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  • in reply to: Quest 14 – CLOSED #910279

      I don’t know anyone lol, so I will not be able to get votes beyond whoever likes my photo on the forum >.>

      …That’s how it’s supposed to be! I believe, usually, for quest voting, the identities are kept secret.

      in reply to: Grab Bag Mini Keeper Photo Thread #910264

        RobinBradbery, I think both of your dragons are lovely! A shame you don’t like either of them!

        Lucky people, already getting your dragons. I can’t wait for mine!

        in reply to: Quest 14 – CLOSED #910261

          Nice quest idea! We should get some amusing pictures. I think I’ll give it a go.

          in reply to: Grab Bag Mini Keeper Dragons #910152

            Thanks for the class photos! I’m trying not to get my heart set on any favorites though, lol. I will most likely be happy with whatever I get! It’s my first GB and to me, I think a part of the specialness will be keeping whatever piece I receive- so I probably won’t trade, unless I HATE it… 😛

            And my order status got updated to completed, so I think it shipped! Awesome! So the days of fervent-mail-box-checking begin! (Well, not that it will be IN the mail box, but, you know.)

            in reply to: Going away! #910140

              I hope the trip is wonderful, for everyone! I’ve had family members with Alzheimer’s as well; it is rough.
              Enjoy yourself.

              in reply to: I got a new puppy! *now with pictures! #910139

                Congrats on the new addition to your family! And yes, pics would be good!


                  That really is cool of you to do! I hope you find homes for them.
                  I might be interested if you end up adding any dragon sculpts I don’t have (or color I want) to that list. :p Depending on how drastic the damage is.

                  in reply to: Grab Bag Mini Keeper Dragons #910055

                    Not sold out yet! :p

                    The price was higher than I’d hoped and I shouldn’t have spent the money, but I did! Since I didn’t know exactly how much the shipping would be, I placed a GB dragon in my shopping cart at 8 when they went in the store, saw the grand total, and rushed to the store to put the money on my card, then came home to complete the order, with plenty of time to spare before it disappeared from my cart. :bigsmile:

                    in reply to: Pewter horns, Brandi's blue roan Unicorn #910053

                      I too would love to get my hands on a coiled mother dragon, and an oriental!

                      Yay horns!

                      in reply to: Your thoughts on quest prizes #909864

                        I think we should use a combination of these options for quests (different options for different quests), but announce it when posting the quests so people know what they’re getting into. That way if someone doesn’t like the idea of store credit, they don’t have to do the quest, or if they still want to participate in the quest for fun, maybe they could give their winnings to another member. But by announcing it along with the quest, there won’t be disappointment later.
                        And this way, we can use a unique piece/test paint/whatever as a prize IF one’s available at the time, and if not (this would probably be more often), one of the other options can be used: store credit, or a certain sculpt in a color of our choice or with eyes/jewels in a color of our choice, etc. but just rotate between those options from quest to quest. And again, by announcing it, people wouldn’t have to enter for anything they weren’t interested in! I think a number of us would be thrilled to get store credit or also the choose-an-eye/jewel-color-for-a-sculpt though!

                        in reply to: Name suggestions #909760

                          I also have to say that I really like the name Hoarder for that dragon.

                          I like it too! And actually, small creatures can be very good hoarders! Ever had a ferret? :bigsmile: (just for 1 example!)

                          I think if “hoarder” isn’t chosen for this dragon, it should be kept in mind for future dragon sculpts. There’s gotta be a dragon named hoarder. It’s so befitting of a dragon! A classic dragon characteristic is them having “hoards!”
                          My husband and I call one of our cats a dragon because (well, cats remind us of dragons anyway) he hoards crackly stuff and paper to nest in! Lol.

                          Anyway, I could always name one of my personal pieces “hoarder” I guess, but all my dragons have more namey-names than that, if that makes sense. :p

                          To be honest, it doesn’t matter that much to me what the sculpts are called! I’ll still enjoy it the same amount on my shelf. But I do think hoarder is a very good name, and he does kinda look well positioned to guard his hoard.

                          in reply to: Grab Bag Mini Secret Keeper Livestream! #909759

                            I think my favorite is Siri’s 7th choice! :p
                            I’m so excited.

                            Since there may be 200 or so, would someone be able to purchase one piece in one transaction/cart, then if GB pieces are still available in the store, go back later, or the next day, and purchase another? Is it only one per person – period? I’m still not sure if the one per person is a ‘per transaction’ or ‘per customer or mailing address or Paypal account’ limitation.

                            I kinda hope it’s only 1 per person, or at least that people can’t get more than 1 on the first day. Some of us don’t have cell phones and the ability to have a constant eye out for updates! So although I’ll be checking every day (a few times a day if I can!), I could be at work or something when they come out and not make it to a computer for a few or several hours! 🙁

                            in reply to: Grab Bag Mini Secret Keeper Livestream! #909758

                              ^ Too bad I missed it too! I saw something about it on Facebook yesterday but was too busy. Maybe I’ll catch part 2, when they do it. I’m about to check the other thread for the pics.

                              And it’s good news there are a lot of ’em- maybe I’ll have a decent chance at getting one! 😀 I know there are many people waiting to pounce!

                              in reply to: WHINE is served #909627

                                Ok, I’m going to do some whining about a few things. I avoided going into this stuff in here because I figured “eh, who really cares about this stuff and where would I even begin??” and I knew it would be long. But here I go anyway.

                                Well, towards the end of last year, I went to a dermatologist (one that I kinda randomly chose since I didn’t have insurance yet) about a mole that had developed a different tone/coloring around it. She said she didn’t think it looked like something to be worried about, but I had her remove and test it anyway. I was notified later that it tested as atypical (guess even a doctor’s opinion isn’t always right!) and that they wanted me to come in to do a punch removal to get the rest of the affected tissue, so it wouldn’t develop into something dangerous.
                                So I came in again about a month later for that. Had that procedure done, and the dermatologist said she wanted to see me again in a year to check on it.

                                Well I had health insurance coverage begin in January, and had an appointment towards the end of February with a regular doctor just to establish a primary care doctor and have a physical & yadda yadda. I talked to her about my dermatologist incident and she informed me that since I’d had “atypical neevus” (I had to call the dermatologist after my dr. appointment to confirm it was that, which my dr. was talking about) that meant I’m at a high risk for developing melanoma, a dangerous form of skin cancer and that it’s important for me to start having an annual thorough, head-to-toe skin exam every year for the rest of my life.
                                I immediately felt upset with the dermatologist I’d gone to for not explaining any of that to me, and also because she never even gave me a thorough skin exam, just looked at what I was in there to see her about.

                                I got a referral from my new doctor to see a different dermatologist (the one affiliated with my new dr.), so that I can have a thorough skin exam and probably have a suspicious mole/spot (whatever it is) on my neck removed. My doctor said since I’d had atypical neevus it would be safe & wise for me to just have that removed. So that appointment is set up for next month.
                                My paranoid side is scared about this whole thing and I’m also bothered by the fact that I have to do a thorough skin exam every year forever now. It’s also with a male dermatologist which doesn’t catch my fancy.

                                In addition to that, I’ve been having itchy bumps on my skin since last November. For about the first month it was only one itchy bump on my arm, then I got more on my arms. Then also on my chest, then also on my legs (particularly upper legs), then also on my shoulders/back… and pretty much everywhere. (Not everywhere as in completely covering my skin, just that there are some on almost any part of my body)
                                I spoke to my dermatologist about it the second time I was in to see her, and she didn’t really have time to talk about it much with me but told me it was “keratosis pilaris” and that it was basically from dry skin, and to start using “Cetaphil” moisturizing bodywa1sh and also Cetaphil lotion. Even though I’ve never had dry skin to my knowledge, I’ve been using it and a loofa to make sure I’m exfoliating my skin. The cetaphil stuff (which is expensive and formultaed for eczema) may be helping reduce the severity of the itch a bit but I’m still having itchy bumps pop up and it sucks.
                                I talked to my doctor about it too during my dr. appointment and she seems to agree with the dermatologist that I seem to have keratosis pilrais, and there’s no “cure” or anything, just moisturizing treatments & such. It’s still weird though, keratosis pilaris is only supposed to be on the outside of your upper arms, and in some cases on the thighs and cheeks- not in all the places I’ve got it. Guess I have a bad case?

                                I’ve also been having random red bumps, and bigger pink lumps, like swollen skin or something, show up on my face for the past few months. Sometimes they’ll be there only a matter of hours or sometimes several days. Most often under my eyes but sometimes on a cheek. All this stuff is freaking me out a little bit. The doctor didn’t really have anything to say about those but, of course, I didn’t have any on my face to show her at the time of my appointment. I took a picture of the most recent big pink lump that popped up on my face to show to the dermatologist I’m scheduled to see, but I doubt anything will come of it. I’m sure it’s something I’m not supposed to worry about, but why is all this crap going on with my skin? Ugh.

                                I’ve also been struggling paying for this stupid health insurance. I enrolled with the health insurance marketplace and I qualified for 80-something dollars of help each month paying for it, at least I did when I put the annual household income for my husband & I at $27,000. I just recently changed it to $32,000 because it looks like that’s more like what we’ll make this year (we’re both hourly workers, not salaried, so it’s basically an estimate) and now instead of paying $137 a month out of my pocket for my health insurance, it’s $193. May not sound like a big difference but when every dollar counts, it is. I looked into changing to a cheaper plan but if I do that, it’d be a plan with a crappy deductible and then it just seems pointless. So I’m keeping the plan and dealing with the wallet-sucking drain it is putting on my life now.

                                It seems like now I’m always having to make phone calls now or return phone calls, to a doctor or dermatologist or to Kaiser (my health insurance company) or to Connect for Health Colorado. Stuff like that’s really stressful to a person like me. I, frankly, hate phone calls and dealing with new people, for the most part. It’s not that I hate people, I’m just not good at dealing with them and I get easily stressed I guess.

                                Oh and another crappy thing is: since we (people in general) have to pay so much money for health insurance, why can’t it include vision and hearing issues as well? I don’t need that stuff at this point in my life but chances are, I might at some time. I just think that’s rea1ly crappy we’re all supposed to pay a bunch of money for health insurance, dental insurance, hearing, & vision separately.

                                My husband & I also recently applied for a pre-approval for a mortgage loan with a credit union so we can see if we can buy a house in the near future. We’re only asking an $80,000 or $90,000 loan for a small house and so our monthly mortgage payment would only be in the 500s or so. I’m worried we won’t get approved because we don’t really have any credit. I had a credit card for a couple years when I was 18/19 and always paid on time but neither of us have been using credit since then, we are cash, only-spend-what-we-have kind of people. We were allowed to turn in evidence of “alternate credit” like evidence of our car insurance payments instead, but we’ll see how it goes. So we’ve been scrambling to save to try to prepare for moving and stuff we’ll need for a new house, and the expenses involved in buying (appraiser, inspector, “earnest money” and/or downpayment, etc.)
                                We just really need to get out of our current place, and since mortgage payments can be cheaper than rent, we want to go for buying instead of renting now (and eventually the mortgage will be paid off!).

                                And with all this crap taking my money, I feel like I’ll never be able to have money to get a new engine so I can drive my Bronco again. My Bronco is (or was) a big part of my life and I loved it. I’d take it off-road when I could and was in the process of making the interior how I wanted it and had plans for having the outside painted too. Lately I’m feeling I don’t know how it’s going to be possible.

                                I just wish I could be a kid again and not have to give a single thought to bills or health & health insurance and stuff like that.
                                Ok, just wanted to rant a bit. A lot, as it turned out!

                                in reply to: Seizure's, EEG's, the ICU and Lupus (UD 11/21/14) #909616

                                  ^Good luck with your application, I hope it works out for you to get one! I think a helper dog would be a blessing to you in a number of ways, and I’m sure you’d be able to take good care of him/her, plus you have Mary that comes by frequently as well if you were to ever need help with it! Too unstable my butt.

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