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  • in reply to: Horrible day…. #784213

      I have to agree that wether or not the people pay for your vet bills, that dog needs to be reported to animal control ASAP, ESPECIALY if you have the veterinarian as witness to a confession that their pit attacked your poor dog without provication. Since it’s not the vet’s dog that was attacked, I don’t think they can report the pit to animal control, but I may be wrong on this. I agree with Eaglefeather, what if that dog accidentaly knocks down a child and rips it’s throat open? Who knows what will provoke him? If you need to, you can always ask the vet for advice regarding Animal Control. Also, go back to the beach park and see if you can find anyone else who saw the fight, witnesses come in very handy in any disputable situation.

      I hope that Drake recovers quickly and isn’t in pain long, Bard’s suggestion of warm compresses can help too. Big hugs and much love to you and your puppy!!!!

      in reply to: Oldies but goodies, where have we all gone? (Now rated MA) #784133

        Thanks for the updates as you know them Jen and Dragonmedly! I didn’t want to copy and paste and clutter everything, but it’s good to hear that most are at least doing well! Zorse shounds like she’s having TONS of fun out in the wild! I hope she’s not getting eatted by the mosquitos! 😮 If anyone sees or hears from anyone please give them big hugs from me!

        in reply to: Oldies but goodies, where have we all gone? (Now rated MA) #784132

          skigod377 wrote:

          I still talk to Star often. Im here. Just taking college, moving, and as of today im 40 weeks pregnant. A big belly gets in the way of the laptop… I have no lap!

          Golddragon actually came on here and posted not too long ago. Just giving a little update.

          Congrats on the new addition to the family!! Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl? What does your son think about it all? Give Star a big hug for me and hopefully Goldragon will be back again soon!

          in reply to: Oldies but goodies, where have we all gone? (Now rated MA) #784131

            ruffian wrote:

            I’m back home now, attended both services for my father, one several hours from home, the second even farther :cry:. And for the 15 months before that he was sick so I was trying to visit him as much as I could, so if I was not working I was traveling.

            Oh sweetie, I’m really sorry. Sending you warm fuzzies and big hugs! It’s good to see you, and I’m glad you’re still around! Hang in there!

            in reply to: Report Windstone Fakes/Knock offs/Infringment Pls read first #708676

              ruffian wrote:

              What about this group??


              Oh hay, The red looks like the Male, yellow looks like a Rising Spectral, gray/blue/green looks like a Sitting Spectral, green is a PYO Keeper?, blue looks like a Lap, and the ugly purple looks like the reg PYO Dragon.

              Glad to see you Ruff! I’ve missed ya! <3

              in reply to: Oldies but goodies, where have we all gone? (Now rated MA) #784126

                I know I’ve been known to take my leaves of absince, but I can’t stay away from you guys, you’re too funny and weird! Just like me! <3 Anyway, I've been looking though old posts and newer ones and have been missing a lot of people that used to be really prominent in the community. Where are they now? Who has heard from them? So I suppose this thread is one of reminiscence and ouiji where we get to bring back those who may have lost their way back to us. I'm just gonna start a quick list, feel free to add anyone that I haven't listed or second those you miss too!

                Vantid (haven’t seen her in AGES though I’m sure she’s around…wonder if she’s still getting manicures 😀 )
                Chessapeaka (Not like we’ve really “lost” her, but she doesn’t visit us very often 🙁 )
                Skigod (She’s falling behind…someone might actualy catch up to her!! 😮 just kidding…)
                Mimi (I’ve seen her periodicaly but she doesn’t come around much anymore either 🙁 I have some squirrel pics and stories for her)
                Cheryl (last I talked to her she was taking a serious break for financial reasons and didn’t want to be tempted)
                Keplilly (think I’ve seen here once or twice in the last month? maybe?)
                Arlla (Lurking, but I’m sure she’s too busy painting to hang out much =P hope all is well!)
                Watergazer (I miss her and her PYOs I feel SOO lucky to have gotten her Froggie Dragon)
                Dragonessjade (Says she was on last month but don’t see her posting… really thinking about trading her Jen’s Dragon for the Resplendent Griffy =P)
                Starbreeze (Quit lurking I miss you….*searches for Nutella to bribe back into posting*)
                Emerald (You too, quit lurking…)
                Dracomancer (Didn’t he go emo on us and leave =( miss him)

                And I’m sure there are many many more that I missed, but this list is pretty much in order from veterans at the top. If I forgot to mention you it’s not because I don’t like you 😛 .

                in reply to: Don't you love hidden auctions (not) #784106

                  purpledoggy wrote:

                  I bought the pair with the hopes of keeping the fledge. They are more yellow then the pictures shows. I’m trying to get a picture of them but my camera is acting up so I may have to find my old digital to get a better pictures. I wish I could find an old warrior for $50 bucks lol.

                  It really helps to show the perspective in color if you put a really white one next to the yellowed ones, then even with a flash you can pick out the difference, also using a white overhead light and no flash on the camera can help show the real coloring, I’d still put up a white White to compare if you can. And yea I know this from personal experience >.<

                  in reply to: Not so great test results. #783582

                    *crosses everything I can that can cross that it isn’t cancer*…..that’s so horrible, and this is the transplant right? If it is cancer, what are the chances that it was there to beginwith, like from the old donor? What does that do legaly? Not that you need to worry about anything like that right now, I’m just curious as to how and what surrounding it…..time to let my fingers do some jogging thru google.

                    Big hugs for both you and Danny that the surgery goes quick and painless and that it’s just scar tissue or a minor infection!!! We’re here for you anytime you need us!

                    MUCH LOVE AND HEALS …..*where’s a Resto Drood when you need one…..*

                    in reply to: Windstones and other things for Sale (UPDATED) smaller pics #779009

                      I’m also putting some miscilaneous stuff up on eBay as I have time around homework and school. Right now it consists of some really nice vintage aluminum cookware called Guardian Service Cookware, here is a page with some info on it, and also the link to my eBay page. I’ll be putting up more stuff over the next week.

                      Guardian Cookware info:

                      My evilBay page:

                      in reply to: (experiment trade) raffle time Winner is……. #768525

                        Skylover wrote:

                        Let’s see…

                        For a peacock emperor I will offer an entire mint white unicorn family – grand, male, mother, young, and baby.

                        Damn!!! Now THAT’S trading up!

                        in reply to: New PYO Keeper, Pg 6, Sept 8 #777389

                          frozendragon wrote:

                          Eleu wrote:

                          I WANT! I love purple! 😀

                          purple is my favorite color 🙂

                          I thought white was….you know now that the amethysts are out, you’ll have to match your white collection =P

                          in reply to: Thank you everyone sale is closed #783631

                            Romeodanny wrote:

                            Well, good news. She’s going off the respirator today. (I should probably be at the hospital.. but, I don’t get sick days, so I need to work :() But, here’s the good news the nurses and doctor told us that they would be surprised if she doesn’t breath on her own. She’s such a stubborn fighter.

                            Yay for the tenacity and stubborness of mothers!!!!! I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if my mom outlives me into her 120s 😮

                            in reply to: Happy Belated Birthday Nirvanacat13! (aug 22) #780865

                              HAHAHAHAHAHA I missed my own B-Day page 😳 Lawlz Thank you everyone for the well wishes! I had an absolutely wonderful birthday and now seeing this here even at this late a date made it even better! Love and hugs to all!!

                              in reply to: mmloda's PYO Thread..Update pg 7…New Ki Rin, Griffin, Wolf #711085

                                Mm, I just wanted to say how impressed I am with how your PYOs have progressed since you started! You have some really beautiful pieces out there and I can’t wait to see more! HUGS!

                                in reply to: I lost my best friend today #783932

                                  Losing furbabies is one of the hardest things in life, maybe a little more so than others because their time with us is so relatively short. Sending out the biggest fuzzy hugs in the world to Griffin and Peg!!!! We love you guys dearly and are here for you if you ever need to talk or just “get it out”. You are among friends who love you and will stick by you!

                                  MUCH LOVE AND WARM FUZZIES!!!!

                                Viewing 15 posts - 616 through 630 (of 3,168 total)