
Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 2,743 total)
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  • in reply to: Happy Easter! #943608

      Happy Easter everyone.

      in reply to: Happy Birthday, MELODY!! #943607

        Happy Birthday and thank you for helping me to see the world differently. I now see Poads, dragons and griffins in the things around me.

        in reply to: March Raffle #943606

          Just gorgeous! Love this color shift of some of my favorite colors! I loved him so much I entered into the raffle! Would love to win him.

          in reply to: Demeanor of Posts and Other Bad Intentions #941912

            How very sad :(( I’ve been part of this community for almost 7 years and met some wonderful people on here–some who turned out to be great friends but I have to agree that a lot has changed. Personally, I hate drama–doesn’t do anyone any good but stress people out and bring bad karma. In the past, I have to admit there were issues and I remember some posts in which people were leaving and said as such–didn’t like the fighting, back-biting etc so there were always issues. But lately, to see posts about trades and transactions gone bad really breaks my heart. I look at this forum as a wonderful, supportive community and gathers to encourage each other when one is having a bad day. I used to be on Facebook but no longer–couldn’t stand the drama that took place. Wasn’t my concern and I don’t like to get into anyone’s business in that way.

            I also notice that I don’t see some of the older forum members here but things happen in people’s lives–jobs, financial hardships and family illness may be some of the reasons these people are no longer around. But I have to admit–this forum doesn’t seem as fun as it used to be–maybe this is part of it or maybe things are going on we each have to personally deal with.

            What I’ve loved about this community is that there is a genuine desire to help each other in whatever ways we can. If someone is down because of job and economic or personal woes, members are quick to post an encouraging word and send virtual hugs and warm thoughts. I would like to see the personal attacks cease–keep that between the afflicted parties. This should be a place where we shouldn’t have to worry about the integrity of the person we’re dealing with when it comes to transactions.

            The Golden Rule applies–do unto others as you would like them to do unto you and remember–what goes around comes around.

            in reply to: I..give.. up. #940357

              Oh yeah–2016 is up and running and kicking you in the a$$ right from the start. So much for hoping for better things in the new year–I used to have that hope–I don’t anymore. Seems like crap just starts flying out of the woodwork at the get-go. I’m real sorry about you losing another horse–these are our babies–no matter how old or how big. I can see why you’d want to give up but you have other babies that need you.

              in reply to: Long time no see? #938924

                I remember you! Good that you dropped in to say hi. Hope things are going well for you.

                in reply to: Christmas card #938320

                  Got mine today and yes, it is cute! Thank you Melody!

                  in reply to: Pickles… #938003

                    Ummmm-sounds good. Could you possibly share that recipe with the rest of us? Would love to give it a try.


                      Here is a picture of what I received from Kim–again thank you–by-the-way, some of the items in this picture are already gone!!!

                       photo ChocolateSwap2015-3-A_zpsia9ocpa0.jpg


                        Got my swap just now! WooooHooo! Thank you, Kim! Funny, Kim was my designated swap. I’ll post pics later [if I don’t eat them all]but I got Bachmann’s Truffles, Lindt, Cadbury, Brookside and a variety of individually wrapped chocolates from Lindt and the other isn’t coming to mind right now! Thank you again! I’m sure I’ll enjoy everything and I haven’t tried Brookside–this swap was a great idea!


                          I’m so glad you got everything okay, Kim! I hope you enjoy the chocolates you never tried before–they are some of my favorites.

                          To 96037–chocolate bugs???? Never heard of them–maybe I might find one in my surprise package. That will definitely be something I’ve never tried before! Uh–are they real chocolate bugs? Bug–bug–bug–bug–bug–bug….

                          HeeHee! Birds eat bugs don’t they? 🙂

                          Firebirds don’t like bugs–they zap ’em! Firebirds cook things before they eat them–all except chocolate–they are sort of like Fuzzies in that way.

                          in reply to: Northern/Southern Lights Aurora Tracker #937329

                            This is something I’ve added to my bucket list–to see an aurora live! The pictures I’ve seen are spectacular! Yes, one can dream….

                            in reply to: Spirithoods-adorable fuzzy animal hats #937327

                              Those are cute!!! I’ll keep the website in mind–just can’t afford to spring for anything until after the first of the year [sigh].


                                I’m so glad you got everything okay, Kim! I hope you enjoy the chocolates you never tried before–they are some of my favorites.

                                To 96037–chocolate bugs???? Never heard of them–maybe I might find one in my surprise package. That will definitely be something I’ve never tried before! Uh–are they real chocolate bugs? Bug–bug–bug–bug–bug–bug….


                                  All you happy Canadians–check your porch because mine was delivered today! Not saying who–haha! 😀

                                Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 2,743 total)