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  • in reply to: Windstone Sculpture Ideas #914631

      I’m so excited for the new PYO kitsune. 🙂 I hope we can see that within the year.

      I think someone suggested it before, too, but I want to say again: winged alpaca, maybe with a kirin horn.

      The kitsune is fairly far along, but I first saw it in December of 2012, so… 🙂 lol

      Melody is trying to find the hatching llama master I think.

      Oooh! Here’s hoping she can find it!

      in reply to: Windstone Sculpture Ideas #914615

        I’m so excited for the new PYO kitsune. 🙂 I hope we can see that within the year.

        I’d also love to second the idea of a sea dragon. Maybe something with lion fish and seahorse influences?

        I think someone suggested it before, too, but I want to say again: winged alpaca, maybe with a kirin horn.

        I’d also personally love to see a mythological creature/mixed creature that has the seal as one source of inspiration. Cuz I love seals.

        in reply to: Quest 15 is CLOSED #914611

          o/ I did it! I am the champion!

          lol not really but I feel like I should stick a gold star for effort on the front of my shirt. Honestly though I was overthinking something stuff and trying to dig TOO far back for answers. Jeezie peezie, self. Anyway. Good luck to everyone else looking to complete it! Can’t wait to get home and get mine scanned in.

          in reply to: Quest 15 is CLOSED #914607

            @Sirithiliel I had one like this too, but I think that maybe the person who typed the thing in might have made a typo, because it actually makes more sense with a letter missing.

            Also man super thanks to the person who gave me the tip about searching the forums!! I corrected an answer that was wrong and managed to find two that I was missing. I just have the one left!!! It’s so elusive though. I keep finding references to the topic in forum posts, and outright talk about it, but none of the words people used to describe said thing fit the pattern. Just gotta keep digging I guess!

            in reply to: Quest 15 is CLOSED #914595

              Hmmm. I’ve gone back completely through the blog, multiple times through the FAQ and about sections, snooped around Facebook and looked at the individual sculpts’ page listings and artist’s galleries, but I still haven’t found answers for 29 across, 8 down, and 26 down. I must be missing something somewhere, but I haven’t figured it out yet. Also, although I’ve made what I think is a good guess for 17 down, I actually saw a conflicting and not-fitting answer for that question in my various perusals. So that was puzzling.

              I’m still going to keep trying and all. But I hope that after the quest is finished we can get a master list of the answers from you Kiya. 🙂 Just so we can know if we got em right or not.

              Lasohaney, I was hung up on a few of the same questions, but found that using the Windstone “search” function eventually led me to the answers.

              Here’s the link to instructions for how to do searches on the forum or site;


              Hope this helps you.

              I’d been trying to use the search function for this and really struggling, so this might be very helpful indeed. 🙂 I have another boring day at work today so we’ll see if I can’t knock the last ones out. Whoo!!

              in reply to: Quest 15 is CLOSED #914559

                Hmmm. I’ve gone back completely through the blog, multiple times through the FAQ and about sections, snooped around Facebook and looked at the individual sculpts’ page listings and artist’s galleries, but I still haven’t found answers for 29 across, 8 down, and 26 down. I must be missing something somewhere, but I haven’t figured it out yet. Also, although I’ve made what I think is a good guess for 17 down, I actually saw a conflicting and not-fitting answer for that question in my various perusals. So that was puzzling.

                I’m still going to keep trying and all. But I hope that after the quest is finished we can get a master list of the answers from you Kiya. 🙂 Just so we can know if we got em right or not.

                in reply to: Quest 15 is CLOSED #914556

                  I know that feeling jmoore, it’s happened to me a couple times today!! I still have three to find myself, and I’ve been scavenging haaaarrrd. The answers have gotta be somewhere! Just gotta keep looking.

                  in reply to: Quest 15 is CLOSED #914554

                    Man, I’m really glad that this isn’t based on a first-come, first-serve kind of thing. 🙂 It’s much more fun not to be hurried and to let everyone who takes the time to complete it have a chance at the drawing. ALSO PEBBLE FOXES OMG!!! I AM SO EXCITED!! Thank you again for hosting this Kiya!!

                    Me too! I’m three answers short at the moment, and I won’t tell you how many I had to seek and find. Not so easy for the newbies…..

                    I’m impressed. I’m still looking for many of them myself! I’m sure I’ll find them eventually; I’m not giving up and I’ve got four weeks. But it’s definitely a challenge for a newbie. 🙂

                    in reply to: June Raffle? #914542

                      I sure hope so. 🙂 I love free stuff. Especially when it’s free, beautiful stuff!!

                      in reply to: Quest 15 is CLOSED #914540

                        Man, I’m really glad that this isn’t based on a first-come, first-serve kind of thing. 🙂 It’s much more fun not to be hurried and to let everyone who takes the time to complete it have a chance at the drawing. ALSO PEBBLE FOXES OMG!!! I AM SO EXCITED!! Thank you again for hosting this Kiya!!

                        in reply to: Blue Morpho Dragons #914516

                          I think I saw the pictures on FB, if the ones recently added are the same ones you’re talking about. Gorgeous!! I can’t wait to see these pieces completed. And I’m so excited about the standing kirin colts. Are those the ones Melody’s been talking about doing as GBs? Because I am so down for that.

                          I’ll have to see what I can do to be able to afford one of the bm laps on the wheel. Well, assuming I don’t miss them again. Thank you for the estimate of a couple weeks though, that actually does help me. 🙂

                          Yes, I just put up the photos last night. 🙂 That was probably less than half of the photos I have, so I’ll be putting more up today/tomorrow. I was just too tired to label more.

                          Melody has said ‘maybe’ on a standing kirin grab bag – but since they are still having pad problems on those, she hasn’t started painting them. They may have to modify and recast the sculpts. I would say we’re probably at least a couple of months out on those.

                          She also needs to come up with a good stencil so she can cleanly paint fur versus scales. There is a chance they may just prove too challenging to be a grab bag, but we’ll see! She said no to curlie grab bags for years before finally doing one. 🙂 I love the standing kirin so I am hoping it works out eventually 🙂

                          Also, I can’t SWEAR on my estimate, it’s just a guess based on the state of the painting and the steps remaining. 🙂 It could be less or more depending on the fates! 🙂

                          I had no idea there were so many challenges to getting the statues made! I mean, I don’t think I necessarily thought it was easy, but there are just so many more difficulties with producing the statues (in general, not just the kirins) than I would have guessed just from looking at them. Padding in particular; I would have thought that would be the easiest part of the process, actually. It’s humbling in a way, and makes me more appreciative for what I have.

                          I really hope they do manage to get the situation sorted out for the kirin. It would give Windstone more opportunities to make money when they’ve already invested this much time and resources into the endeavor, but also I’m certain I can’t be the only one for whom the kirin are right up there at the top of my favorites/most sought-after sculpts. But they also seem to be one of the more difficult groups to collect currently; I have only seen any released in the ebay store. I managed to win two pieces that way, but given my income and the general price range that most ebay pieces seem to go for, those need to be very rare, once-in-a-blue moon things. Something with a static price- production, lp, gb, or special items in the we’s limited/special section, are things more in line with what I can manage. So, tl;dr, here’s hoping!!!

                          And in the meanwhile, I can wait on those gorgeous bm laps~ 🙂

                          in reply to: Blue Morpho Dragons #914493

                            There are half-painted blue morpho lap dragons on a painting wheel at the factory.

                            Some hatchers are started (they have the black base coat), but not much else.

                            There is a half a cart of risers waiting to be painted.

                            OWs are in finishing (so maybe next week?)

                            Coileds went into the store (male and mother) today!

                            And that was the “Blue Morpho Recap” from Kiya, your on the ground reporter!

                            Well, now I’m really curious. About how long does it usually take for the larger dragons like laps and scratchers to get finished? Having some kind of eta in mind would be helpful.

                            I don’t think there’s any hard and fast rules. It depends on the quantity in the batch (there were 10 on the wheel I think which is how big the prior batch was), if the correct eyes are in stock or need to be made, if all of the pieces pass QA, if the box inserts are made, if pads are made, if horns are ready, etc.

                            If everything goes well, I’d guess a couple more weeks for the ones on the wheel.

                            Beyond that, it depends on how casting goes, how drying goes (weather can impact it), how much scraping is needed, if there is someone ready to paint them when the drying/scraping is complete.

                            Probably not much help 🙂 I would say there’s not a real timeline until something actually hits a paint wheel. 🙂 Some of the unpainted casts have been at the factory about as long as I’ve been visiting (around three years now).

                            I think I saw the pictures on FB, if the ones recently added are the same ones you’re talking about. Gorgeous!! I can’t wait to see these pieces completed. And I’m so excited about the standing kirin colts. Are those the ones Melody’s been talking about doing as GBs? Because I am so down for that.

                            I’ll have to see what I can do to be able to afford one of the bm laps on the wheel. Well, assuming I don’t miss them again. Thank you for the estimate of a couple weeks though, that actually does help me. 🙂

                            in reply to: What kind of quest for #15? #914490

                              I finished up the crossword puzzle this week and picked out prizes today at the factory – so this will be going live tomorrow or Sunday! I have a couple of family events planned for tomorrow, so it would be later in the evening Pacific time, so I may just post it Sunday morning.

                              While this one is running, I’ll get to work on the next one so hopefully we can roll straight into another. We’re hoping to keep some easier quests going through the summer since we have a lot of new members and some folks who haven’t gotten to play in awhile since we’ve done some more complex ones. 🙂

                              Next bigger quest will be Sept/Oct if all goes well.

                              I am going to head over to post some photos on Facebook now – I’ll try to get them on the forum later in the week, but it takes a bit more work to get them up here so that will come after FB. 🙂

                              Hooray! I’m really excited to see the quest and the possible prize(s) too 😀

                              in reply to: Blue Morpho Dragons #914489

                                There are half-painted blue morpho lap dragons on a painting wheel at the factory.

                                Some hatchers are started (they have the black base coat), but not much else.

                                There is a half a cart of risers waiting to be painted.

                                OWs are in finishing (so maybe next week?)

                                Coileds went into the store (male and mother) today!

                                And that was the “Blue Morpho Recap” from Kiya, your on the ground reporter!

                                Well, now I’m really curious. About how long does it usually take for the larger dragons like laps and scratchers to get finished? Having some kind of eta in mind would be helpful.

                                in reply to: Blue Morpho Dragons #914480

                                  An excellent question! But, oh gosh, no. I mean, I wish I could, but it would cost 50 or 60 USD just to ship a relatively small statue like a mother kirin. My job pays decently, but not that well; I can’t even imagine what a lap dragon would cost me. Plus, next July I will be moving back to the states, so it would just mean having to ship everything back again. So I’ve been having my purchases shipped to my permanent US address; it’s a lot quicker, cheaper, and safer I think. My family is kind enough to check them on arrival to make sure everything is in good condition. 🙂

                                  I *may* ask my mother to send something onto me, though, with a larger box of things she’ll be sending for my birthday. There are flat rate boxes and sending anything is insanely expensive anyway. So why not? We’ll just have to wait to see if there’s room and if the weight wouldn’t make it too insane. (I’d really like to be able to see some of the stuff I’ve been getting for myself though. A year is a long time to have to wait…)

                                  (Normally I wouldn’t want to have to wait more than a month, and I’d be able to afford a lap dragon the next month no problem… BUT I have some extra expenses coming up next month and a bunch of long-term goals I’m saving for currently so I don’t expect to have much left-over next payday, so selfishly I hope that it’s longer. Otherwise I’ll have to beg and plead with some family member(s) to pitch in for a joint birthday gift. 8| )

                                Viewing 15 posts - 286 through 300 (of 388 total)