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  • in reply to: 2017 eBay Auction Picture Thread #1530080

      WHOA! WOW! WOWZZZZZA! I LIKE … NO … I LOVE WILD TROLL! About as much as I LOVE FIRE BERRY! *hint*hint*hint* Wild Troll looks FANTASTIC on the Male and Oriental Sun Dragons! Of Course on the Curlie too! LOVE Those RED Eyes! Perhaps another potential LP Color? Besides Fire Berry that is….

      Surprisingly, I’m really drawn to the Wild Troll scheme too.  I think I might even try for the curlie as, so far, I like it the best out of it, the male, and the oriental sun.  Here’s hoping it shows up on other sculpts. …I wonder what it would be like on a kirin?  Hrm…

      in reply to: The "Heck Yeah!" Thread… #1530079

        Thanks guys! ^_^

        I was super happy to receive her, as she fits my tastes to a T!

        in reply to: The "Heck Yeah!" Thread… #1530008

          So yesterday, the 18th, was my birthday and I got a GOOD surprise from my family–which is rare where they’re concerned (bad surprises, on the other hand, are quite common).  Even though it also counts as a Christmas gift, I can’t complain; she’s gorgeous!  A fantasy purple pinto hatchling pegasus.  So pretty!



          in reply to: What's your grail piece(s)? #1529998

            I’m sure everyone has a list of grails…I know I do, and mostly test paints at that!  A few of my tops are:  violet hawk male griffin, amethyst shadow young oriental dragon, earthen fey young dragon, storm shadow male dragon and/or male griffin, harpy eagle male griffin, maltese (grey) tiger griffins.  Not that I would need that many griffins…getting even one would be awesome enough to merrit not worrying about the rest.

            For gbs, there was a copper/blue/white tiger young unicorn from the batch prior to the silhouettes, and I’m on the lookout for the right gb minikeeper.  There’s a couple of raffle pieces on my list too but I don’t expect to ever see those beasties.

            in reply to: Advice on Life – Have Any? #1529554

              Your situation sounds a lot like mine only I’m 34 rather than 29 and, in my case, I lost my father in college rather than my mother.  All I can say is that it’s tough at times.  I have two passions:  creative writing/character design and working with animals.  After getting my bachelor’s degree I couldn’t afford to go on to more advanced schooling for something like veterinary medicine and have been petering away at life.

              Somedays it’s a struggle just to get up in the morning.  After I graduated I spent forever applying to jobs–any job–just to have income.  Most of the minimum wage jobs had no interest in me and the jobs I found most interesting such as chem lab technicians required you to have 1-2 years of experience to get the job.  (How does one get the experience to get said job if you can’t actually get the job to get experience?)  This cycle led to a lot of depression over the years.  Being a leech didn’t help either, especially when my family would rag on me about being useless–which only made me equally more recalcitrant and guilty.  I gave up on life for awhile, living in my daydreams, books, and video games.  Fake-reality was far better than reality at that point.

              A few years later I was able to pull myself together. Eventually I was able to snag a decent part-time job as a custodian.  This had its own problems:  as a part-timer you get no real benefits and the super early morning hours I worked made me ridiculously exhausted during the day later.  My siblings didn’t help the situation either as they would be up til midnight being noisy as all hell breaking loose while I was desperately trying to sleep since I had to be up at 4am.  I was still expected to participate in the household as well which meant trying to get a second part-time job was out of the question.  And let me tell you, one part-time job doesn’t earn enough annually to cover basic necessities.  Health insurance alone is a monster financial burden.  So, long story short:  I finally managed to get a job that didn’t even allow me to live a normal life, had I not been living at home with family too.

              I had that job for four years, trying to supplement my income as best I could with any opportunities that popped up.  I quit because of various things but mostly due to the fact my family needs to–and was planning to–move (taxes are just too expensive and we can’t afford to live here anymore) but that’s turned into a failure of a venture as well since what little money we had was needed for emergencies and long-overdue credit card bills.  So now we’re quite literally stuck since we can’t afford to move but absolutely NEED to.  I keep waiting for the bank to tell us we’re through, forclose our house, kick us out, and all that jazz…

              All I can offer you as advice is to tough it out like you have been.  Sometimes life is just hard.  No explanation, no reason, no logic.  It’s not fair that such is the case but there are really only ever two choices you can make:  give up or hold on.  I firmly believe that if you persevere long enough, things will eventually turn around.  Maybe it won’t be immediately noticeable, or perhaps it will start with a tiny thing that ripples into better things, but at some point endurance and effort will pay off.





              in reply to: Fantasy Wolves 8/16/17 Grab Bag SHOW OFF Thread! #1529135

                @Dashesndots Your “rainbow doberman” is stunning!  I’m not usually drawn to the fishy/glass designs, but the color theory and form language on that piece is just gorgeous.

                The soft browns on your silhouette are fantastic!

                Super-duper congratulations!  I think everyone has that over-the-top OMG YES moment on those rarest of occasions we get one of our top picks out of the grab bag–especially if it’s our #1!  Seeing your photos of that one in particular, he’s a handsome wolf!  Again, grats!

                in reply to: Midsummer PIF Raffle! #1527594

                  And our winner is…  *insert drumroll*

                  …Ela Hara!


                  I’ll be PM’ing you shortly to ask for your address.  Thank you to all whom participated! I was pleasantly surprised at the number of entrants.  I was a little concerned people wouldn’t participate since I’m not the most well-known or prevalent of our forum-goers but I was happy to see the turnout.

                  in reply to: June 2017 raffle! #1527338

                    She did. She posted it to her blog.

                    in reply to: Midsummer PIF Raffle! #1527144

                      Very cool, Rylorien. (and no, I didn’t realize that could be taken as a very poor pun in response to “midsummer” until I started typing) I still need that rolling eyes emoji.

                      Everyone needs a rolling eyes emoji!  There’s just too much silliness in life to not have one. ^_^

                      in reply to: 2017 eBay Auction Picture Thread #1527115

                        Oh jeez that pfau flapcat is pretty!  The color phasing on the wings is perfect and the dark green of the wing tips looks so good against the black cat.

                        There have been a lot of pieces I’ve liked and a few I’ve absolutely adored but haven’t been able to go after due to being dirt poor (no job, broken tooth, broken car, and planning to move, etc.)…but this is the first test paint in awhile I think I’ll be heartbroken to not even have a chance at.  I pine for that kitty.  So gorgeous!

                        in reply to: SPRING FOO PUP SWAP #1526788

                          Kujacker, let me move into your bookshelves, please.  Stan Lee, Ushio and Tora, Celestia…yes, yes, and yes!  Hehe.  Also, that purple/blue foop you painted for Lina is really cute!

                          Elahara, grats on the amazing autumn leaf foop!

                          in reply to: SPRING FOO PUP SWAP #1526461

                            @Zloy – Yeah, he really wasn’t what I was expecting; that said, he’s painted beautifully!  It’s true that I wish he were darker or more foresty, but he’s a very complete piece and not unappealing.  My pics were indoors and were not good, either, so you don’t see the gold details or the well-blended phasing.

                            – I’m glad you like him–and no offense taken if you decide to repaint his tail.  Even with you giving me free reign, I was having a difficult time without inspiration or an ideal to base it on.  Which ended up leading me to fixate on this idea of fire foo in my head (for the uninformed:  I decided fire foo were a subspecies of foo, in varying brindled or striped patterns of reds/oranges/black/greys, and that the adults have tails which actually ignite in threat displays whereas in pups the tails glow).


                            in reply to: Ryl's PYO silliness #1526086

                              This one isn’t new and exciting as it’s has been shown before and ‘done’ for a long while, aside from gluing in the eyes and gems I’d decided to use. Now I can finally say it’s finished. I present Pele, inspired by the Hawaiian goddess: an obsidian black horse with a fiery mane/socks/fins and a magma-stylized body sitting atop ashen rock. The gems are “tangerine” swarovkski. The non-equine parts had a matte finish, then the body and fins were brushed with gloss to give them a slick look.

                              When I have some time, I’ll get a sale ad for her up in the classifieds.

                              in reply to: SPRING FOO PUP SWAP #1526032

                                I got my foop in the other day, painted by Zloy. It’s a green one that reminds me of spring and has a green phasing to its body: a yellow nose into a lime green into a darker green, ending with a bluey-green in the tail. It’s got gold antiquing and gold on the accents throughout. My pictures aren’t great so if you have better feel free to share Zloy.

                                in reply to: SPRING FOO PUP SWAP #1525869

                                  I need to clearcoat mine. I’ve been putting it off because it’s been too cold to hold a brush for long (the room my supplies are in is brisk on a normal basis + it’s been frigid in northern Illinois lately), and too wet to spray outside. I’ll do my best to be more motivated. >_<

                                Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 356 total)