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  • in reply to: Pyo wolves #509628

      I got mine too! This is one of those ones that’s better in person, I think.

      I have NO idea what to paint him at all.

      in reply to: Frustrated, done with it, somebody else can have it. #512127

        If you really want it, Cheryl. It’s in three large pieces with a dozen or so small ones I’ve glued on that may or may not stay glued.

        Let me know your zipcode so I can go see how much shipping will be.

        in reply to: Frustrated, done with it, somebody else can have it. #512124

          Anybody want a really busted male pegasus? I am usually fine with repairing things, but I am just sick of this guy. I’ve glued him together twice now, and once the glue didn’t hold, and once the cat knocked him over, and he’s in so many pieces, and with so much missing now, that I’m just tired of trying to deal with it. If he were a dragon I’d probably carry on anyhow, but I never liked the pegasus nearly so much.

          If anybody wants to pay shipping, he’s free to a good home.

          in reply to: The dinner report (aka. gossip from Melody) #511892

            Arlla wrote:

            That’s AWSOME that you got to meet the family…if you don’t mind my asking, how did you do it??? 😀 I’ve been dying to try to get in to see the factory, or wonder of wonders meet Melody and have the chance to grovel at her feet, but I just feel so silly and so fan-girly asking….

            I just asked a while back, and said if she’s up in the area I wanted to meet her if I could. She’s very nice and likes meeting fans, it seems. And it helps that she was practically local to me, we only had to drive about 45 minutes to their new house.

            They were in Oregon for Thanksgiving, that being why they’re not about the forum this weekend. I’d love to drop by the factory, but that’s a looooooooooooooong ways for me to go.

            in reply to: The dinner report (aka. gossip from Melody) #511889

              Well, at least Melody doesn’t think it’s some horrible nasty thing. *chuckles* She was jut curious, since her work does attract a lot of furry fans.

              (Not that most people I meet think furry is ick, but most furries I meet think most people think furry is ick, if that makes any sense. Paranoia, whee!)

              in reply to: The dinner report (aka. gossip from Melody) #511887

                Greater Basilisk wrote:

                Thanks for that, SPark, especially the Poad info. You didn’t perchance get any pictures of weird test colorings?

                I didn’t take a camera. I don’t own a camera, I just borrow one! Anyhow, most of what was there was early paints of the regular production colors of old stuff.

                in reply to: The dinner report (aka. gossip from Melody) #511883

                  Well, I thought I’d just let you curious folks know that I just got back from visiting Melody and company, and they are super-nice and also super fun. Good food and a good time was had.

                  It’s funny because Melody said she had “nothing interesting” to see there, but there are about a million Windstones in every nook and cranny of that place, they’re just mostly older ones, none of the new stuff. They’ve got a green emperor dragon doing duty as a book end, and I saw a few ki-rins in odd test colors.

                  I was trying to not be a horrible fangirl, so I didn’t pester her about too many things, but DragonMaster will be happy to know that the green fledgelings are coming along. I put in a plug for the Violet Flame fledgelings, of course. *grins*

                  And on the subject of poads, (since I know you’re all interested!) the jury is still out on what, exactly, will be done with them. They were, as she’s mentioned, a personal project, and never really intended for the world at large. Which I can totaly sympathize with. I’ve got a couple of drawings I made for myself and my boyfriend that the rest of the world may never see, even though they’re some of my best work, because they’re personal. So the poads probably never going to be made as regular production pieces. She did say that she was thinking about possibly sharing them with us forum members in some way, but there’s no actual plan yet.

                  Their family and friends are all very fun and interesting people. We had some good discussion, and I tried to explain the whole “furry” fandom thing, which takes some explaining sometimes.

                  So there’s my evening’s report. I can confirm what everyone who’s met Melody has said, that she’s a wonderful person, as well as a wonderful artist.

                  in reply to: Draco statue 😮 #511779

                    The first one is a bit rough, yeah. But though the second is more refined, it’s refinement put on top of a base sculpture that’s wrong! The proportions aren’t right, the shape of the head is off, the lower torso and legs are misproportioned, the whole thing is just shaped slightly wrong all over. Plus the shape and style and placement of the various types of scales isn’t quite right either.

                    in reply to: Draco statue 😮 #511777

                      Oooooooooooooooooo… I always loved Draco! Somewhere in my art gallery there should be a drawing of him I did years and years ago. (Though maybe not, it’s hard for me to remember what I have and what I don’t. He may be one of the ones I lost when my portfolio was stolen a few years back.)

                      in reply to: Hatching dragons #511707

                        Well, according to Astral Castle, they only came out in emerald, white, and peacock. And there’s the limited production brown ones, of course. That seems to be it.

                        in reply to: Griffin family #511660

                          Heeee. I REALLY want griffin chicks, but I’m probably going to wait for them to turn up in stores. So broke! *cries* Though it depends on when. If I’m very lucky, come the end of January I will not be broke for a while. *crosses fingers*

                          in reply to: Web hosting #511649

                            Well, I didn’t know you offered web space for individuals as well as companies. *grins*

                            Though honestly I wouldn’t want to move, it’d be a pain. Plus I NEED an interface that lets me directly edit my own stuff, upload, manage, all that without having to contact somebody else. And of course would prefer to not need to download or learn anything new. I’m lazy like that.

                            As I’ve got all that just now with a reliable company that’s been stable well over 5 years, why move?

                            in reply to: sorry #511703

                              Shoudln’t this post be in the community section?

                              in reply to: Web hosting #511646

                                I’m with serverpro through topcities. (Mostly because although going direct to serverpro might be a touch cheaper, topcities has an eaiser interface to use.)

                                I started out on the topcities free program, which has PLENTY of space, but which has a banner ad and limited bandwidth. I eventually ran the bandwidth out, but only because I have an extensive gallery and lots of traffic there. Now I’ve got the $6 a month version, which has no banners by my own, and which I’ve never come anywhere near the bandwidth ceiling on.

                                They’ve been very reliable, only down about half a dozen times in the more than five years I’ve been with them, and their support staff are friendly and helpful, though the support forum system doesn’t work at all, it’s been broken for ages.

                                Anyhow, there are lots of good hosting places out there, but I’ve been quite happy with them.

                                in reply to: ARGH! trying to find peacocks… #511608

                                  Yes, if you’re frustrated about local stores not having Windstones, I highly reccomend going around and recruiting! After three or four tries I finally got one new store to pick up Windstones, which is how I managed to get my Birman Flapcat.

                                  All I did was mention to the store how much I loved Windstones, and gushed a bit about how much higher quality they are than any other fantasy art out there, and then took down the store’s contact information and sent that to the folks at the factory.

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