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  • in reply to: Wanting Feedback on my PYO's #549215

      well, you need variety. this i’m sure is a welcome break from horseys as repeatedly painting the same thing ( no matter how much you like the piece) will make you nutty and seek change. you need to break up the monotony! but i’m sure you’ll find you’ll miss them before too too long, especially if you make good money your horses. the pyo windstones fluctuate alot sellling price wise and (at least i think) there were at least a few that sadly didn’t even sell at the starting price, or just for the starting price, or a hair over. 🙁 for all that time and heart spent..nothing, or break even for materials. oy, its tough cuz so many great new factory/limited pieces are coming out, peeps want those too, but its an expensive time of year, people have to really pick and choose what they can afford and what has to be let go, even if its a deal- myself definitely included!!

      in reply to: Wanting Feedback on my PYO's #549213

        i always roll on the floor when i hear peeps say ” oh, i just painted it up in an hour or two, ya know.” i go crazy when i hear people so casual and free! if only it was that simple! i labor on mine for at least a week, usually two, with countless hours involved… mulling over every little detail, making sure everything perfect, clean, with no out of place anything. ack! makes ya crazy, with buggy tired eyes, but that’s what happens when you are into the details and in it for your own personal satisfaction! your pleasure is your torture!! lol! 😯

        in reply to: You Guys Are A Bad Influence… #549571

          ok sounds good. i figured you wanted a mint one. i have so many scratch n dents, i don’t mind anymore. my biggest concern is the scratch n dent one getting shipped safely.. hmmm . i’ll see what i do, i have a lot to pay on right now, but my new uni gargoyle feels a little lonely being the newbie gargoyle on the block…another newbie might make him feel less alone… 😈 i will be sure not to interfere though, plus i’m sure you have more $$ to throw around than me anyway right now. lol. hope you get that mint one…. i ‘m sure you will!!mwuah hah! yeah long wait indeed!

          in reply to: You Guys Are A Bad Influence… #549569

            i thought you were bidding on the other one.. the first one listed… i’d like to bid on one, since there are two up, but i don’t want to take yours. whats da scoop?

            in reply to: Was it this week the chicks were supposed to hatch? #546487

              good for you frozen, you paid less than i did.. i got a ruby baby oriental over the weekend and it arrived with its tail shattered! ack! what a kick in the pants!! i glued it back together for the most part but i need to request some touch up paint. what a freekin shame! hope yours arrives intact ,unlike mine!!!!

              in reply to: Windstone store #548181

                wow who did you talk to? who did i talk to?! i just called there and the guy i got told me everything sold last week! i said even the dragon gargoyle…even the uni gargoyle?! yes, he said all gone! what gives?! i did i get a lying worm?!

                in reply to: Kinglet wanted #548219

                  well, i actually just got two… one peacock, perfect shape minus a tiny bit of felt wear, an one emerald/potentially jade; he has a couple of chips i need to repair……i was going to ebay them though most likely as they are rare and valuable, the peacock one the past couple times sold for $300+ on ebay. i’m not sure how up you are on the prices they go for….though i may take an offer close to ebay prices… not sure though.. my dad actually bought them so i can’t take trades as he wants the money back that he spent on em from me! lol!

                  in reply to: Windstone store #548179

                    ha! all that stuff is sold! i just called wanting the dragon gargoyle and it all sold except for two wizards the guy said, one in peacock one in white. POOP!well, anyone thinking that they wanted any of that its all bought n gone! lol! fella said it all sold last week, hmmmmmmmm.


                      well i think more than anything it would help to reduce all those loose feathers around the house, due to the non shedding quality of the poodle.we all know how those feathers like to get everywhere!

                      in reply to: Male 'Sun Griffin' #547057

                        oh my god he is absolutely gorgeous! wow! 😯 i am officially in shock over here! good for you! he looks sooooooooo alive! eeeeeeeeeeeeee! i am so happy for you, you must be thrilled with how great he looks! what a life filled face and the way you flash those feathers is incredible! oooooooooh you made my day with him! 😀

                        in reply to: Are GOLD OLD WARRIORS in the works? #543958

                          ohhhhhhhhhhh i want a surprise goodie too! wahhh!

                          in reply to: decoart paint pen #546692

                            wow!!!! ouch THAT was my worry RIGHT there! ok, i recently decided i want a ruby ow cuz i love the ruby, like i said my scratcher was pure perfection.i was hunting around for a ow in shops to get a better deal, but then i thought better of it, saying to myself i know this color varies ALOT, from a pinky red to deep blood red. i figured i would have the best shot at getting a deep colored one with no matte spots from the factory directly and pay more to assure that, but boy i would hate to pay big $$ and still have him be gritty!! eep! they are good peeps though, i’m sure i could specify a good shiny one or maybe return it if it was super duper gritty. thank you for raising the flag on that! its a big investment so i want to be sure of what i’m doing!!!

                            in reply to: New addition to collection and more windstones found #546757

                              bt , i highly recommend putting up a scratch n deat bargain basement! it sounds like you get enough damaged stuff yet there are plenty of peeps that would happily take a damaged piece, either to leave as be, or to try to repair. that way you can unload damaged stuff and still get some money back on it and people that otherwise probably wouldn’t do business with you- due to limited budget-would now buy up your junk! sounds good to me! i’d buy your junk! lol!

                              in reply to: now how cool is this shirt?! #546993

                                check this out! an anthro wolfy! soo cute n purdy! pretty different than the typical native american/wildlife cheeseball shirt, and it evens comes in a girl wearable medium! nifty! just thought i’d share!
                                i wish they showed a close up, but its still kinda neat!

                                in reply to: What kind of flap cats? #546943

                                  i too love the cat with the closed eyes! so peaceful! the wings are extra excellent on this one too, like swan wings- incredible rendering and soooo alive! eeee!

                                Viewing 15 posts - 586 through 600 (of 783 total)