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I think it sounds great and I really want to see a picture-lol Wear what you want as long as your covering up what needs to be covered :*
Nike re-signed Michael Vick : WTF!!
That sorry excuse for a human being should be rotting in prison (preferably the one run by Sheriff Joe Arpaio), not petted and praised by the NFL and Nike! Insanity!
lol-I was furious about this too! I immediately ran to Facebook and joined the masses posing on Nikes page that we will NEVER buy Nike again! I hope he gets mauled :K
Oh…well…that is good to know! Especially since I never knew we were not supposed to and have a few on my dA account already :* My bad.
Sweet! I LOVE how your griffy turned out! Especially the speckles on his head and the red feathers! I really need to do a repaint on my first griffy…the poor thing has a million layers of paint already >.< Your little blue dragon looks fantastic too!
I’m so sorry Kujacker, he’s a beautiful boy.
Oh well today is just fabulous…My car is broken and can’t be fixed. Needs a new engine due to some rod something or other. Not worth it to buy a new engine they say-not that I could afford one anyway…
Then just to add a little more insult to injury, I just found out that my friend who I’ve liked for 6 years got engaged. *headdeak*
Dibs! Nobody else enter! lol
I’m so sorry azurielle. I know that there isn’t anything I can say that will help, just know your family is in my thoughts and prayers.
I’ve also heard of putting double sided sticky tape used in carpet installation onto the parts of the couch that your cat scratches, cats hate the feeling of something sticking to their fur. Just make sure to test the tape out first to be sure it doesn’t end up hurting your material.
I am dead set against declawing. When my Callie was a kitten, I took her in for her spay and declaw because I was stupid and thought that’s just what you did when you got a new cat. I had NO idea what they actually did during the surgery and I’ve regretted it ever since (Callie will be 9 Easter Sunday this year). I just can’t forgive myself for -in my view- mutilating my little baby. Never again. I have heard that the older the cat is when you have the procedure done, the more likely they are to have complications, but I don’t know if that’s true. Taking off the last joint on their paws causes them to walk differently, just like we would shift the way we moved if we lost the ends of our toes. My boy Sneezer has ruined my couch, I can actually see the frame. I just toss a blanket over the arm. 😛
Here is a good site to look at to help you with your decision. 🙂
Good Lord! Every piece you do is even better than the last, and I don’t see how that’s possible! When I win the lottery I will have to get one of every single design you do!
Hehehe! Cute Katie, thanks! 😀 *feels all warm and fuzzy inside*
*hugs everyone*
Beautiful car, congrats!! 😀
I took in my application last week to a local nursing home, got a call yesterday to come in today for an interview. Did the interview and 35 min later got a call at home and was offered the job. Will start orientation March 3rd for a certified nursing assistant position. One thing I was iffy about, apparently new aids are required to offer two different shifts they can work :/ I want 2nd, and since I will still be working two days per week at my old job, the thought of possibly working 3 different time schedules in a week does not sound fun… Anyway, I’m pleased because I have a choice of lower pay (still higher than I’m making now) and benefits, or higher pay and no benefits. I’ve NEVER had benefits. No health insurance, nothing. Also, I get a .50 differential for weekends (which I am offering to work every weekend) and .50 for second shift. And if I choose benefits, I get double time and a half for holidays. Never gotten that before either!