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  • in reply to: The dinner report (aka. gossip from Melody) #511925

      SPark wrote:

      sunhawk wrote:

      Awwww i love CSI, i thought they did OK considering that a furry convention *does* look pretty weird if you aren’t into that, it’s the same for any kind of convention from a fishing show to anime cons heh heh ^_^ Passion and obsession do make for weird bedfellows 😉

      A furry convention is full of people running around in costumes, having fun. But it is NOT full of people having sex in the costumes. I just have to say this. It drives me crazy because people think I make my living making perverted sex suits. My suits do not have strategically placed holes! I don’t do that! 99% of furries don’t do that! And why did they have to make the show all about the 1% that do?

      This is a really sore spot with me, because stuff like CSI and that MTV show have people who don’t even know me thinking that I’m some kind of nasty person that like bestiality, and I’m not!

      I don’t know the first thing about furry people or furry conventions, but I can tell you that I wouldn’t take either CSI’s or MTV’s take on them. My sister raves about CSI, so I tried to watch it one night – I made it about 10 minutes. They were trying to convince me that some dead girl had been swallowed by an obviously rubber snake. NO offense to anyone that enjoys the show, but I found the whole premise, not to mention the props, pathetic. I never said anything to my sister – that’s just my opinion – and that’s why they make vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, etc. The bottom line is that people are going to believe what they want to believe, regardless of that facts. Hype, gossip and furry sex sells. I fully expect to see “Nirvanacat13’s Cleavage Booted Off The Island! Exclusive Pictures!!” on the front page of the next issue of the National Enquirer. 😀

      in reply to: Anyone ever get contacted like this? #512339

        Not in all my years….lol Sounds like a nice new scam. Did you report them to eBay?

        in reply to: my first PYO gryphon (new pics nov 28) #511297

          Your griff is beautiful, sunhawk! Is he for your own pleasure or will he be put up for “adoption”? 😀

          in reply to: I really like! #511192

            Arlla wrote:

            And the way things sell on ebay blows me away – people will throw money at anything, I think!!

            I am one of those people that basically can’t draw a straight line with a ruler, so I won’t waste a sculpture by painting one. The Windstone griffins were always one of my favorite pieces, but only came in two colors and a couple of LEs that I missed out on. It’s wonderful to see “mini” griffins in combinations limited only by the artists’ imaginations. To me, there is a limited quantity of quality fantasy sculpture out there. Personally, I would rather “throw” my money at a OOAK PYO or custom drawing, than at a mass produced plastic dragon (for example). The quality of the item is why many of us first started buying Windstones. You and the other PYO painters are just giving us more choices. 😀

            in reply to: my first PYO gryphon (new pics nov 28) #511268

              LyoMoonheart wrote:

              BIG BIRD OMG 😛

              😯 Big Bird is goofy – Windstones are regal! 😉

              in reply to: my first PYO gryphon (new pics nov 28) #511252

                Wow, he’s bright! Naturally, I love it so far. I can’t wait to see where you take it from here 😀

                in reply to: Song of the South #510953

                  I bought my version of SOTS on eBay from Thailand. To me it’s a “snapshot” of our past and I don’t find it offensive. I don’t think “burying” our mistakes by rewriting hisory is going to solve anything. Think about all of the cartoons you don’t see on tv anymore because of censorship. WB is just as afraid of “offending” as Disney. Thank goodness there will always be newsgroups, so many of these cartoons and such will never be lost or buried in some archive. I grew up watching these cartoons and they didn’t turn me into a racist. There are good and bad people in all cultures. *steps off of soapbox*

                  in reply to: Copper PYO Dragon #510728

                    It’s excellent! I like the little crystal ball, too:)

                    in reply to: Wow..the warrior! #510116

                      He’s beautiful, whippetluv 😀

                      in reply to: Peacock Dragons Real color? #510425

                        mimitrek wrote:

                        From what Melody mentioned before, it really shouldn’t…which is why its kind of strange that you’re seeing that problem. Its possible that the paint on your emperor was a bad batch or something…

                        Its probably worth asking Melody about this since they typically want to get pieces with problems back to the factory so that they can figure out where the problem came from.

                        I would like to know just to satisfy my curiosity. It was love at first sight with my black griffin (and all of my pieces) and I wouldn’t send him back to the factory. If he was brand new, it might be different, but he’s already a “teenager”.

                        in reply to: Peacock Dragons Real color? #510417

                          mimitrek wrote:

                          lamortefille wrote:

                          mimitrek wrote:

                          Hmm….does it also get humid where you are? Sounds like it gets humid where lamortefille is too…

                          What does the humidity do to them?

                          Well, I’m not sure…but both you and Romeodanny have seen this fleabite problem and you both live in areas which are considerably more humid and with bigger temperature swings that I get out where I am (and I’ve never seen this problem), so I’m guessing that the humidity might be what’s degrading the paint…the bigger temperature swings might be a factor too, unless you guys always keep your houses at a fairly constant temp throughout the year via heating/AC…

                          I like it to be as warm as possible, so I’m not much for AC. Maybe it is the humidity. Maybe we can ask Melody sometime – when she has less on her mind:-/

                          in reply to: Peacock Dragons Real color? #510414

                            mimitrek wrote:

                            Hmm….does it also get humid where you are? Sounds like it gets humid where lamortefille is too…

                            What does the humidity do to them?

                            in reply to: Check out this ebay auction… it's a GAS!! #510660

                              I think that is toooo funny! I don’t need one though – I have my husband 😯 lol

                              in reply to: Wow..the warrior! #510113

                                Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                                Nambroth wrote:

                                Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                                The SK on the other hand? Think like 22-24 lb cat….plus fur…

                                The secret keepers are 32 pounds! 😉

                                Yah, but that’s a compact 32 lbs! LoL She’s about the size of a 22 lb cat! LoL I should know, I’ll see about getting pics of him with my big cat for comparison. =P

                                Yes, please post pictures!

                                in reply to: Wow..the warrior! #510112

                                  mimitrek wrote:

                                  lamortefille wrote:

                                  Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                                  The SK on the other hand? Think like 22-24 lb cat….plus fur…

                                  Wow! 😯 Thank goodness I can’t afford one – I would have no place to put it! Maybe Melody will make a mini SK someday. 😉

                                  The large PYO dragon is like a mini-Secret Keeper. Did you see these pictures in the gallery?



                                  You are absolutely right. Since I haven’t the talent to paint one, I will wait and see what the talented people on the board put up for sale (if I can afford theirs, either – they look like alot of work to paint). 😀

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