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  • in reply to: Grab Bag Baby Unicorn Livestream 4/23/2012! #878752

    That was tons of fun :bigsmile: Thanks again for taking the time to show us all those fun little babies…though I am totally scared about the price now :O

    in reply to: Paypal verification, how do you deal with it? #878675

    “Ms. Hutchison said that the verification process is evolving and that users can now be verified without giving bank account information or acquiring a PayPal credit card. But amazingly, that option never shows up on any online menu. It’s available only to people annoyed enough to call or write. ”

    SWEET! Annoyed enough to call, that’s me! Thanks for the awesome source :bigsmile:

    in reply to: Paypal verification, how do you deal with it? #878648

    Simply put, it should be very hard to have access to an individual’s bank account. The federal government can do it, it’s how the IRS can take away your money for unpaid taxes.
    And paypal does abuse it. My sister used to sell lots of unwanted items on ebay and have the funds deposited in her bank account through paypal. Well, it turns out someone won one of her auctions paid with a stolen credit card. So the funds, something like $100, were taken right back out of her bank account. It was a complicated scenario: how do you protect the real owner of the credit card and the seller who has lost property to the fraudulent buyer? Their solution of take back the money and screw the rest of it was disturbing to say the least. It should be much harder then that to fiddle with an individual’s savings, and I feel a for-profit has no right in hell to do it in the first place.

    in reply to: Paypal verification, how do you deal with it? #878646

    Just trying to help… 😥

    I know you’re just offering your best advice, and I appreciate it. I’m pissed at the situation and didn’t intend for any of my responses to “sound” like a snap.

    in reply to: Paypal verification, how do you deal with it? #878641

    I did go through the website to find the information there. it’s a real email, it links to the real paypal site.

    I do consider it a big deal simply because a for-profit business has no business in having access to my account with my credit union. I will call paypal just to hear the crapfest and dish out some of my own, but I seriously doubt they can appease me; there’s just nothing they can offer or say that will make me link my bank account to paypal. I was thinking about opening an account at another bank and letting the minimum amount rot there and call it my paypal account, but I don’t think I should have to go to that trouble and the whole principle of it pisses me off.

    It ticks me off too because last semester I was doing business forecast searches in Dialog and Factiva and several big banks were expressing and interest in collaboration to form a paypal like online service. It’s really no time for paypal to alientate its users with demands of access to their bank accounts when there are sharks in the water.

    in reply to: Price for new " Safari " GB baby unicorns? #878635

    This is information I’d also appreciate having. Is there a set price yet or a price idea range?

    in reply to: Anime Reviews #878512

    Title: Perfect Blue
    <img src=";

    Synopsis: This film is a psychological thriller and a cult classic. It was written and directed by Satoshi Kon. The story focuses on a pop idol singer Mima Kirigoe as she attempts to change her image and move from singing in the group Cham to becoming an actress. However, once Mima has a small part in a drama, the pop group she’s left behind makes it to the top 100 charts. Mima has further uncertainties about her career change as she is asked to perform a violent rape scene in her new acting gig. Her severe image change and the new stress it becomes even more profound when she discovers a webpage dedicated to her day-to-day life that clearly is the work of a stalker. Mima’s mental state further unravels as people connected to the drama are found murdered and she repeatedly sees a strange disfigured man following her. At times one is afraid no answers will be forthcoming in this movie and we’ll have to simply guess what was really occurring, however this movie has a great ending that ties up the story nicely.

    Star Rating:

    Review: This is a stand alone movie running about 80minutes, not a full series. It’s creepy, dramatic, and unforgettable. The setting feels a little disconnected because of the clear evidence that the story is removed from the contemporary time by a few decades, but the story is certainly not something limited by the time period. Even though the film is from the 90s the world depicted will seem much more like the 80s for American audiences (just check out that retro computer!).
    As great as the film is, I find it off-putting that all the Otaku featured are male and generally the stereotypical loners. The prime candidate for stalking and murder is also a loner Otaku with severe facial disfigurements. I don’t want to ruin the ending, but there is a bit of a theme in this movie about people who are do not fit a cultural standard for beauty doing violent and terrible things. It’s still a great film, but this did give me pause. I found out about this film from a panel at Megacon for the top 10 animes all fans should see, and I testify that they were telling the truth about this one.

    Warnings and Praises: LOL where to begin? Graphic nudity, full frontal female with none of the blurring commonly seen in Japan. Severe violence, like punching out eyes with screwdrivers and stabbing people with umbrellas…really. The film crew stages a rape scene for their TV drama. I think this director also worked on “Paranoia Agent”…and it shows!

    in reply to: Anime Boston 2012 #878511

    It looks so awesome. I went to my first con this year, Megacon in Orlando, and now I keep hunting for more local ones to attend! Any excuse to prance around in my Grell costume and chug sake from a flask :bigsmile:

    in reply to: GB Baby Unicorn Livestream today! (April 16) #878415

    Simply amazing! I didn’t think it could get any better than candy corns, but these guys are just beautiful and perfect and…just wow! I can’t wait to watch the recording, I only got to check back with the livestream periodically because of school work.

    in reply to: Crazy Dream #878385

    When I’m stressed, weird vivid dreams happen if I’ve been chugging the coffee at night to stay up and finally crash or if I eat something with lots of fat only a few hours before bed, like pizza or cake. Mmmm cake, I keep promising myself I’m going to make mint chocolate vegan cupcakes as soon as I finish the homework for the day, the problem is the homework never seems to be finished!

    in reply to: Show your collection V.7-2012 #878366

    My first print! /heart

    Melody Pena Pegasus Print

    Melody Pena Pegasus Print

    in reply to: Quest #5 #878362

    I want to see everyone elses photos ^_^

    DITTO! SO excited to see the crazy stuff other people thought up. I only wish I’d had a bigger fuzzy collection to play with for this quest.

    in reply to: Quest #5 #878303

    I sent in my entry. It was hard to just pick three! Thanks for creating these fun quests for us; it was a joy to do something other than homework this week!

    in reply to: Show your collection V.7-2012 #878211

    You have TWO red eyed baby unicorns? Awesome, but so jealous!

    in reply to: Giving Up-NOT!!!!–UPDATE-5/4/12 #878115

    I completed a PhD. I felt like it was torture when I hit my third year and I had probably at least 2 years (ended up being 2.5 years) to go. I wouldn’t recommend doing a PhD to anyone who is remotely satisfied without one. But if you’re not, it’s worth the suffering.

    You’ve made it this far, and you can do it! The reward is a longer term thing than the pain.

    Yes, I felt like I wanted a Ph.D somewhere down the road, but 2 years in my master’s program has revealed to me the errors of my way! All I want to publish are awesome magical realist/urban fantasy novels, you can keep your frickin’ dissertations and publish or perish masochist culture Ph.D land!

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