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  • in reply to: BARN SWALLOW DRAGONS!!!!! #867017

      Rainbow was a superior color to BS, just sayin’. >.>

      And Blue Ice is the best blue color since Twilight. And since its unlikely we’ll ever get Twilight as production(since the color has been known forever and hey, its still only on ebay pieces), Im gonna squeak the next best thing.

      I can’t agree with any of that. <3 Rainbow was supposedly not only a PITA to paint, but their red noses made them look like they have colds. As for Twilight, I could do with or without it – it doesn't really tickle my fancy, but also doesn't offend the eyes. I wouldn't be hot to buy it, is all. As for the 'next best thing', or the 'best blue color since…', that is entirely a matter of opinion, and IMO, Blue Ice is neither. n_n

      in reply to: BARN SWALLOW DRAGONS!!!!! #866231

        I like Barn Swallow. How the heck is it garish when you compare it to say…Amethyst? Or Rainbow? >___>; Neither of which I am a fan. But I would buy the heck out of some Barn Swallow dragons, and I don’t think I’ve bought anything except the Pebble Cats, a couple of GB unis, and PYO blanks in months.

        If the argument is about what ‘blue’ color should be next… then I have to also say, Blue Ice…no thanks. It looked good on a couple of the dragon sculpts, but Barn Swallow has appealed to me on ALL of them (not the griffins tho).

        But if it’s that hard of a pill to swallow, I’d settle for Blueberry. =9

        in reply to: I Love Blueberry! #866051

          Blueberry and Barn Swallow both have my thumbs up. >.>

          in reply to: The Show off your PYO swap thread! #865072

            Woo, I got mine today but my computer hasn’t been hooked up until just now. KitsuneLady, if you have better photos, please post! The sun wasn’t up by the time I could take photos.

            Kitsune named him Darklight.
            I’m adore him! And yes, the eyes were definitely worth the wait! My first Keeper, and he’s stunning. Thank you!
            Also the Rayearth stationary hehe. An old favorite of mine.

            Normally I would have, but I was in such a rush to get him off to you, taking pictures completely slipped my mind. x_x;; *smacks forehead* Sorry. D: I’m just glad he made it and you like him. XD

            in reply to: The Show off your PYO swap thread! #864974

              Everyone’s PYOs look awesome. =D

              in reply to: Altering PYO sculpt? #864382

                Actually, does post #24 of this thread not apply to PYOs, as well? They certainly are not numbered, or limited in an edition of 200 or less.


                Seems to me you could do whatever you wanted to them.

                in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #690746

                  Hmm…*rubs her chin* >.>…

                  1. A new kirin family color (I liked the Lilac Gold test paint baby a LOT.)
                  2. Pebble Cats – DONE
                  3. PYO phoenix – DONE
                  4. peacock and ruby curlies
                  5. gold coiled male (REALLY want this)
                  6. PYO Poad ( Is this sacriledge? o.o; don’t hurt me, aahhh~ I just want to try! XD )
                  7. more small production flapcats! – DONE
                  8. Fu Dog (pyo or not, I think it’d be cute)
                  9. PYO pegasus (I like wings!)
                  10. Actually, those winged PYO bookends…that would be fun. – DONE
                  11. an Ocean Blue Emperor (or as close as possible to that color!)
                  12. A Moon Oriental! – DONE
                  13. A poad with a brown base color like that Butterfly Poad! – DONE
                  14. Some more of those Black & White Griffins – DONE
                  15. BEP Emperor dragons! LP, if possible. <3
                  16. Gold Royal Hatchers for sure!
                  17. Green Forest as an LP color!
                  18. From the Pizza picture, Poads #8 or 18.
                  19. Black dragons! (like the Black Scratcher from ebay, w/o the sparklies? Although I like them!)
                  20. Red Fire or Ruby Coiled Males
                  21. A dragon “couple”. Like, two separate sculpts that could be placed next to each other, in poses such that it looks like they’re interacting. In LUURRVe. Hehehe.
                  22. A PYO winged tiger! Awesome to the MAX!
                  23. Actually, if you do a new color of griffin, I think my favorite of the ebay’d colors was Gold Sunburst w/Peacock, so…something close to that.
                  24. RED REGULAR ORIENTALS (ruby or red fire, I don’t care which)!

                  25. I think some unicorns painted like zebroids ( see this article –> ) would be cool. 😀

                  26. Barn Swallow Dragons in production or LP
                  27. Black Emerald Dragons aka Grackle in production or LP
                  28. some adult poads painted like the GB young poads =(


                    I don’t know if I like the whole glitter rainbow thing… All black or white, or tan like the fennec, yes. But these ones… I dunno.

                    Actually, I agree with that for a production version of the pebble cats. While people are on the forum are weird enough to squee for sparkly kitties, it is a little kitschy. >.>; A plain, glossy black or semi-gloss white would probably appeal to a wider audience, in stores.

                    in reply to: Red Panda Fennec Fox #864336

                      Red Pandas are cute. That is all. >.>

                      in reply to: The Show off your PYO swap thread! #864334

                        YAY! I’ll post his photos soo, I need to fix them first.
                        His eyes are removable, I didn’t glue them in. So if you want a different color that is a-ok. Also, this one I did all hand brushing, base coat and all. I did not use the airbrush on him.

                        Ohh, I forgot you said they weren’t glued in. o.o Hmm, maybe I’ll order some in wolf size from Tohickan’s just to try out some other colors…the ones I ordered for my swap piece finally came, and I love them, especially the metallic colors. >.> I hope my person thinks it was worth the wait, because I do. XD

                        in reply to: The Show off your PYO swap thread! #864313

                          Heehee! I got mine! Thank you so much, Koishii! XD He’s the wildest Windstone I own, I think – I love him. =) And I noticed that of the four PYO wolves I own, three of them are painted by your family!

                          Here’s a pic I took with my cell, but I’m betting Koishii took some that are way awesomer, as usual…if she’d like to post them. =)

                          in reply to: FOUND! Thank you. #864284

                            I think Dreamtime Creations has 4mm (pp32) pointed-back Swarovski crystals in Siam. =) Though the smallest amount you can buy is 12 (for $1.50)…


                              *pumps fist* Yeessssss! XD I got mine! <3


                                Gasp. My first wish EVER to come truuuuuuuuueeeeee!!!! *hangs all over the store* XD XD

                                in reply to: November raffle? #864094

                                  Ack, I just noticed the raffle for this month. I hope it’s not too late for me to enter. D:

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