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Oh, Melody, thank you so much for the tricolored dragon trios!! They are in my very favorite color combination of blue, green, and violet with gold accents. They are so absolutely stunning!!! Wow!! 😮 😀 😆 :yes: I just love the bright colors in combination the very best! Bravo!!!
There is a company called Professional Collectors Insurance that I insure my whole collection with. They wanted to know if my office had locks, how far away was the water supply in case of fire, what alarms I had on the building, and some other questions. They didn’t ask for pictures, just an estimate of the value. The price is $75 per $10,000 worth of insurance per year. So I estimated the amount of insurance I wanted and as my collection has grown, I have added insurance in these increments. They were very pleasant to deal with. I can’t find the address in the mess on my desk at the moment, but if you are interested, I can look for it. They were recommended by other forum members when I first got it several years ago. I like it because it is separate from my other insurances and is a yearly rate. This isn’t limited to offices, anyone can get it. Hope this is useful.
Yay, I got my package!!! Thank you ghostdragon, that was very thoughtful!! She sent me a pretty handmade card, a sixpack of Godiva chocolates, a bar of handmade soap that smells wonderful, a “form of the feminine spirit “wisdom” and a beautiful cookbook called Southern Living! I still can’t post pictures yet but I am very thankful for the gifts!!! I have already identified several recipes that I want to try and the “wisdom” fits very well in my office(where I need all the wisdom I can get!!! 😀 )I put the soap in my file drawer, so every time I open it, I can smell the lovely scent! I LOVE Godiva chocolates!! (These got heat damaged, but they are still good! :yum: ) Thank you so much!
Congratulations on your new kitties! I think it’s grand that you were able to adopt 2 of them. I haven’t had kitties since my two died at age 19, 3 years ago. So now I get my kitty fix with the neighbor’s cat when I can. They look like they will be a lot of fun!!
Thank you again! drgnlvr aka MargaretI have found all my cabinets at curio, antique shops, or gift shops that were going out of business. I have 11 altogether and they will hold a lot of weight. I have 3/4″ glass untempered because it is much less expensive and tempering was unneeded. I have 425+ Windstones and everything except the ones which are on the wall are in the cabinets. One shop was retiring, a gift shop with about 40 cabinets. They all had glass doors and sides, lights, locks, and wheels. I got 6 from them and would have gotten more except I ran out of both money and space. I really recommend checking out shops like those that are selling their cabinets that would suit you. I have a shelf full of emperors and they are very heavy, and I haven’t had any problems with any of the shelves. I also keep a balance of heavy ones on the sides and lighter ones in the middle if I am mixing them. Hope this helps
Hi, Sagiaparri, the swapee package was from me. I realized that I have forgotten to put my forum name inside the box, so I wrote it outside the package next to the return address and just hoped you would see it. Next time I do this, I will be more careful to send a card with complete information.
I’m really glad you got that package!! My young 13 year old neighbor helped me pick out all that sour candy from the best candy store in Chico and she had a great time doing it too!! I hope you don’t eat it all at once, that would make you sick!!! I like the sweet/sour candy too. They have some strange ice cream in there too, like Blackberry Cabernet, Razzamatazz, Tiramiso, Creme Brulee, etc. Unfortunately, it would not ship well!! I hope you enjoy the candy and the starbucks!! 😀There was a suggestion ( I give credit to whoever suggested it even though I don’t remember who it was!) about a weeper’s club (we could call it WAH!) for those of us who have lost the bid on something we really wanted. We can cry and pass chocolate and commiserate about the lost opportunity of owning that perfect piece. It doesn’t matter who got it, only that we wanted it so badly and we lost it! You can be the first member, Tyrrlin)(WAH! :shout: 😥 🙄 ), I’ll be the next having been sniped at the last 2 seconds on Melody’s only painted phoenix PYO (WAH! :shout: 😥 :roll:) and anyone else that wants to join this (hardly!) exclusive club is more than welcome!!
Whaddaya think?Update: I just did another count and it is now 421 counting the ones that are in repair, the ones still coming, and the duplicates. I was able to get the black pegasus foal thanks to forum member Poems and that completes that section. I also decided that the mouse wizards are cute and got the peacock one, am now looking for the emerald and the white in those. I also got a couple I never thought I would want, two gargoyles that at least aren’t too scary-awful. The count also includes 4 Melody prints and a semi-Winstone print of a tiger done by Jennifer Miller won at the last swap. I’ve had to rearrange the cabinets a bit to accommodate them, especially the kitties and the guinea pigs. I am working on getting the pictures posted, but the weather here has been so yucky and unpredictable that picture taking is more difficult but I’m working on it!! 🙂 I also made a mistake and said I missed the Copper-Patina emperor, and I meant the CP OW. I did get that one too, now the only one I need to complete that collection is the CP hatching which Melody hasn’t made yet and I keep hoping for on a daily basis but may never get!!! I would also like the new Phoenix PYO done like the one Melody just painted. That was one stunning piece!!!
I think that is the end of this update. I hope the next one includes the pictures! 🙂I’m so sorry to hear about your father-in-law. You have more important things to focus on besides the swap. Please take good care of yourself and not to worry about this. Please feel the care and concern coming from the WE forum and as you can, please keep in touch. 😮 😥 🙁
I have the Bronze #2, the Copper Gold #1, and the Copper #2. They were all done by Olimpia. The one that most resembles the picture is the Copper Gold. The Bronze is more reddish and the Copper is darker. I hope this helps. drgnlvr
Knitting. Stamp collecting. Coin collecting. Any kind of collecting. Internet researching (on collections) Painting. Creative writing. Take a summer class in dancing or photography. Pen pals. Volunteering. Rug making. Rock hunting. Jewelry making. Scrapbooking. Card making. Pressed flowers. Baking goodies for the fire and police and hospitals, including convalescent homes. Volunteering at an elementary school to help an overworked underhelped teachers. Help organize an event for a favorite charity. Help out at an animal shelter. Spend some time with neglected teenagers, like teaching them something you know about, ie, cooking, guitar, organizing stuff, etc. Volunteer to be a Big Brother or Sister. Most of all, find something you are passionate about or always wanted to do or find out about and do that. You won’t always have all this delicious time on your hands, might as well use it for something you really want to do or find out about. Good luck!!!
Oh, please!!! I really want a copper-patina hatcher!!!! I have 13 matching pairs of hatchers and youngs and this poor little CP young doesn’t have a hatcher partner! 😮 He’s been waiting and watching since he was born and looking so enviously at all the other youngs all partnered up with their little hatchers. How am I going to tell him he’s not getting a partner? 😕 He’s going to be heartbusted and develop an inferiority complex!!! 😈 Pore little guy, all alone in the world!! 😥 A heartbusted young dragon is not a pretty sight!! Please, Miss Melody, just a few CP hatchers to give him a chance to have a partner and join the others. Thank you so much!!
I am trying to learn to post pictures on the forum and this is my first attempt to do it right.
This wonderful print of Jennifer Miller’s tiger was sent to me for the spring swap by eaglefeathers831. I was able to get exactly the right matting and frame to set off his eyes and coloring. I am so pleased!
Another addiction sign: Your friends and family start asking if there is a DA in town (dragons anonymous) and recommending that you join it if there is. (I said I couldn’t join DA because I’m still in denial!!) It’s an addiction that I’m not working to recover from! 😀
April 17, 2010 at 9:56 pm in reply to: SELLING: BABY Ki-Rin – OLD Green Dragons – White PEGASUSes #810740PM’d you!!
I don’t know how to access the past threads so I don’t know how long ago that posting of the collection was, but it has been at least 2 or maybe 3 years ago, so the collection is much different now than it was then. The photography was also pretty awful. I will do a better job on my next attempt!!