I collect faeries; have them scattered in my house and larger ones around my pool.
Also collect a few Vintage Glossy Breyer horses; Running Stallions in Charcoal and Rearing Fighting Stallions s in Glossy Charcoal and Palomino; all mint.
Have the Porcelain Breyer Circus Ponies in White and Palomino.
Also collect resins sculpted by Sommer Prosser, have 5 Extreme Justice II jumpers out of world-wide release of 99 with loose manes; she custom painted 3, one custom painted by Caroline Boydston, and one custom painted by Stephanie Michaud, 2 Nighthawk jumpers sculpted by Kitty Cantrell, one painted by Sommer Prosser, one painted by Elizabeth Bouras…custom leather tack by Jessica Friedman and custom jumps by Polly Cleveland that helped them qualify for NAN’s.