Forum Replies Created
I’m still totally in shock about the curlie!!! 😮 😮 It’s funny, ’cause I was up until about 1:30 AM, watching a Nicholas Cage movie, and the last thing I did before hobbling off to bed was to sign in here and check to see who’d won, and I didn’t see anything, so off to bed I went. Then today I put off logging on to the forum in favor of doing some antivirus/spyware scans, which took a while. When I finally did log on, and saw a winner had been picked, so I looked, never once thinking it’d be me. Wow!
What a great beginning to the New Year! I promise to post pictures of him once he gets here. 8) 😀 (And I really hope this is a sign of a good year to come! Fingers crossed there)DM, where can you get a newspaper boy’s carry bag? That would probably work real well.
WSC, I must have missed Just After Sunset; what’s that one about?
My stepson gave me a gift card for Barnes and Noble for Christmas, so maybe I can snag that one. Turn me loose in a book store, and I’ll need a pack mule, for sure. 😀
I agree with you 100% about the ending to the Dark Tower series—after all these years, you kill off 50% of the good guys, and dump poor Roland right back at the beginning? Oh, mAAAaaan! :shout:
I read Duma Key a couple of times. It wasn’t one of my favorites, though.
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon was a bit odd, even for King.
I’ve got most of his books either in hardcover or paperback. I’m not picky. 😀 If I can’t get my hands on new books, I re-read which ever book I can grab that I haven’t read lately.
Did you read From A Buick 8?OMG! Me?!?!?!? SERIOUSLY????…..OMG….I don’t believe it. THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!! Does a 1-legged Happy Dance still count? 😀
Since I seem to have some “free” time on my hands at the moment, 😳 and I’m parked next to the Christmas tree, I was thinking….Have there ever been Windstone Christmas ornaments? My husband buys me the Breyer Porcelain Horse breeds if he thinks they look like Arabians, and that’s what got me thinking. 😀 My thought was would it be possible to make miniature versions of the different sculptures, or are they far too detailed to size down? I think the Sugarplum Poads would make awesome tree ornaments if they were a bit smaller! Once the Dragon Pox in casting has been banished for good, that is. 😉 Can’t you just see them peering out from the tree branches? Or maybe a smaller version of…I don’t know…an Emperor or Royal Hatchling perched on a branch?
Glad to hear things worked out for the better, BDW!
Raven looks a LOT like our Turbo, the Maine Coon cat we lost last year. He’s beautiful–give him a hug from us! 🙂
Ooh! Cool; I’ll have to try that; Thanks! Yeah, the knee is okay. I got a couple of light kitchen chairs I might be able to use around the house. I’m guessing that stairs would be out of the question, though. 🙂
I also just figured out that if I wear a pullover hoodie sweatshirt, I can stuff all kinds of things into my “pouch”. The last 3 leg injuries were all during the spring or summer months when you wouldn’t think of wearing a sweatshirt. D’oh! 🙄
But I now have my bourbon, some iced tea in a sports squeeze bottle, the book and my pain meds all in the same place. Next trip will be for the chocolate. Aah, Nirvana! 😆
(and yes, I’ll be careful about mixing the meds and booze. 8) )Yeah, Jean IS a great neighbor. And I’m very thankful to have her. We’ve been friends for over 20 years, and when the house next door came up available, I talked her into buying it. It’s a win/win for both of us over the years, because we watch out for each other. If she goes on vacation, I take care of her horses and cats, and likewise for us. Plus, it gives us both someone to ride and carriage drive with. And she’s also in the same line of work as me, so we talk shop alot too. Now I’m trying to talk her into buying some of the property next to ours down in KY. (she wants out of NJ, too.) 😀
I do have a walker,(and thanks for that idea and offer, too) but have never quite mastered the art of navigating with it. I like TDM’s idea of the chair, since that’ll give me a free hand. I’ll have to keep you guys posted on that one. I wonder if I can bungee things to the chair? Hmm….
😆 @ the Depends….Eeeewwww! LOL I’m thinking I’m not “going” there, either. (pun intended…)Okay…I’m gonna make a major effort to see something good in all of this….poo. The husband gave me a bottle of good bourbon for Christmas, and my mom gave me the latest Stephen King book Under the Dome. (It’s like a 1000 pages!!) If I can figure out a way to get the chocolate truffles in here too, I’m gonna park my sorry butt here in the hubby’s armchair with a couple of fingers’ worth of bourbon and that book. Now all I need is a potty chair. 😈 Hmm….now THAT’S a disturbing mental picture…. 😀
I know there are other King fans here; anybody read the newest one yet? Maybe we need to revive the book thread?
And thanks guys—You all rock! 8)Seriously, though….anybody got suggestions on how to carry things when using crutches? The best I can come up with is putting stuff in a bag, and kind of slinging it over my wrist or shoulder as I hobble around. Obviously this has its limitations… It wouldn’t be *quite* so bad if I can bring stuff to my immediate area on my own. I’m here alone for most of the day with everyone else at work, so any ideas that allow me to be somewhat self-sustaining would be greatly appreciated.
My best friend/next door neighbor, (who is also a horse person, thank Heavens!), is helping us out with the herd. She’s had some major injuries of her own over the years that we’ve gone through with her, so she’s definitely sympathetic AND a huge help. She’s gonna come over tonight for New Years’ so I won’t have to ring in the new year alone–George has to work tomorrow, so he’ll be in bed long before midnight. I can hope that the cliche` about ending the year on a bad note means a turn around for the new year is true. I really don’t even want to THINK about how things could be worse……nope, nope, nope….not going there at all….
*snork*……..Ya gotta admit one thing, though. It got attention, now didn’t it? 😀
Well, here it is, almost New Years. After losing a beloved cat in July, getting laid off in August, having our dog diagnosed with cancer in November, now, on Christmas Eve I slipped on ice and fell, breaking my ankle. Merry freakin’ Christmas. 😮
I just had the damned thing x-rayed tonight, after almost a week of keeping it elevated and icing it down with not much improvement. Of course, walking around on it wasn’t exactly helping. 😳 🙄 And then, just for “laughs” we got like 2″ of rain, which melted the 2 feet of snow we had–like all at once, and the basement had water in it–in the room with all the music equipment in it….of course. 🙄 🙄 🙄
I have had enough now, please and thank you very much.
I’m still out of work, although given this newest development that might not be such a bad thing now; at least I won’t miss work. 😈 Of course, being on crutches means I can’t carry anything, and now my poor husband has to take care of the horses, cats and dog until I get off the crutches…….in about a month or so….on top of his working a full time job with 10 hour days and over an hour commute each way. Read this as at *least* a 12 hour day for him, and then he gets to go feed 7 horses. I can hobble out to the barn and get the feed together, (I think) but I can’t carry it to the horses. There are so many stupid little things we take for granted when we’re in one piece–like walking out to the kitchen and coming back with a drink–that can’t be done while using crutches.
At this point, I give up. I’m crawling into my bed and staying there. Wake me up when spring gets here. *SIGH*
*snork* A running wood chipper, huh? 😀
*snork* Sounds like somebody realized his chestnuts might be roasting on an open fire! (sorry….couldn’t resist) XD
Good deal that he did apologize, though! 8)OMG! It’s a good thing I wasn’t drinking anything when I read this thread, or a new laptop would be on MY list. 😀
Yeah…the Wii was a case of male wishful thinking. Is this the first Christmas/Yule he’s done something like this?I also like the idea of giving him diamond earrings—-as long as HE doesn’t have pierced ears! Seriously, tho…as has been mentioned earlier, the guys just don’t think the way we do. (Think of this as testosterone poisoning; it clouds the thinking. LOL)
I also think that if the yoga game was what you wanted, then you should go and get that when money allows.I have been married to the same guy for almost 24 years, and we were together for over a year before the marriage. Overall, I will say that I am blessed beyond words for the most part and George has learned over the years that jewelery is always safe.
Of course, nothing in this life being perfect, I do have to add this: Where my memory is shaky sometimes at best, HIS is like a steel trap sometimes, and I really need to be very careful when with him about what I “admire” in front of him. Case in point would be the year that I commented on a damned near life-sized stuffed tiger while toy shopping for my niece, who was like 10 at the time. So….Christmas morning comes, and here under the tree is this huge freakin’ bright orange and black tiger–with a bright red bow on its head. WTF do I do with this?? 😕
I pretty much gave up on telling him what I’d like for Christmas, because that didn’t work, either even when I would just flat out TELL him that was what I wanted. Selective memory function linked to the testosterone. Sometimes it just takes a little while to “train” the guys. 😉Aahh, yes……the body disposal issue. When I get overloaded with husband-induced stress, I look him in the eye and tell him my “favorite words” list.
That would be (and in this order): Handgun, Chest Freezer, Chainsaw, Woodchipper, Tractor (with front end loader) and Manure Pile.
When delivered with a totally straight face, this list has been known to make the most die hard whiners sit down, shut up and hold on. I just tick off those words on my fingers in front of him, and repeat as needed, like a mantra. 😀 Ahh…women with chainsaws: 98% more likely to get what they want. Which in this case would be peace and quiet. 😉
Having been married to the same person for going on 24 years, he’s never quite sure if I’m joking or not. I also remind him that I’m an insomniac, and he has to sleep sometime…. 8)Hmmm….I can think of a few things to rant about. How about having to deal with 2 FEET of snow in one snowstorm, and then some of the turkeys who’ve forgotten how to drive in it, or better yet, the idiots who believe 4 wheel drive is the answer to everything and then cause accidents?? I spent all of Sunday on the tractor digging us out so I could get to the barn without killing myself in snow that was over my knees in places. (And I’m 5′ 8″ as a reference)
I’m still not having any luck in the job search –been out of work since August, and now Flurry, who is precariously holding her own with the lymphoma, is having an attack of mange brought on by the prednisone compromising her immune system. Forget the lemonade; just pass me the bottle of tequila and some salt. 😈December 23, 2009 at 6:07 pm in reply to: Any spare prayers or good thoughts for this family? #797452OMG! What a selfish and uncaring thing to do to somebody, and at this time of the year of all things! Not to mention how poor Baxter must feel, as well, uprooted from his family. What are they doing with him to hide him until Christmas?? Keeping him in a box in their garage or something? And if they keep him, and he doesn’t adapt, then what? Dump him on the streets? 😡 😡 👿 👿 👿
I’m with you, Lamorte…..that would be the very last time I do a Holiday display, AND I’d put up a big sign in my yard saying why, too.Wow…….just…wow. I’m right up there with everyone else who’s speechless. 😮
I’d like to enter as well, please!