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  • in reply to: PYO WOLVES ARE UP! #509948

    Nambroth wrote:

    Yes, the $29.95 is much lower than it should be, completely disregarding shipping costs.

    Hmmm…with the shipping charges, it would be a total of $38, which is still significantly lower than the usual $55 that’s charged by sites with free shipping…

    in reply to: HEY MIMI! #510494

    skigod377 wrote:

    What are you cooking me for Thanksgiving???

    Frozen had a good idea there — it would have to be something that could survive the trip to Germany! 😆 I’ve actually thought about sharing my favorite cookies with you guys…but I’ve never sent food in the mail before (aside from candy). I wonder if cookies would survive in the mail? Or maybe candy popcorn would hold up better…

    I still need to decide what to make for Thanksgiving. I was thinking about doing something different from the usual Thanksgiving food…especially since I had a bunch of people over yesterday and I made a mini-Thanksgiving meal — roast chicken with lots of gravy, stuffing, buttermilk biscuits, corn, and pumpkin pie with whipped cream/ice cream.

    What are you making for Thanksgiving?

    in reply to: So I learned something new tonight #509690

    But you did get the other two…had you wanted to buy all three of them?

    in reply to: Heads up! Chatroom anyone??? #510247

    Snapdragon wrote:

    There are a couple of frontend java IRC clients that build into phpBB. I will look at putting one in if it is wanted.

    Wow, that would really nice! Having a chat room feature on the forum would be pretty cool…

    in reply to: Peacock Dragons Real color? #510402

    lamortefille wrote:

    Same thing here – I just figured the color difference on my older peacocks was due to age. Some of it is age – the gold is starting to wear off in spots. Anyone else have older pieces? Have they developed “freckles” – small spots of paint loss that can’t be attributed to knocking something into the piece? My black griffin has a few on top of his head.

    Strange…I haven’t noticed that with any of mine, and my green dragon family and brown griffin are both >15 years old. But I’m in California, where its pretty dry, and the temperature in the house is 70-80 year round. What is the humidity and temperature like where you are?

    in reply to: Ferret name #510356

    ddvm wrote:

    mimitrek wrote:

    Or Draco? He was a ferret at one point… 🙂

    That was my all time favorite scenes in any of the books or movies! 😆

    That was one of my favorite scenes too!

    ddvm wrote:

    But the guy is soooo slimy and obnoxious I just couldn’t stick a cute little ferret with the name. Although it was a great suggestion – thanks!

    He he…it also occurred to me right I after I posted that comment that the ferret was probably too cute to be called Draco…

    in reply to: Ferret name #510348

    Or Draco? He was a ferret at one point… 🙂

    in reply to: Re: Stolen Windstone Annoucement by Chessie #510276

    Oh wow…is it safe for you to stay at the house right now? Or should you stay with the neighbors for the time being?

    in reply to: Re: Stolen Windstone Annoucement by Chessie #510274

    Nambroth wrote:

    Many highly valuable things besides Melody’s sculptures were stolen, they think they were hit by pros.

    That’s really horrible…I thought the sculptures were the only things that got taken…

    in reply to: Re: Stolen Windstone Annoucement by Chessie #510270

    What terrible luck…too bad there are these scumbags running around…

    in reply to: Im curious what was your best and worst Windstone buy? #509134

    ddvm wrote:

    My best Windstone buy just happened – I got the fifth black emerald peacock secret keeper! Happy dancing around the room!


    in reply to: WTB Russet Curled Flame… #510076

    ddvm wrote:

    A story about the PS3 – a friend’s husband is a big game player and really wanted the PS3 but they had a huge fight about it, she said because of money it wasnt a good time to buy one. So he text messages her that he bought one on ebay and then sends a second message that it was $1200! She flips out and was in tears (they’ve been having problems anyway). Finally hours later when she gets home he tells her it was a joke and he hadn’t really bought one! She is sooooooo mad at him! At least he didn’t spend the money….

    That’s really mean. That guy sounds pretty immature…among other things…

    in reply to: What did he do? #510040

    SilverArrow wrote:

    I saw that auction and was wondering the same thing. Anyone else keep their bad Windstone creatures in cages?

    Not me! I think they should be free to roam around the house when they feel like it. 🙂

    in reply to: Heads up! Chatroom anyone??? #510244

    SPark wrote:


    There’s where you can download it.

    You’ll probably end up with a weird username though, the normal ones are always already taken, because a bazillion people use AOL.
    Thanks! I’ll check it out.

    in reply to: Heads up! Chatroom anyone??? #510243

    It definitely would be more convenient if the chatroom was attached to the forum, so that whoever was online could just duck in and chat for awhile if they felt like it.

    Most of the time I probably won’t have time to go to the chatroom either….but it would be fun to join occasionally when I do have time…

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