Forum Replies Created
I have –
Peacock –
Sitting Spectral
Oriental dragonEmerald peacock –
Male dragonEmerald –
Mother dragon
Oriental Sun dragonRed Fire –
Lap dragonRuby –
Mother dragonGold –
EmperorRainbow –
Scratching dragonAmethyst –
Fledgling dragon
Curled mother dragonSerpentine –
Curly dragonSand –
Fledgling dragonCopper Lilac –
Lap dragonWolf Griffins –
Sitting chick
Crouching chickBrown and Tan Griffins –
Sitting chick
Crouching chickBrown and White Kirins –
Baby27 Windstones and I love every single one of them!
Congratulations! So now you get to play with fiddly re-padding jobs! If you were in Melbourne Australia, I’d bring my flutes to you for an overhaul. They need doing……
Congrats on your engagement too. How exciting!
I’m so sorry for your loss, Setsuna! I’m sure he is in a happy place now and watching over you. You gave him a wonderful life with lots of love! *hugs*
Hehe, Wolfen, your post made me LOL! Kittehs can see a suitable hoomin from a mile off! I bet they saw you and thought ‘perfect, she’ll take me in! And you know you’re in trouble when your mum uses your full name! 😀
I think I just overdosed on cuteness with the newborn kitty and the head scratch loving bird! SQUEE!!!
Wow! I didn’t know the differences were that big! Looking at Wampus’s dragons, I think my fairly new emerald peacock male is in between these two, definetly not as squinty eyed as Mr Grumpypants :D, but not as open eyed as the brown. The difference is not as big with Wolfen’s brown and rainbow, but that green is on the extreme end of the scale there! Thanks for sharing everyone!
Yes, we have examined the reasons for John’s want of kids. That was one of the things we examined in the marriage councelling. As I have made the decision, I will love whatever child comes along, and I am detirmined to raise them properly, just like my parents have done with me. It’s just not the choice I would have made if the kids issue wasn’t so important to him. I am becoming a little less against the idea because I have been examining it for a while now, and because it is *so, so* important to him, I will do it. Surrogacy isn’t an option as it is banned here, and adoption is so damn difficult in this country that very few people are successful. I do not want to have to deal with the ‘system’ over here anyway and have my life poked into and told what to do. I’ll grow my own! 🙂
Personally I do think people need to take more responsibility for their own failures in life. If your parents haven’t done anything drastically wrong and they have your best interests at heart, well, they were trying to do the best they could. I would be angry if our child came to John and I and blamed us for everything when we have done the best for them that we could. We are not perfect. When they are an adult, well they need to start working on themselves. My dad’s mum, told him his entire life that he wasn’t as good as his brother, and never really loved him. So dad always was trying to compete and needed a ‘mother’ really. It ended up wrecking my parents marriage. That is something I blame his parents for (as does he), but not when they simply did all they could.
Like you, I see people my own age and younger blame their failings on everyone but themselves. Yes this is due to how they are raised; moreso in the discipline department. I see this as a teacher all the time. The kids never have to take responsibility for anything (I’m talking age appropraite things), and if they are lazy or deliberately play up, it is always someone else’s fault, never theirs. So of course they will blame parents. That scapegoat is always there.
(The most extreme example of this I dealt with shows what I’m trying to say well). I had a 12yo student who never bothered turning up to lessons. I went to find him much more than I should have, and told him it was his responsibility to turn up. He had a timetable and I’m in the same place at the same time every week, so no excuse. So in the end I didn’t go to get him. I’m his clarinet teacher, not his nanny. Anyway, he got a bad report. His dad ranted at me for an hour with evey excuse under the sun, and also that his son was devastated blah, blah. I asked the father, that in the kid’s heart of hearts, did he really expect a good report after not showing up? No effort required, and you still come out smelling like roses? Not on my watch sunshine! He is old enough to turn up for lessons himself. What is going to happen when he gets to the workforce, “sorry, I forgot to come to work”. He’ll be shown the door. The head of music then said to me “it’s in your best interest to give the students a good report”. What!!!! When I was growing up if I got a bad report, it was my own fault and I had no one to blame but myself. So, I think it is this attitude that leads people to blame parents for their own failings. Anything but having to examine themselves. And this attitude helps no-one.
Parents are to blame for that attitude for never making their kids deal with age appropraite consequences. That is why I will make my kid do her homework rather then crying to the teacher excuse after excuse. My parents made me take responsibility for myself (they were always there for me though and helped me when I needed it; and they let me make mistakes) and I love and thank them for it. This is how my kids will be raised, with love and support but also teaching them to be their own person. If they blame us for that, then they need their heads read.
I have to say something though, your friend said that she wasn’t cuddled enough as a baby. How on earth would she know? Who remembers life as a baby? If her parents love her and she knows it, there should be no problems. I don’t remember being a baby (then again, my memory is bad…). Nothing against her, I’m just wondering! 🙂
oooh, I have typed another long post! Sorry everyone! *steps off soapbox* Rant over! 😀
Wolfen, I hear you girl! I had to deal with (and am still dealing with) this issue. You are not cold for not wanting kids. I don’t want them either (and I’m a teacher too!), and I especially can’t deal with them when they’re little. I can’t stand the tantrums, the messiness, the noise etc. Give me a cat anyday! I have no maternal feelings what so ever, and I am now 28. It is ok not to like them. Quite frankly, our society is too kid-centric. We need some balance.
Here is my story – I hope it helps to shed some light for you!
Last year my hubby was acting weird and withdrawn, and I kept asking him what was wrong and he wouldn’t open up. Then he asked out of the blue “do you want kids?” I said no, ’cause I don’t. Well, he went a bit cold after that. I caught him one day crying his eyes out saying that we’d have to split because he really wants kids and didn’t want to make me do something I didn’t want to do. I was instantly in tears as the bottom fell out of my world. I love him more than anything in this world, and I can’t look after myself anyway due to having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, so I was looking at being on the streets if I wasn’t with him. I broke down and begged him not to leave me, I will have kids, just don’t leave me! I have never sobbed like that in my life!
Anyway, we went to marriage councelling and I told him all about the non choice he’d given me. People were saying to me “don’t have kids if you don’t want to”, but if the choice is to have kids or loose the love of my life and my home, what choice are you gonna make? It’s a no brainer. I will do anything to keep my husband. I set out some conditions though; he is not getting everything his way. He must give up the cigarettes (which he is doing), I must have help with the housework and childcare as I am exhausted now, let alone with a child, and I will continue with my music. I didn’t spend years and money honing my craft to give it all up. I am also concerned about what will happen with my body. I am overweight by about 25-30 kilos, because my body fights me when I try to exercise (and I can’t do much due to the CFS), I have inverted hip joints, and is pregnancy going to make my CFS worse? I told him that it is easy for you to want kids, but it changes my life so much more then his, as I will be doing the bulk of the parenting (we need his job!). I need his support and more importantly, I need his love. I don’t want him to forget me once I pop out the kid/s. I am very scared of that.
So, I have done the compromising. You have to make a decision, as hard as it is because you either do have them or you don’t. Now that we are going to have kids (I still don’t like the idea one bit, but I don’t have a choice) I am finding I have to do a lot more like finding a bigger house and looking at finances to make sure that if something happens to either of us, the other and kids will be taken care of. I am also psyching myself up to this unwanted task.
My hubby will make a fantastic father and I know that I can count on him. He is aware that I haven’t changed my feelings, but I can’t make myself get maternal feelings can I? All I can do is hope I like the sprogs when they get here.Now, back to you. You say Josh is changable about having kids. He hasn’t made up his mind yet, and you have to be very careful. You don’t want to have them to find that he has changed his mind and now doesn’t want them as you can be guaranteed that you will be left holding the baby, literally. I would want a commitment (if it was me) that he is gonna stick around – like making you his wife perhaps. You two need to go to councelling and get EVERYTHING out in the open; your thoughts, fears, hopes. He must examine why he wants them and also be aware of what he is asking you to do. It can’t just be about what he wants as you are going to be putting in a great deal more effort and risk then he is initially. You both have to be VERY sure that this is the right thing to do. Your relationship must be stong and you must not be afraid to communicate. Communication is king. Also show love and appreciate each other all the time. These are the things that make the relationship survive kids as they place great strain on it.
I know you are terrified. I was too (and still am). But please don’t let it get to you. Talk about it and clear it up asap. Think about it as a challenge to overcome. I thought long and hard about it. Having kids isn’t the end of the world; you just need to make sure you keep yourself true. I have had depression too (the CFS will do that to you I guess) and have been on Zoloft as well. I know the numb feeling. Check your vitamin D levels though. I was extremely low (even though I live in a sunny climate, as do you) and as soon as I started taking suppliments and my levels rose, I wasn’t nearly as bad. It might help you, you never know!
As for being scared of the birth process, please be aware (I’m sure you are consciously) that it is a dramatisation, and you were 4, so didn’t understand what was going on. You can always have the numbing drugs! That’s what I’m going to do! I don’t care about trying to do it a la natural – just give me the drugs!!! 😀 Seriously, examine this in councelling too. If you can overcome or come to terms with, your fear, you have come a long way.
Wolfen, you are completely normal, and you are not a cold person at all. If you were you wouldn’t give a stuff. I hope I have helped you with this (extremely long) post, as I have bared myself and my issues to you in the hope it will clear things up a bit. I have confidence in you, and you should have some in yourself. You are a wonderful person, and your dislike of kids does not reduce your quality in any way! Be easier on yourself my friend! 🙂
(oh, btw, I’m convinced my hubby wants kids because he wants minions to do his bidding! 😀 )
I just watched the video. That looked awesome! It would be a pain to clean up all that fine dust though. We haven’t had a dust storm like that in Melbourne (Australia) since 1983 (I was less then a year old then so I don’t remember it). I am surprised we haven’t had one in so long as we have had 12 years of drought so everything was super dry. Lucky we have had some rain this year, though I don’t know if it is just a wet year or if the drought is over. Hopefully it is over otherwise we will have to have dust baths instead!
I have one Em-pea dragon – the male. He has the violet on his nose, on his fore-legs, some on his hind-legs, on the bottom of his wings and a touch on his wing arms. I have photos, but I don’t think the violet shows too well. The violet is hard to capture in a photo I think! Others have had trouble with dissapearing violet in photos too.
With the gold green, he only has it on his crest. He has the deep emerald otherwise. You can’t see that too well in the photos. I don’t have a curlie in that colour myself, so I can only provide you with photos so you can compare! You are right though, it is a gorgeous colour!
Happy longest day of the year everyone! Now we start the downhill slide towards winter solstice – the longest night of the year *bleh*
Heh, well I’m at the bottom now with the Winter Solstice….I’m going uphill now! I can’t wait until summer!
I should just say that all my transactions on the forum have been wonderful. My damaged and broken Windstones were ebay transactions.
Sapphire, I checked, and all my Aussie Windstones are the right way up! 😀
Seriously, it is so dissapointing when the seller doesn’t pack them properly, I have recieved one damaged and 2 broken Windstones so far, and I’m surprised the damaged one didn’t come to me in a million bits! My emerald mother dragon was mint when I bought her, and she came in a tiny little box, with probably about 15 packing peanuts and a few bits of the hard foam that surrounds electrical appliances. She now has a broken foot and flakes off her shoulder blade, both thankfully on the non display side. Good luck with your claim Sapphire!
I am 28 now and I got my first windstone – a ruby mother – in about 2006 or 2007 for my birthday off my hubby. I have been admiring Windstones on Astral Castle since I was 14-15 and had no hope of getting one due to a crap Aussie dollar and shipping costs here, but I loved them all the same! When I got that ruby mother I was really obsessed! Red is my favorite colour and dragons my favorite creature so I was in heaven! I absolutely love her! I now have 24 Windstones as my collection has grown a lot in the past two years. Hehe, I have to agree, it does get worse as you get older, but that’s not a bad thing! 😀
Hehe, I know how you feel Hannah, I got my first OW a few weeks ago and I absolutely adore him! He was bigger then I thought (which I always like…) and well, he’s just awesome! OW’s seem to have the OMG!!!! effect on people! I still can’t take my eyes off mine! Enjoy him, he is beautiful in that colour!:D