Forum Replies Created
Calm down you lot, I wasn’t asking her to never make striped wings again. >.>; There’s a striped and non-striped version of the brown griffins, so why not the wolf? I don’t like the stripes, so I wouldn’t buy one unless they made some stripe-free. o_O; It’s either that or make an ‘adjustment’ on my own!
Ooooh that’s not quite what I meant by ‘Autumn Leaf’ ^-^;; More like the Emperor in colouration with I dunno…ocelot spots? ^^;;
*rubs chin* I would squeak for that. o.o Although I’d prefer a ‘lace’ pattern, myself. e.e
Man, Melody’s ‘red panda’ flapcat is much more true to a real red panda than my kirins. XD I like it, but not with eyes shut. >.>; I’m with the rest of you – open eyes would have been more interesting. <3
UGH! Really? I think besides that white fledge that Oriental is also number 2 or 3 on my worst ever list. I don’t like that patina color on the surface at all, It makes a much better antique.
Great for me though, I won’t be tempted to spend more money ^_^ Keep it up guys! LOL!
I’ll agree with you on the Oriental, at least. XD
To each his own. XD I hated Serpentine! Still do. But you can’t please everyone.
Anyhoo…I like that Autumn Leaf male’s color scheme…but I really wish that dark burgandy color on his spine went down over the top of his face. o_O;
Heehee. @ Hannah saying that 3x.
As for me, although I’m not normally a fan of white (the largest thing I got in the regular white was a coiled mail), or any sort of light, monotonous color, I could totally get behind this. I love it! It looks like ivory! I would really like to see it tried on an OW or Lap, as well. =)
Autumn Leaf Poad 🙂
There was one. o.o But some more would be nice.
ALSO. Want unicorns like this –>
Forgive me for I am in debt and wasn’t watching the forum for the new Poads -_- So sorry to have missed it
*pats* It’s okay, no need to apologize! It was a long time ago (2009?), and there was only one – and it was on ebay, not the website. She’s the second from the top, here :
She’s technically called ‘Autumn Leaf with Lavender’. =)
Autumn Leaf Poad 🙂
There was one. o.o But some more would be nice.
ALSO. Want unicorns like this –>
Unless the box is form-fitting, I do not care about them. Even if the figure DOES usually come with a form-fitting box, if the seller has proof they have shipped Windstones successfully without one before, that’s good enough for me. However, I have noticed people say that they keep their Windstones in the box, and do not display them – I assume that these are the people that ALL of the boxes are important to.
I am happy to buy pieces without the tag if I want them enough, but I do prefer to have it. I don’t take mine off, simply because I know having or not is a deal-breaker for some people, in case I ever get sick of collecting Windstones and want to sell them all – obviously I’d want to get as much as I could for them.
So while a box and tag is not a must-have for me, for some people it is. Getting rid of them is just a chance you take.
I think she’s a normal white mother, the picture’s just weird. You can tell by how dark the eye is in the first two pics; nothing like reality. Still, she does look very pretty like that. XD I saved the pictures, I liked it so much.
Yep, I got mine Friday! I would have said so, but my desktop had a fit (we had a power outage, and it did something to it…) and wouldn’t work until today (Dell sent a guy out to fix it pretty quick, woot).
I got bayou’s Golden Helper fairy, Hannah’s fireflies and waterlilies, and pegasus’ Deercorn fawn. =) They are all so pretty! I feel like I am quite the collector now, haha. .>; *paranoid now*
Thanks for doing this, daydreamer! I’m looking forward to the next swap!
Squee. XD That means only one more of mine has yet to find its way home~
Kitsune – SO gorgeous!! The detail in this piece is stunning, and the unicorn itself is so elegant and magical looking despite being mere centimeters long! In the scanned picture, I thought that the dots were snow falling, but seeing it in person, it’s apparent that they are fireflies! The whole scene reminds me of a winter in New Hampshire 🙂 I love it!!
Bahaha. That’s not a winter scene. XD I did consider naming the cards…but there wasn’t much room on the back. >.>; The idea was 1 = morning, 2 = afternoon, 3 = night. It did occur to me that it could be mistaken for snow instead of moonlight, but I hoped the fireflies would clear that up, haha. Anyhow, I’m glad you like it! <33
It’s definitely okay to tell! I am curious to know who ends up with mine. XD And if they like it irl!
Pebble ferret and/or otter? 6.6