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  • in reply to: my first PYO gryphon (new pics nov 28) #511257

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    I like the brightness. It stands out from the natural colorings of birds and cats. How much more work until he’s done?

    Thank you 😀 I almost made him into a red-tailed hawk colouration but then i went “screw it, bright colours all the way!” LOL

    Hmmmmmm, the next session i’ll probably do a few more touch ups and then start doing the thin layers of interference i have in mind and then i’ll decide whether to mask the eyes and use a gloss spray on him or whether to use glossy gel medium with a bit of self-leveling gel to eliminate the brushstrokes. So two more sessions probably? Another 4-6 hours?

    in reply to: my first PYO gryphon (new pics nov 28) #511256

    dragonessjade wrote:

    He would match perfect in my office. Of course if you went in there he would be hard to find. I like it so far, can’t wait for more pics.

    Your office is bright yellow? That’s fantastic! LOL Thank you 😀

    in reply to: my first PYO gryphon (new pics nov 28) #511255

    lamortefille wrote:

    Wow, he’s bright! Naturally, I love it so far. I can’t wait to see where you take it from here 😀

    heh heh another brightness fan eh? Thanks! 😀

    in reply to: my first PYO gryphon (new pics nov 28) #511251

    Heyla! I feel very silly because i bought my PYO back in the summer and only now am i getting around to painting it heh heh

    So here’s my progress shot after about two painting sessions, probably about 6 hours total

    I’m going for the coloration of my Sunhawk self, i believe some people call that their fursona? Anyway, i want the colouration to be like a sunbeam and near the end i hope to add some subtle interference so that you also get an impression of light coming through a prism ^_^

    I’ve been taking progress pics almost out of fear because i sometimes worry that at the end of a session, i’ll look at it and go “CRAP CRAP CRAP! ARG RUINED!!” LOL So far so good! This is one of the soft-feather gryphons, i’m really interested to paint one of the sharper feathered ones after this. The first coat i did was of just yellow as a base coat/wash and i was amazed by all the detail as i let my brush act like tiny fingers for me, feeling all the surfaces and textures. I am superimpressed by the level of realism on a level that’s very different from just the visual, oh i am not worthy!! LOL

    Been a few minute mistakes that i’ve had to fix, such as accidently getting newspaper ink on certain parts as i tried to move the gryphon around to get at hard to reach areas – beware loose inks on your tabletop! >_< Here i was trying to not make a mess! LOL

    Anyway, i thought i’d post a few progress shots so that i can keep motivated to finish the piece ^_^ I’m using entirely acrylic because i have a fairly large selection of Golden and other brands from my time at uni taking painting classes heh heh ^_^ After i took these pics, my next session dealt with adding details and picking out specific feathers more, deepening the orange on the back towards Cadmium Red mixed with a bit of Raw Sienna to keep it from being a bit too garish 😀

    in reply to: Why collect Windstone? #510609

    The quality and the colours, plain and simple 😀 Plus Windstone actually makes gryphons and they are not easy to collect either!

    in reply to: Hard Decisions #510487

    omg i’m out, anything with math and i’m useless lol

    in reply to: A blog of my day #511164

    Hey now, i know what’s being talked about, i just have no idea how to do it myself! LOL Ok maybe not ALL of it but i get the gist LOL

    Wah i couldn’t do that on that little sleep, ye gods!

    in reply to: grandio price increase on new retireds!! #510843

    WolfenMachine wrote:

    I don’t like that they suddenly, IMMEDIATELY upped the prices either. Armiks will match the price of any Windstone that is being sold at a regular price. All you have to do is email them a link to the exact item, and they calculate in shipping (if aplicable) and if the competitor’s price is still lower, they will match it.

    They also give you a 10% store credit that is useable 30 days after you make your purchase. I phoned them today 🙂 I was hoping to get a deal if I ordered like 5 pieces at once, but the guy basically told me no, but that if I wanted a price break, buy half now, and half in 30 days. Ah well.

    And I want to say again that I love the folks at Magical Omaha 😀 And they have a Ruby Emperor at $300 if anyone is interested. Free shipping the rest of the year!

    Every time i read free shipping, i get excited. Then it always is qualified by “free shipping in the US only” and a little part of me dies. I’m on the same continent, only a few miles from NY and so forth! Why can’t i get free shipping? *fake cries* 😥

    in reply to: Hard Decisions #510475

    if i knew anything about webhosting, i’d offer to help! But sadly i only know of website building and designing :/ Goodluck with whatever you decide to do!

    in reply to: Re: Stolen Windstone Annoucement by Chessie #510299

    I’m so sorry that happened and I will definitely keep my eye out for those missing items on ebay! :///

    in reply to: Other Pena Pieces #510688

    i do have more gargoyle-style Windstones than normal dragons – i’ve got a gryphon candlelamp, the oak-winged cat and the gargoyle unicorn 🙂 It was purely a price/luck situation though heh heh

    in reply to: My first scam. #510207

    SPark wrote:

    I can understand it taking time to ship. But she hasn’t answered my questions either….

    Could be a computer problem, that was another issue one time. But i do agree that if you don’t get an update in a day or two, it’ll be a bit dodgy because it can’t be that hard to borrow someone else’s computer for something important like a money/goods transaction.

    in reply to: My first scam. #510201

    I think it’s a bit early to worry too much just yet, i can’t remember any time i got an item in less than a week! *comfs* I’ve even had to wait almost two months for an item, that was extreme but it did arrive in the end, exactly as listed!

    in reply to: Picture for SPark!!! #510007

    gorgeous! 😀

    in reply to: Masking Fluid Techniques #509991

    you’re welcome! ^_^

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