or the new purpley gold, but 175 is a good price especially seeing it in person and knowing it looks good. i’m torn!! i would assume the new colors for the ows would be around 230 as melody indicated they were inching prices up and thats how much the ruby is on the buy direct page. anyhoo, i was wondering if you thought the new color was so awesome that it would be better to wait for the ow in it( i love how the prototype of him looks), as opposed to getting him in peacock for a good price? i just want to budget myself here, as ~200 bucks is alot for me right now.. of course i could buy the peacock and then just ebay him, considering one just went on there for 250 (yesterday i think) and the one i saw in the shop was MUCH nicer!! what do you think? of course it is all relative to ones taste in colors…..but i’d love your input!! 🙂

              in reply to: grandio price increase on new retireds!! #510858

                ski!! i have a couple pieces like that too! you got fletcher from cam auctions right? i got bear butt and bear feet from him. both had price stickers(46 and 56 bucks) and smelled of incense. he too took a while to ship to me, posting a week and a half after i paid. i asked for a combined shipping rate but had no reply. one of them- bear butt -arrived broken as well. he packed that piece in particular in a rather flimsy box with only a piece of paper wrapping the piece and a chunk of cardboard to fill the gap where his head sloped down. he rattled n rolled the whole way here, the box was punctured in three places, breaking off his right front leg, crushing the votive dish on his back and his nose! yow! i emailed him calmly stated what happened and that i didn’t want to return him or expect a refund, but just keep him and repair him, but told him to please pack more carefully for other customers in the future, especially windstones cuz they’re so heavy. no response or apology from him. ah well, i am grateful to have the pieces, they’re so cute! the way he sold those almost looked like he got them from a shop that went out of business, like 50 % off sale and he snatched em all to sell on here. someone got the owl bookend from him for 16 bucks!! i was going to bid but i forgot when the auction ended cuz it was my birthday that day- i was so mad for days!!!!

                in reply to: Wow..the warrior! #510118

                  yes, he is a handsome fella, congradulations!! i want one too! i saw my first warrior myself this weekend and i too was shocked with how big he really is. he was a peacock as well, but boy was he washed out color wise, not a luminous,deep peacock like yours! i’m sure some of it was due to your flash etc, but boy he was SO dull in the store, with LOTS of that dull dusty grape, which got almost pinky in tone in places, he looked either cold or a little drunk with his pinkish nose! lol! he wasn’t an old one per the shop keeper, she said he got him in june, and he was kept up high on a shelf the whole time. weird, but hey that’s part of what makes them special, each one is different. yours is absolutely awesome though!!lucky you!!!

                  in reply to: grandio price increase on new retireds!! #510855

                    my goodness what a mess i’ve made! i should go back where i came from, lol. ok, my most sincere apologies to nambroth and the windstone crew, i DEFINITELY agree that you don’t need any sketchy statements in regards to businesses on a business site here, i am very sorry for that, it was a BIG blip in a state of judgement impairing genuine exhaustion on my end. that was a mistatement (in the air of that famous south park catch phrase that i will not repeat to not speak obscenely again) that can have quite the unintended implications and it won’t happen again. again, i have dealt with grandio in the past and they are a good company and never had any issues. please accept my groveling apology and thank you cheryl for attempting to defend me. 🙂 i’m a nice person (so i’ve been told) and i don’t mean any harm.pleeeeeeease!
                    also, i apologize about mentioning the ebay option to a store seller, although i thought i have seen sellers in the past that both had a shop and sold on ebay with the windstones, like that guy who had all the white dragons and said he’d pull em for a live person sale or something or other. for gosh sakes don’t quote me on that, but i know some peeps stated the wondered how he was to operate that legitly on ebay once bidders were involved. anyhoo, they had a total of 5 pieces, weren’t necessarily going to get any more at all since they didn’t really sell well there and the woman i spoke with didn’t even know how to use a computer, so the chance of them ebaying anything was HIGHLY unlikely. they expressed more of an interest in simply putting up signage to promote the retiredness of the pieces, and change the price lower or higher depending. nothing much to worry about, with that shop, but i can certainly see the concern and need to protect yourselves in the big picture from shop keepers who could abuse their buying power with you. i think that’s it, thank you. 🙂

                    in reply to: grandio price increase on new retireds!! #510847

                      well spark ,i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to offend anyone, i was merely upset for the sake of people on here saying their strapped for cash, yet still wanted to get some these pieces before they ran out is all. i didn’t want anyone to miss out ,and yes of course they can elsewhere, as i did, to get what they want.i always bought with grandio and they have been good to deal with, i was bummed cuz i hoped to buy again with them.not to mention before i wrote that i had a crazy day at work and i was still fired up ..but still all was uttered in the tone of “D’OH!!!” ,not venomously. i’m an easy person if you knew me in person. 🙂 type can be interpreted many ways, so i will watch it next time. of course yes, you can ask whatever you like for ones you hope to sell, true everyone needs money, and noone is twisting anyone elses’s arm to pay anything. after all, an items’ true value is how much it is worth to you, not whats on the price tag.plenty of times i would have paid double or more for something( but didn’t have to), just since i liked it so much and wanted to have it. its all good ,i just wanted to let peeps know so they can make plans. 🙂

                      on a lighter note, you are surely blessed to have a shop that actually carries any windstones at all, let alone a huge collection- what a gift!!!! nothing is more luxurious than picking exactly the one you want to get the perfect paintjob!! like picking the best fledgling out of all their fledglings! what a treat! the shops in my region only carry a token piece or two, which they have had a year or more without selling, has damage and won’t get more til you buy what they have, lol.but hey, that have to make their money back.
                      perhaps getting back in your good books, i did notify my two local shops of their retireds and their possible increase in value, as they were totally unaware and that they had some options available.. i suggested if they had the time they could ebay them, so they could recover their money / get a little extra, AND at the same time get room in their shop for some of the new colors.they were very greatful for the info, as it has been tough business, and i was happy cuz she let me hold the WARRIOR he IS huge! i had never seen one in person and like said on the other thread he is cat size! that is one HOT piece of dragon!! wow! he is fabulous, so much larger than the mother and male dragon they had!! now, i want one!!!!

                      in reply to: grandio price increase on new retireds!! #510834

                        very true, i was actually expecting that to happen right away, like how astral posted they are retired, you think they would have increased then. just like you said, they are worth more now, so they’re thinking, “why not?”

                        in reply to: grandio price increase on new retireds!! #510833

                          price update….. ok here goes…..what sickos….male peacock 125…..male rainbow 132.25 young rainbow dragon 83.95!! peacock scratcher 166 , empress 77 ,lap 165.60 fledgling 77 ,mother peacock 115 what bastards! there you go, strain those brains and wallets!! sorry folks!

                          in reply to: grandio price increase on new retireds!! #510831

                            hey there all! if it wasn’t mentioned already elsewhere, i wanted to spread the word that has increased their prices on some of the newly retired pieces!! the horror and panic!! for example, i went there tonight to order my rainbow fledgling, only to find they increased the price on him from 64 to 77 bucks!! the nerve! i believe they increased the price on the male peacock to 115 , on others too i’m sure. i didn’t check too closely to see everyone’s prices, as i am very tired tonight, but it is a sure sign of something ugly coming, especially close to xmas when wallets are tight!! we don’t need anymore drama!! so, in conclusion, run not walk to astral or bella and get who you need for your collection before they catch on, get greedy and spike prices too!! thats both for your own wallet and principle too! thanks and good luck, tfsculptures

                            in reply to: PYO WOLVES ARE UP! #509929

                              p.s. i did want to post something interested parties could look into.. and i know it belongs elsewhere, but i’m lazy tonight, so its a link for the peacock mouse wizard for 29.95. weird!! hope the link works, if not, go to the website, go to mouse themes/collectibles and then handcrafteds. the site looks recent and what a great price! i might be a blip on their end, i didn’t inquire as i wasn’t sure if one should just go and purchase one, or call ahead of time and talk to customer service.i didn’t want to speak verbally to someone and have em realize the mistake and correct it and miss out you know? just thought i’d spill the beans, if any of you wanted to look into it. 🙂

                              in reply to: PYO WOLVES ARE UP! #509927

                                ouch!! well, i wasn’t looking to put anything i said as law, simply that it worked for me and others i know and it was something folks could look into. i DO agree dick blick has a great site!! i go back and forth between them and pearl. its good if the have to drive a ways to get to your “local” (depending what you consider local,per your region, local for me in n.y. was 40 minutes) place and spend gas. i don’t recall ever seeing a school GOUGE their students, but maybe i didn’t try any tinies in my recent memory. in boston there were at least 4 art schools within walking distance of each other and each had extensive collections of all items, not just for the classes, in addition/competiton to all the art stores about. they could easily send the kids elsewhere with all the stores,and save themselves alot of trouble, but they stocked stuff anyway. i know that was an exceptional situation though, and i would assume that a small community college in a rural area would potentially stick it to you in their school store. when i lived in boodocks n.y. it was still the same though, still reasonable most places, but you have use your brain and shop around. Charette is an evil art store, super duper ultra high, plus u had to PAY to get a club card to get the items at the price all the other stores around sold them at, lol! my god! what a joke they are! so i do agree that there are so “real” art stores that can stick it to you severely! not trying to upset/mislead anyone here, just trying to help and spread some good luck.

                                in reply to: PYO WOLVES ARE UP! #509925

                                  ok kids, her’s a slammin’ link for you if u are in the boondocks and need paint, or just in general …. pearl paint is the only way to shop for alot of stuff, i was a regular at their physical store in cambridge when i lived/went to school in boston, awesome awesome company!! .check out their golden interference paints- oodles of em and cheap . ooh i might get some myself now… uh oh! lol! i personsally consider michaels to be a criminal institution, their prices are sooooooooo high is awful. a GOOD, REAL art store will be reasonable, because they know their customers know how much the products are worth. another secret is if you have a college nearby that has a school of art in it, try to shop in their school store, they have good prices to be kind to the kids! 🙂 i go into providence and shop at the R.I.S.D. school store and save a bundle; the school sucks but their shop is great! lol! a jumbo tube of liquitex paint was 3.00~ there and $9-11 at michaels for example! try it where u are!! you’ll love pearl paint though go have fun and not get screwed by michaels!

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