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  • in reply to: Black Grand Unicorns! #513659

      I know there was someone here who wanted a black grand unicorn, but I can’t remember who… Was it Keplilly?

      Anyway, this collector ultdragonian who’s been selling recently on ebay… I bought the emerald fledgling from him… I called him to discuss shipping and he told me that he’s getting rid of most of his collection and he has 2 black grand unicorns that he’s thinking of selling.

      Now, I haven’t received the fledgling yet, so I can’t vouch 100% for him, but from our emails and phone conversation, I’ve found him to be very nice and helpful (he offered to hold on to a white fledgling for me because I didn’t think I could buy it right now). And he told me that he always packages things so that they are litteraly bomb proof for shipping. And his ebay rating is really excellent.

      So if someone here is interested in the black grand unicorns just PM me and I’ll send you his email address. I’d rather not just post it.

      in reply to: hey to all the new people and welcome #512232

        skigod377 wrote:

        nessiemom wrote:

        Yep. That’s my Nessie. And romance novels! Ummm… how to say this nicely… Ick?

        No, my favorite authors tend to sci-fi/fantasy. Right now I’m on a John Ringo/David Weber/Eric Flint kick, but have Mercedes Lackey, Terry Goodkind, Brian Jacques, L.E. Modesitt, Elizabeth Moon, etc, etc in my library.

        Ah well, your taste in books tends to mesh with everyone elses. I have heard Mercedes Lackeys name on here several times. Your pooch is adorable!

        Don’t worry Ski, you’re not alone, I enjoy a good romance once in a while… Who’s your favorite author? I really like Linda Howard, ever since I’ve started reading her books, I’ve become obsessed with men in uniforms!

        in reply to: Ideas for Hybrid Emerald Peacock name #513310

          skigod377 wrote:

          I wish we could see them in person, then we could come up with a name that would suit and be customer friendly. Maybe miss Melody should send us some and then we could decide?

          Ha!Ha! I’m all for that! There is nothing like live viewing!

          in reply to: And the Sniping Queen is …… #513444


            πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

            Hey Nirvanacat! You outbid me on 2 emerald in the last hour! Actually I should probably say out-sniped because that’s what I was trying to do as well. No worries though, I was only bidding half-heartedly πŸ˜‰ Sort of wanting the dragons, but sort of hoping someone outbid me so I didn’t have to spend that money 😯

            Just curious though… And this is a question to everyone out here:

            Where do you see your collection going in the next few years, I mean, what is your objective as a collector?

            Mine is to own every dragon sculpts ever made and to have 2 or 3 pieces in every color (not necessarily the same pieces unlike DM). I’m also hoping to buy as many special and limited editions as I can. I currently have 2 special editions and 2 limited editions.

            in reply to: Ideas for Hybrid Emerald Peacock name #513308

              Dragon Master wrote:

              The new color is not GREEN. I did not see any Green in it so Green or Jade sort of names really are not what this color needs.It’s alomst all BLUE. It’s a very vibrant and pretty shade of blue but it’s still blue

              Hum, DM… Are you sure you’re not colorblind? Because there sure is a lot of green on both the Secret Keeper AND the Old Warrior here:


              Besides… Why would it be call Emerald-Peacock Hybrid if there was no green?

              in reply to: Windstones on Ebay #513130

                I only ever watch things that I’m planning on bidding on, but then I end up not bidding at all because it goes out of my range before I can even have a try at it!

                in reply to: Ideas for Hybrid Emerald Peacock name #513304

                  skigod377 wrote:

                  I liked “Ocean Jade” or “Seafoam.” Scarab makes me thinks of scabs. πŸ˜• Maybe “Sea green?” I kinda like that.

                  Can’t be seafoam, that’s Nam’s PYO Dragon’s color!


                  in reply to: Ideas for Hybrid Emerald Peacock name #513275

                    Melody wrote:

                    vantid wrote:

                    I say again, Aurora!

                    DM came up with “Fauna”,thinking of the earth and growing things, but that means animal life,I think. I like “Aurora”.

                    I like it too, but I would go the whole way and go with Aurora Borealis… Or would that be too long?

                    in reply to: What is mint? #513145

                      To me Mint means, like new with no flaw whatsoever. Fleabites or paint rubs could probably be called “excellent condition”, but not “mint” and you would have to be sure to describe the flaws.

                      And according to Wikipedia:


                      in reply to: Ideas for Hybrid Emerald Peacock name #513265

                        Other gemstones that can be green or blue: aquamarine. Or even better a stone that can be blue, green and purple at the same time: the tourmaline, check it out:


                        in reply to: Fledgelings #512558

                          I love them all! But I do prefer the fledgling over the young dragon.

                          in reply to: EMERGENCY REQUEST! #512674

                            And I see that you got my message. So I will now tell my heart to slow down, I will log off, and I will go walk my dog.

                            I’ll check back before bed tonight and regularly in the next few days until I hear back from you.

                            Me and my dog both thank you! (Her because, I will now step away from the computer and pay attention to her πŸ˜† )

                            in reply to: EMERGENCY REQUEST! #512673

                              THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

                              I’ve lost 4 emerald fledglings to sniping or simply to a seller not shipping to Canada, so when I saw this one, I was pretty desperate.

                              Oh, and I just PMed you!

                              πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

                              in reply to: EMERGENCY REQUEST! #512670

                                There is an emerald fledgling on ebay right now that I absolutely want but I am unable to buy it because the seller hasn’t indicated that he will ship to Canada (He will I asked him!). If anyone here would be nice enough to hit the BIN right now, I would reimburse you through Paypal immediately! Here is the link: http://cgi.ebay.com/WINDSTONE-EDITIONS-EMERALD-FLEDGLING-DRAGON-MINT-NIB_W0QQitemZ330056055909QQihZ014QQcategoryZ35873QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

                                *pleading desperately*

                                in reply to: Wanted… DEAD OR ALIVE! #512645

                                  I have joined the bandwagon and am trying to get all the fledglings. So if anyone here has a WHITE fledgling in MINT condition that they would consider selling, please PM me and we can discuss price…


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