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Yup Dragon, still in Edmonton.
So you know what kind of undertaking this is, but we’re not looking strictly in Edmonton, but some of the smaller satellite Communities, ok well Hole in the wall communities, like Warburg.Oh & Khym went down for his “Surgery” this evening, it was nice & fast(less than an hour). But I held him on the OR table while they had to Gas him, since he’d pulled his IV out again & had his Fluids going into the skin/muscle. & then had to leave him to come to work, & I had barely started shift when my Mom called (She was staying with him while the Male & I did our “Changing of the Guards” since we only have 2 hours from him getting home from work to my Getting into work) & he was out 7 would be up shortly, she was talking with the Neurosurgeon who did his “Surgery”.
So the newest episode is that Khym is currently in the Hospital, waiting on an opening in a Neurosurgeon’s Surgery Card.
All thanks to those “Episodes” that we are now fairly certain are Migraines, but they want to make sure that it’s not his VP Shunt failing in a way that’s undetectable from Imaging. Yay.We’re also trying really hard to find a cheaper place to move, if not get our own place, however with No Down-payment at all(& they generally wanting a 5% one), & houses in general coming in at above the $250-$300 G mark, that’s probably not happening. So Renting it is.
At least the Dog’s allergies are pretty well under control!!
Glad to hear something is going better on you’re Migraines. & Sorry to hear about another Fur Baby that’s had to Move on.
Khym is at this moment sitting in a Hospital Bed, waiting for them to Drill a Hole in his tiny Little Skull, & stick a wire into his brain. Just to make sure that it’s not his VP Shunt failing, & they just can’t pick it up on the Imaging tests. I’m still hoping this 2+ years of his Episodes/Migraines will be over now when he’s finished getting his 2-Year Molars in. However he’ll possibly be on Migraine Meds before that at the rate he’s going. But hopefully that’ll mean he won’t be a literal walking skeleton by that time aswell!!
You need to stick your Father & Brother in a small room (or a plane, or a Steelworkers of America Conference Supper table 😆 ) With my Mom for a couple hours!! They’ll have a whole new appreciation & fear of the Female species!!
Thanks Pam, & no worries, I could very well have had my Info wrong as well! & I was serious about that being Interesting, to me it was/is.
& Thanks Phoenix!! Now I know a bit more.
Pam Thompson wrote:Melody will probably be painting one of those next.
The rocky mountain and black forest horses are a color called “silver dapple” (a color that ironically does not require dapples).
“Flaxen Liver Chestnut” is a different color from silver dapple, but I think silver dapple is much prettier!Interesting. Since all the information I’ve been able to find on them says they’re a Dark Chestnut with Flaxen mane & with some Sorrels. Though one of the breeders sites I’ve looked at says there’s 1 family line each of Grey & of Bays. We’re thinking about whether these would be a good Draft breed fit for us. Especially 3 years ago when we were thinking about moving to Montreal, & I would then look at maybe being one of the Horse-Drawn Carriage drivers that they have there. Figured these guys would be Beautiful in that line of work, especially with a complimenting carriage.
Though being “Silver Dapples” does explain this Guy…
I seriously adore the Black Forest Horse Coloured Unicorn.
Ahh for the $$.
[img]!Bp9mkCQ!mk~$(KGrHqUOKiUEubhH+yNsBLtonYOvlQ~~_3.JPG[/img]I think I’m on the same page as Eaglefeather is right now.
There are hopes & plans to be more regular again.
Just want a comp at home, & more $$ available.Khym & I saw it on Friday (Opening Day?) & He’s still talking about it almost a week later!! He’s 2.5 years old. He sat quietly through most of it & then was just a little antsy after having to sit the whole way there & then immediately into the movie (so about4 hours).
I have to pop in to say MELODY I WANT PRODUCTION RAVEN GRIFFIN’S!!!! Ok so yell it, but I think it get’s my point across of loving the Black Griff’s!! 😀
February 12, 2010 at 6:04 am in reply to: Why I've been MIA or My turn to let some of it out #726613Reviving this old dead thread of mine to post a bit of an Update!! Still a bit of a Doom & Gloom one, but still, I need to let it out & my Windstone Family I hope is still here, even if the old-timers (& those of us in between) are scarce.
So My day was “Entertaining” to say the least. My son was having one of his “Episodes” they look alot like his VP Shunt is going into failure, or now that he’s able to let us know that his head hurts, also exactly like a Migraine, & the fact that they disappear when he throws up(normally) really makes us think “Migraine” rather than “Shunt”. BUT today he “Decided” that he wasn’t going to get better after he threw up. I got home & into bed around 1:30am, fell asleep closer to 2am. This all started at 3:30am. So those of you who already have kids know that when you know your kid’s going to be throwing up (especially in your bed) you’re not actually sleeping even lightly. at 11:30am I knew for sure something was a little more off than normal, so started calling his Dr.’s. End decision at Noon was that I was bringing him down to see his Neurosurgeon for 1pm. Normally before during his “Episodes” he’d start perking up or be perked up by the time we got to the hospital. Nope today he even wanted to just lay down in his stroller(we have the LRT which is essentially a tram-Subway thingy right out our door, & one of the stops is right in front of the Pediatric Hospital, so that takes about 20-25 minuets instead of a guaranteed hour in the day, & no having to find parking, also easier for emergency personnel to get to us if the shit hits the fan, I just push a button next stop there’s people, in the car I’m waiting for an Ambulance to find us & then load him up, having to leave my car on the freeway) & as we hit the Hospital Doors he once again threw up. He hadn’t eaten anything nor drank anything(he refused it all) since before 8pm last night(exception of Tylenol at 5am) so when he’s thrown up today it’s only been Bile. My poor baby. Any way he got sent down to get a fast MRI, & was so cute after they were done, but they used at least 4 straps to keep him down & still as well as 2 of their techs.(when they let him up he was cheering & saying “Yay Khym free, Yay Khym, all done, Khym good boy.”) But the results were that inside his head looks fine & normal, but then they measured the outside & his head has only grown a cm from almost exactly a year ago, which for a hydrocephalus baby, who’s never had his skull any larger than normal, nor his shunt picked at all(especially for the # of scares we’ve had) is very highly unusual. SOo they’re wondering/worried about a really rare condition where the skull doesn’t grow quite as fast as it should, & that causes pressure build up, with no visible signs. BUT that means if he’s not any better in a day or 2 he’s got to go back, & they’ll probably insert a pressure monitor (his Neurosurgeons preference) or do what’s more or less exploratory surgery on & around his Shunt. *SIGH*
So since I’m at work & Dadda is looking after him right now, he was telling Dadda he wanted a Pizza Pop, well once Dadda had it ready he didn’t want it & had a couple sips of water, & threw that back up. We’re now giving him a Migraine treatment of Advil & Gravol. & apparently if it’s doing anything, it’s making him sleepy, but honestly we can’t tell that for sure, ’cause of how he’s been all along.Good news is we’re trying to get a new house, bad news on that is apparently someone else is also interested in it, & we’re not pre-approved for a mortgage, nor do we have the down-payment for certain, but we may be able to scrounge something up if we could otherwise get the mortgage.
Our Dalmatian is still going strong at 13 almost 14 years old. But she has given us some health scares with her Kidneys, probably all due to her first bladder infection when she was 12 years old. BUT Khym has her quite scared of him, he loves on her too hard, & tries to play with her, & she doesn’t like playing cars when she’s at the bottom of the steps & he & the giant truck are at the top. 😀 Actually she really doesn’t like to play cars or catch with balls that are bigger than her head, even if they are soft & light.
Khym knows how to get into the fridge, kitchen sink, & upper Kitchen cupboards. My long term chocolate & other goodies stash no longer exists.
The cat has actually started snuggling up with Khym when he’s not completely asleep, Still snuggles on occasion with Dadda, but not so often.
DM I am logging in FOR YOU (not that anyone else doesn’t need it, but you should all know that I think & worry about you guys, but you seem that at this moment you need the words that not everyone can say, & make me feel like it’s from my soul as well).
Even if Sarabi Did “Die from the cold” it was probably more that it helped her through a far shorter suffering that you would never have been aware of. I don’t remember hearing if the rest of your cats ever warmed up to her, but even if they didn’t they probably would not have left her on her own otherwise if it was that cold. How you describe your morning Nightmare actually makes me think that she had a Heart attack, or similar occurrence, something very fast & quickly debilitating. You said you found her next to your bed, not on it, not under it, but nest to it. Cold is a very slow killer, you being in Cali (if I remember correctly) would not neccessarily be in a position to know that & other things about cold, but 40F is still 4C, above freezing, & Cats even scrawny ones, (unless Sphinx, & I’ld imagine maybe the Rex’s have a similar issue) still have a built in Sweater. If the Cold had killed her she would most assuredly be curled in a ball on your bed, but if she made it to the bed most cats can still crawl under the covers(or Pillows), & there would have been a Cat Pile to probably have kept her warm!! The fact she was again beside your bed & not under it also says it wasn’t one of those slower oncoming things that they hide from you for like forever until they hide away. It might not have been that she was mid stride when she was lain low, but she may have already been mostly gone when she made it there, wanting to curl up on your bed, the place which should smell the most of you, to be as close to you as possible when she passed, or to hide under your bed (assuming you’re bed is raised off the ground). Remember that even if still scrawny if you had a high quality food available at all times then she probably also has a High Metabolism, which also makes them less likely to freeze that quickly, their personal furnaces are always running.
September 22, 2009 at 2:13 am in reply to: Oldies but goodies, where have we all gone? (Now rated MA) #784136Running on empty in multiple ways.
But still Lurking, just off-line.
Probably should update a little though.
Khym has been off his seizure meds for around 6 months, & since they placed his VP Shunt at around 3 weeks we’ve had a couple scares all but the ones last Christmas they now believe to have been him teething. Last Christmas we were told to expect him to be in for surgery any day, & with his track record it was most likely going to be Christmas EVE/day or New years Eve/day. Nothing since then, & just saw his Neurologist & he can’t believe what where the little bugger is. Oh also working on Potty training not going too bad, the last 2 days he’s even started to pull down his pants & say he needs to go. We’ve had him “Naked Potty trained” for Months now. It’s just this whole pants part we’re having issues with.I’ve been crying over everyone Else’s losses, & felt that everyone else had enough on their plate than to deal with mine. In May my Nan died suddenly after a fall. And we brought her home to bury her. We buried her on her & my Grandfathers Wedding anniversary. They are once again together. unfortunately the Male didn’t get to go ’cause we technically didn’t have the $$ & couldn’t even afford for me to go, but my Mom bought my Ticket(using the $$ she was saving for a house down payment) & we survived having a high energy 20 month old sit on our laps for that horrendous trip, both ways. And I had to give her “My Salute”, I was carrying her & rolled my ankle & almost dropped her as we were carrying her casket down the Church steps to the Hearse. I did some pretty bad damage to myself, but walked her to the grave. Coincidentally with in hours of her death we were getting things arranged & making flight plans when we got the call that we had also lost an Uncle. They died on Wednesday am, I worked Wednesday & Thursday night, we flew out Friday, went to my Uncles funeral on Saturday, Finished preparations & waked my Nan Saturday & Sunday, & buried her on Monday. Whirlwind tour to try & see as much family as possible before driving back to the capital & city with the airport on Wednesday,Tried to see as many as possible who were in that location on Thursday & flew back early on Friday.
July I fell down the stairs with Khym in my arms, & thought I had merely Sprained my ankle, & the ER said that was all, it felt different from my normal sprains, 3 weeks later I wake up & painfully manage to do some of my “Ankle Exercises” (used what I had been told over a decade ago, since they did dick squat for me at the ER) & Along with a really Loud Pop the remaining deformity (we had thought it wasn’t swelling anymore, but couldn’t “prove” it, but it sure as hell didn’t look like anything from previous experience) & 90% of the pain went away! Any one else think it was actually Dislocated? Oh & Khym was just freaked out & traumatized. And on the subject of my son’s Trauma apparently when they move those white background/drop screens at Photo Studios it sounds an awful lot like MRI/CT Scanners/X-ray machines, & Khym has a memory like an Elephant!
And my first baby, my 13 year old Dalmatian Jubilee is starting to feel her age. She’s also been having Kidney problems, which I think has to do with her Bladder infection last year, so she’s now on a urinary tract diet, & coming off her Prednisone. But her & Khym act just like Humanoid Siblings, you can all but hear them arguing all the time..”Mom he hit me” “Dad she looked at me funny” Oh God lord does that Son of mine abuse his Sissy-dog!! But he’s so beyond awesome with other people’s Critters!! :scratch:There’s alot more going on, but that’s the gist of it, & why I don’t have time/energy to log on.
OH & Ski, Congrats & Good Luck!!
So did you happen to see what’s coming our way tonight/tomorrow? You know for the holiday? 👿
I am Soooo sorry for your Loss Kyrin. 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 And can only sympathize with you and your Terror. ‘Cause I know that is what you are going through. My family has been hit hard by Meningitis over the years, we are apparently highly susceptible, & thanks to my Group B Strep there was the Nightmare of that having been what caused Khym’s stroke. He would not have been the first in our family to have Died/been affected by GBS Meningitis, it was truly a family Nightmare trying to happen again.
Here’s hoping that All of you can overcome this tragedy with no more Loss, or Pain than has already been caused.