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  • in reply to: Siamese Curlie! #821096

      Haven’t even looked at it yet (ebay right? that’s probably why), but I know I’d love anything Siamese and for her to make some for the store. Especially ANY new Curls. So you can add my squeek* squeek* squeek* to the list!

      “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

      in reply to: WHINE is served #820217

        Actually, for those that haven’t had surgery, most women’s boobs are different sizes from each other. Same with fingers on either side, the feet, etc. Usually one side of the body is minutely larger than the other. You may not be able to see it but notice it in small ways such as a ring may feel tighter on your left ring finger but put it on the right and it fits a little easier (or right shoe may be a bit tighter than the left shoe). For me, my right side in general is ever so slightly larger than the left. Not in sight but in those small ways… including boobage. As for surgery, well, that might be a completely different matter.

        “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

        in reply to: PYO Kitties #820927

          I’ve always been for a PYO Flap Cat, and I speak for the rest of the household. I favour a batwing PYO but will get any kind of PYO Flap Cat that comes out.

          As for PYO Cats in general, as pertaining to hair length, I’ll throw out an idea. You know how we have batwing and bird wing flaps that complement each other? I say do 2 PYO cats… one with longer or medium hair and one with short hair, each complementing each other (including which way they face on display… facing each other would be nice like the current regular Flaps). That way those that have both lengths in the house can get one (or eventually more in larger batch) of each and for those that have only one kind of cat, can choose the right one for them.

          I do know in this house we’d love to get our hands on a hairless or almost hairless PYO cats (think Cornish Rex… with not that many curls as his coat is not great in FL and he is more smooth with nice peach fuzz; you can see but not feel his actual cute pink skin). I know my cousin would love to get one for her mom (my aunt) a Cornish Rex in hair and body but thats a tall order. Likely that would be an ebay item if Melody even decided to do that kind of cat, because personally, I’m not sure too many of those would even move in the store. Unless there is a large hairless or nearly hairless cat owner population here I don’t know about.

          We just feel badly because we get her all the Siamese or Siamese like cats ever (Windstone only) and her poor other cat, the Cornish Rex, is not represented because there is no Windstone in his coat and build (not to mention his weird spot pattern which she chose on purpose because she does not like symmetry and he is definitely off balance in coloration with those funky big grey blue spots)! Everyone always loves the Siamese cause yea, he’s hot but his personality says “you can hold me by the tail, it’s OK, really I don’t mind, I just love being around you. Walk over hot coals? OK, anything to please you :purrrr: “ So he’s the BMOC and the Rex is left out a lot though, in the family, he is very loveable/loved; an acquired taste I guess. Love at first sight for those that know him but EEK at first sight to those that don’t.
          This kind of reaction “WTF is that thing?!”:

          I know, I make it sound so easy like Melody and friends can snap their fingers and make this happen, but really I’m just putting the idea out there to think about. I don’t mean for this to put any pressure on Melody or the casting crew.

          “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

          in reply to: WHINE is served #820212

            DM, see above.

            “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

            in reply to: WHINE is served #820210

              eaglefeather831 wrote:

              Why can’ I stop eating naughty foods? I am working out, but I can’t keep myself away from chocolate and cookies! AARRGGH! lol (but yummy!)

              This is the thing for me… if I find it any kind of temptation and I can’t steel myself to consume in moderation (which should be alright for anything), I do not bring it into the house. Common rule of thumb, go food shopping while satiated after a meal, and that is where you steel yourself. Do not buy the temptations. That way, when you’re at home and it’s easy to give in cause you’re bored or tired or even, hungry, you can’t zip to the pantry and grab a naughty. Put something with less calories or sugar free in its place. Try to find a suitable alternative be it in taste or texture. Because of some elder family, I’ve grown up eating fat and sugar free my whole life so I notice no difference except that food with those things is too much for me, sometimes.

              This is going to sound insane and many will disagree with me but I’ll share with you anyway. I love chocolate like many folks do. However, I really should not have it. Mind you, I can’t even consume it in bulk anyway or else I tend to fly into sugar shock. But I don’t want to have it in the house anyway (once you get over the huge hump of withdrawal or temptation you’ll be surprised at how much easier it is to finally maintain your conviction). I have found this helps me (here come the “you’re nuts” comments, I know)… but I use effusion lamps (google it; think Lampe Berger). I choose to buy, among many, the Chocolate scent (even mix it with my Peppermint scent for a Mint Choco scent). I burn that lamp with a Chocolate flavour in it and believe it or not, it relieves any hankering I may have for the actual thing. Some might think as I use to- which is, that would cause the temptation and desire to go through the roof. I thought so too, until I tried it this way. For me, it worked. It might for you too. Can’t hurt to try (except you may get hooked on effusion lamp scents like I did).

              Oh, and if you really are seriously thinking of getting an effusion lamp and scents, I have 2 places with the best prices that I go and would be happy to supply the links.

              Last- try shopping for the cookies and chocolate at a health store or the like. Even check out the diabetic or health section of your grocery store. Really can’t hurt to try these things. OK, now I’m ready for everyone to fly in on me and tell me how wrong I am, that I’m crazy. Go ahead. But if so, then I’m simply crazy… without having any cravings!! 😆

              DM, I use to have trouble reading that blue print too but then one day, it was much clearer here on screen. So I thought I could use it. But if someone is coming forward and saying they have trouble, I appreciate it because you’re likely not the only one. Is the pink any better? Thank you for saying something.

              “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

              in reply to: WHINE is served #820202

                Geez, I never complain this much but open it up and I seem to come running!

                I’m ticked off at ABC. They, like a few other networks, have canceled some of my favorite shows. OK, I can learn to deal with that. But here is what makes me WHINE! They create a new show, run the whole season (despite changing time slots and days back and forth… and they wonder why they cant keep a freakin audience 😡 ), and then cancel the show without showing the last 2 episodes! I HATE that!

                Whats worse? There was an article (and the listing was in agreement in TV Guide) that they would air the last 2 episodes of Eastwick, tonight, back to back. TV Guide said they would and so did articles. What did ABC do? They went and ran repeats of other shows already aired! They met with great demand and disappointment with the lack of finishing the premiere seasons of Eastwick and Happytown so they were gonna air the final 2 of Eastwick at least, so they told us, tonight. They didn’t. We are now afraid to enjoy any shows on ABC in fear of liking them, and them getting yanked. New shows need at least 2 seasons to capture an audience, and a good time slot. And especially, consistency! By this I mean do not change times and days on us all the time! Back and forth, we can’t keep up! No wonder ratings suffer. I’m not a network exec but seriously, duh. 🙄

                We’ve decided not to watch this network for a while. Our own little protest which we realize will not make a dent in them. But many of my circle are ticked off beyond belief. We’re angry too that ABC (they are the biggest offenders) will not renew FlashForward, and ticked that NBC has canceled Heroes. There is talk they will do some wrap up event for that show, which they better come through with. Mark my words here and now, ABC will either not renew, suddenly cancel and/or not air the final 2 episodes of their 2 new shows, Scoundrels and The Gates. We like these shows a lot but we have decided not to watch anymore because we fear we’ll be :spank: by the network yet again. Rather not watch than get so into it (too late) and have it dumped.

                To sum up the whine broadly, this year has been the most invasive and depressing year when it comes to canceling or not renewing or wrapping shows that we love and watch over here. Soon, reality shows will take over and no longer be a simple guilty pleasure… they will rule and be the only thing to watch rather than provocative and thought invoking real series. Truly, it’s back to books for us. :heavy sigh:

                “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                in reply to: WHINE is served #820198

                  Todays whine… an extension of one of my originals. DVDs… people who pocket the actual DVD and put a totally different one in the case to return. Lots of time the employees just flip it open to be sure there is a disc in there and don’t look closely enough to see it’s the right one. Happened with us today. We really wanted to see 2012 (which, in the end, let us down… I blame it on too much hype prior to release) and when we put the DVD in, it was some random DVD of the best 150 Classical Westerns. I’d like to think this was a simple mistake but the store says you’d be surprised at how deliberate this kind of thing can be. If so, hopefully they can track down people like that. We live in a very nice area and don’t need crappy element here. But on balance, we also rented Avatar which worried me because of its hype (in my experience, movies that win tons of awards, I have really never taken a shine to). We all loved it very much, even as a rental (smaller screen compared to theater).

                  “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                  in reply to: WHINE is served #820192

                    I’m sick and tired of having to take my cousin to her doctor’s appointments (thats not the whine) thats an hour away, and we are never, ever seen until 4+ hours after our appointment time. We leave home in morning rush hour for a morning appt., and don’t get back in time for dinner! 👿

                    Slammed my hand in the car door because my arm got caught up in the seat belt and my other arm (door closer) was quicker than the brain! :shout:

                    Why was that you ask? Because it is not only hot here in central FL, aka, Dante’s Inferno 7th Circle of Hell, but it’s humid as all get out. And we live in horse country… you do the math. :puke: 8)

                    But since were a horse family, I really don’t mind so it’s not really a whine for us… but the damn heat index is definitely a whine deserving of a huge block of cheese. Which would likely melt in under 5 minutes to match what would immediately become hot whine with which it’s being served. :nea: 😀

                    And my final most superficial whine… people that are so careless with rented DVDs that they scratch the bejeebies out of them which makes them skip like girls in pig tails when we get to renting and watching them! Grr, be careful people. If I can do you with my nails, anyone can! 😡 :shout:

                    “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                    in reply to: "Fern" Stray Kitty #819996

                      I love velcro kitties! I’d say while the cats in this house would not qualify as pure bred velcros, they definitely have the gene in them! My aunt’s cats, especially her Lynx Pt., are way more velcro than I’ve seen in a long time. Actually, come to think, her cats always seem to be rather velcro, that is, with her while being completely polite and congenial with others, including the vet!

                      “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                      in reply to: "Fern" Stray Kitty #819990

                        I think it’s beautiful. I hope you’re getting comfortable with painting with the solid grey (aka blue in some breeds). We have a blue cat at home and would love to buy a store production solid blue/grey flap kitty!

                        “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                        in reply to: A few things for sale updated pg 3 #809963

                          Is the yellow and white, the orange and white flap? I’m confused. Did I miss something special that Melody did?

                          “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                          in reply to: email problems better – 7/8/10 – for reals! #819603

                            I emailed you too, to let you know to look out for that return package you sent the UPS sticker to us for (wow that was poor English)! But if you don’t get the email or respond within the week, and I check back here and see all has been settled with servers and ISPs etc., I’ll re-email you though by then, you’d probably have received the package. Sorry your experiencing technical difficulties.

                            “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                            in reply to: Found a store Up date 8/26/10 store closing #819516

                              There is one item on that list I’d love to get but something tells me by the time I call him next week, he will have sold it. I’ll try but I’m sure if it’s not gone already, it will be by then. Good luck to all… and I hope Barry doesn’t have a heart flutter with all the orders he’ll be dealing with! Boy Pixie, are you gonna be his favourite customer! Ever! 😀

                              Hope everyone has a Happy 4th of July! *did the hint of yellow for our troops in case people are looking and going, “what the heck was she thinking?”*

                              “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                              in reply to: Anyone else having trouble staying logged in? #819506

                                While for now I have the keep me logged in option, I am not having trouble moving from page to page. And I didn’t have that problem when I was logged in only for one session. Maybe your computer is having an off week or taking a holiday for the 4th?! 🙂 Good luck! Seems theres been a bevy of problems for individuals lately, though perhaps not across the board (blanket problems).

                                “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                                in reply to: Windstones in Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes #543595

                                  Well my friend took care of that! Hopefully the changes show up and are effective. She chose to keep N. Hollywood in the description because during the time of the show’s airing, that’s where it was from.

                                  “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                                Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 290 total)