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  • in reply to: Post Your 2010 Resolutions HERE! #798354

    I failed…miserably….The worst one was that I needed to lose at least 12 lbs, but I gained 12. However, I lost 5 more again. So….I now need to lose 19 pounds instead of 12. Sigh.
    and no job yet.

    in reply to: I'm feeling pretty spoiled….. #835009

    Wow! That is so awesome!! I am very proud of you!!

    in reply to: Grandma I miss you already… #834617

    Oh my! I am praying for her!! *hugs*

    in reply to: What do you want for Christmas? #833084

    eaglefeather831 wrote:

    I want to be skinny. Seriously. lol
    I am working on it.
    But…..I would LOVE a video camera! I haven’t been able to take videos of Chloe and our family in such a long time (since my other camera broke). That is what I want the most. 🙂

    Yay! I got the video camera I wanted! My husband got a black friday deal, and got it quite a while ago for pretty cheap! 🙂 I hope everyone else got what they wanted!!!

    in reply to: Dragon Hatchery!! #678866

    Yes, yes, of course! Remind me just in case, but as long as my holly produces some eggs, then it should work out!
    Thank you for the congrats-I almost thought I didn’t get it. the person counted down from 5, and it seemed like an ungodly amount of time before I got it, and i almost stopped refreshing, but something told me to keep going!! My adrenaline sky-rocketed!!

    in reply to: Dragon Hatchery!! #678863

    Well, next year, I will breed them and do my darndest to get all of you a holly! I always said I would do that, and so I will stick to it! 🙂

    in reply to: The "Heck Yeah!" Thread… #829679

    Wow! Great job on the scores!!

    in reply to: Dragon Hatchery!! #678859

    I GOT A FRICKING HOLLY!!!!!!! Someone gifted it to me…and guess what??? I am going to gift to you forum members next year! (i wish i could do it this year) But if you are still on by next year, and if i get a multi-clutch-consider one of them yours!!! *SCREEEAAAMMMMSSSS*
    Someone picked me out of random on the DC forum, and that is how i got it!

    in reply to: Christmas Wish #833025

    I would love a griffin family. I think they are gorgeous (especially the mother) and I would love one. 😛

    in reply to: Dragon Hatchery!! #678855

    Dragon Master wrote:

    I will not be getting too many more eggs for now
    I can not post them here anymore
    it tells me the image is too big and Jennifer said she could not figure out what was going on and I do not want to get them just to die.
    The friend that has been helping me grow them, I guess has not been on line because my last PM to that person is still unread in my sent PM’s

    Hey, DM!!!
    There are sites to post them on-here is a complete list from the Dragcave forums!
    http://forums.dragcave.net/index.php?showtopic=89465 😉

    in reply to: just in case you missed it in the food thread… #833914

    XD XD XD
    That was funny!

    in reply to: Even snakes love Windstones #832601

    That was very entertaining to read! I am glad she didn’t harm too much…can I see a picture of her?

    in reply to: Behind the Screen- Real Photos of Windstone Collectors! #586398

    Puffpastryofdoom wrote:

    Just little ol’ me!
    (This is a very rare moment. I’m usually ruining pictures by making goofy faces! Haha…)

    Your eyes! They are so gorgeous! 🙂 What color are they?

    in reply to: Mistaken Identity #833903

    hahaha!! Thanks for the laugh!!

    in reply to: Thanks Melody! #833688

    Eh, I just saw the other thread…sorry for posting my own thread. 😳

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