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  • in reply to: Pseudo Fuzzy? #936149

      Maybe it’s more like Pokemon? And those are the evolved-stage fuzzies? Fuzzetis? Fuzzatches? (fuzzy+yeti, fuzzy+sasquatch, respectively)

      in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #936085

        I was browsing some old test paints and found this beauty.

        I know it’s not an extravagent way out there color scheme, but I love the rich chocolate points on the lighter toasted almond color. I would be so happy to see a kirin family in this.

        I also looked at all the past grab bags…there’s LOT of pebbles, unicorns, and a few poads. And one mini-keeper (and one curled). Need more dragons! So I squeak for a second batch of mini-keepers in the coming year (I’m sure there’s a lot of stuff already slated for the rest of the year, so I aim for the future).

        in reply to: New Taddies SQUEEEEEEEE #935955

          So uh…are back-to-back grab bags like this common? Cuz, oy! The money bleeeeeds from me! >_<

          I'm not even a huge poad fan, yet I find these to be rather cute.

          in reply to: Dragon pics #935947

            Uhhmm, yeah. This is my other fantasy collections, dragons and fairies composed of brands like Veronese, DragonSite, FairySite, Bradford Exchange, Hamilton Collection, etc. I’ve been collection since I was in middle school. A glacier curled sneaked into one of the pictures. :p

            That’s a beautiful collection Dragoneer! And beautifully displayed, too!

            Though I bet dusting all that is a pain in the bum. 😉

            The green fairy on the branch and the red-winged fairy with the dragonling are just gorgeous. And the metalwork(?) dragon in the middle of the top right picture is phenomenal, especially how the wings are defined in shape using blank space.

            in reply to: Any rough ETA on hoarder dragon? #935936

              Actually, speaking of conventions, you might consider having a dealer’s booth at DragonCon in Atlanta, Georgia. It’s one of the largest conventions that happens in the U.S., covering a very broad range of sci-fi and fantasy topics (crazy amounts of special guests, panels, and HUGE setups for artists and dealers). It spans 5 different hotels and (if I recall correctly) 2 other side buildings (though most of the dealers are in one particular spot).

              I’ve wanted to go for awhile now, but haven’t been able to scrape up the cash. Artists with whom I’ve spoken that attend this convention typically do 6-8 months of business in that one weekend alone. It may not be the most cost-effective of things, given the size/weight of Windstones in general; however, it would be a great way to push publicity.

              in reply to: Any rough ETA on hoarder dragon? #935913

                No, it wasn’t to make money, it was for two reasons: to get exposure on kickstarter and it would be a nice way for people to pre-order the number of grab bag pieces they want.
                This way, nobody would need to worry about being around to snag one out of the store at a certain time. We would know exactly how many to make, and wouldn’t need to put a limit on them.
                I am not entirely sure how kickstarter manages this, but to do this sort of thing ourselves ( taking pre-orders) would be an absolute nightmare of bookkeeping. That’s why we don’t do it.

                We are scratching our heads trying to think of ways to let people know that Windstone is still around.
                We know we must have zillions of collectors ( mostly in Canada ) that think we are extinct because many of the stores that sold Windstones have closed.

                Marketing really is one of the tougher sides of any business. Kickstarter would be a fantastic way to promote Windstones…but that’s not really a guarantee it would help much overall, especially since one would need to find that particular Kickstarter. It would difficult to gauge just how much impact it something akin to that would even have, and if it would be worthwhile.

                I will say that I love pre-orders; while I know it would be a nightmare of bookkeeping, I would applaud it. It’s possible you might be able to hire a temp, or a ‘volunteer’ that would help with managing that; or, as suggestions have said, perhaps find someone in the forums/in the area with Kickstarter experience to help with it.

                If you’re looking for other ways of promoting Windstones, there’s always something like a charity raffle especially if you can find personage of interest that would consider sponsoring the event. A more plausible idea would be to consider web-ads on sites willing to sponsor them.

                in reply to: 2015 Ebay Auction Picture Thread #935843

                  Part of me feels like having one new ebay piece come out every other day or so is murdering my soul. I was seriously considering the blue jay male griffin (then was rationalizing blue morpho vs blue jay as a few others have mentioned)…but then I checked ebay tonight and I saw the checkered gold emperor…

                  Now I don’t know what to do. /Sigh

                  Car repairs aren’t that important, right? >_<

                  in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #935483

                    And speaking of grab bags (while looking ahead!), I’d love to see a winter-themed grab bag. Candycane stripes on a pebble animal or flap cat, or mistletoe and ivy painted around a baby unicorn, silver tinsel everywhere!

                    Yep, quoting myself. Because I agree with people on the uni GB…though I still feel it would be fantastic to see them as Christmas-themed.

                    in reply to: Due Claw Woes #935482

                      Oh. My misunderstanding. Nevertheless, I’ll expect he’ll be even more of a handful than normal. 😉

                      And, really, I don’t think we’d love our pets more if they were less annoying; they add such spice to life.

                      in reply to: Due Claw Woes #935477

                        Oh, jeez. That’s awful.

                        And the worst part? Having three legs won’t slow him down any! (I know…I’m silly in the head and I’m awful.) At least I can speak from experience: my cousin had a 3-legged border collie; I swear she was faster with three legs than four…


                        You have my condolences for your canine fur-body’s accident. Given that the tendons were ripped, amputation is highly likely–and that’s not a recouperation I’d wish on anyone. I hope that if amputation is necessary, it goes well and without trouble. And I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you during his recovery downtime, seeing as cattle dogs are rambunctuous to begin with…add in bored and limited mobility, and you’ll have quite a handful.

                        in reply to: Sitting Fox Show Off #935475

                          My AWD LP fox. I wish he had a little more of the marbled patches and a little less of the spots, but he’s still gorgeous.

                          My favorite detail of this new sculpt is the elaborate edging on the inner-ear fur tufts; so precise and delicate!

                          And my grab bag fox: looking at the fur chart, it’s a Georgian white. I’d call it piebald, though, or maybe camo. It’s an interesting lighter grey on darker grey patchwork and the lighter grey has a milky appearance over the black (seen better on the second picture with the flash on; first pictures are all without flash). She’s rather unique but I’m not particularly attached to her, so she’ll be going up for trade/sale.

                          in reply to: Show Your Collections Ver:10 #935470

                            So uh…quite a few pictures from me and most of them NOT Windstones…but they’re part of my collection.

                            This is all that remains of my original Windstones; not many but well cherished. AND YES I KNOW IT’S DUSTY. (I dust, often; it keeps coming back. Sometimes a war of attrition is better off forfeited before it begins. And I really, really hate dusting…least favorite chore!) Also, that’s a white coiled in the front–impossible to tell because the pictures looked awful without a flash due to the cabinet being in the recesses of my room away from any and all natural light.

                            Enchantica figures, which is where a larger percentage of my money went in the 90s (no offense to Melody in the least! I just couldn’t afford spending money on the same sculpts in different colors–rather, I picked the color-sculpt combos I liked most and put the money into those). Treeflame (the green on the far left) is the only name I remember as he was my first piece; he was the spring dragon for the year. There is also the summer (yellow), autumn (red), and winter (blue). The lavendar in the middle (kind of washed out from the camera flash) was either the reward for being a member that year *or* it was the piece available only to members (I think, anyway).

                            Another Enchantica, and proof that just because I don’t like warm colors doesn’t mean I don’t see their artistic beauty. I also loved the sculpt, given the reversed wings-folded-down pose.

                            My first and only carrier dragon from Enchantica. I really loved the seahorse-esque design.

                            And the final Enchantica picture. Big blue dragon surrounded by a different year’s seasonal dragons, if I recall correctly.

                            Lastly, my favorite wolf figure. It caught my eye in some fancy shop somewhere and I had to get it. I love the flow of motion in this piece!

                            in reply to: Eclipse #935468

                              Sorry it took me forever to post these (I couldn’t find the adapter for reading my old, old digital camera’s memory card).

                              Out of a bunch of shots, the best two from the eclipse:

                              The first was around 9pm CST; the second about 20 minutes later. I’m sure there are many better pictures available online for people to see but when it comes to things like this, the pictures mean more to me when I take them. Then I have to share! Not too bad for an old camera with only a 15x zoom; unfortunately the best night photo mode filter requires using a tripod (it’s the mode I used but braced my body against my car). Using that mode without a tripod means most of the pictures end up blurry…but I’m content I got a few good ones. Clouds were an issue as the eclipse started but they cleared up until just after the halfway point…then they came back and it was nothing but clouds! ~sigh~

                              in reply to: last second Ebay bidders… #935428

                                Now if say I bid $250 and then someone sniped it for $255, then I would say well it was over my max and congrats to the other person. But if it sold for $500 I would honestly be ticked I even spent the time watching the auction because if someone thought it was worth that much then why wait until the last 10 seconds to bid that?

                                This, Kim, is exactly why I was irked and started this post. It bothers me that people wait until the last second to bid their max. If a max bid IS an actual max limit, then there really shouldn’t be a reason for people to delay the bid. Yes, early bidding wars can be atrocious however, I’ve found (and much prefer) that a higher bid upfront will square off the competition since it settles the mindset of hesitant bidders. I do understand that there is a fear of people bidding up just to spite other competitors but I think a lot of that is unfounded; if someone is wasting money doing that _particularly_ on expensive items, it’s going to bite them in the proverbial behind.

                                Comparatively, I’d take live auctions ANY DAY over an internet one (I grew up attending them as my parents spent a lot of time collecting various antiques) so perhaps that factors into my ire, too.

                                in reply to: WHINE is served #935413

                                  So, I’m pretty sure bake sales are evil. They literally murder any and every diet I’m on. T_T

                                  I have _NO WILLPOWER_ when confronted with yummy treats.


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