
"Hot Summer" vs. "Sunrise" Lap Dragons

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      Got sniped literally at the VERY LAST SECOND!

      I hope whoever won her keeps me in mind if they ever want to re-sell! πŸ™‚

      Windstone collector in remission. πŸ˜‰


      There was a suggestion ( I give credit to whoever suggested it even though I don’t remember who it was!) about a weeper’s club (we could call it WAH!) for those of us who have lost the bid on something we really wanted. We can cry and pass chocolate and commiserate about the lost opportunity of owning that perfect piece. It doesn’t matter who got it, only that we wanted it so badly and we lost it! You can be the first member, Tyrrlin)(WAH! :shout: πŸ˜₯ πŸ™„ ), I’ll be the next having been sniped at the last 2 seconds on Melody’s only painted phoenix PYO (WAH! :shout: πŸ˜₯ :roll:) and anyone else that wants to join this (hardly!) exclusive club is more than welcome!!
      Whaddaya think?


        I went to bid on one of the recent male griffins at the last second only to be told by ebay i needed to sign in… so I missed the end of the auction πŸ˜₯ I guess snipping bites you in the butt sometimes (usually not but this time yes) He went for lower than i was going to bid also πŸ™ Haven’t seen another come along that I liked as much. Oh well, can’t win them all (It was probably a blessing in disguise, for my bank account at least πŸ˜† )


          Oh, I agree completely, drgnlvr!

          Let this first meeting of WAH! (Windstone Auction Hopes-denied!) come to order!

          NicoleH, which griffin were you looking at? …cause I won one recently. >.>

          As for the Lap Dragon, I bid up and was highest bidder in the last 12 seconds. I was on the phone at the time. I was about to go one more increment, but got a hint of cold feet. At literally the LAST second (you can check the bidding records on this!) my bid was one-upped. Someone either had very incredible tming, or a bidding program. The GOOD news is, I didn’t spend that money, and I told my friend on the phone the same.

          …the bad news is, I’m STILL kicking myself over losing that piece. I think Pam mentioned there’s one more Sunrise Lap left? I hope so.

          Again, congrats to whoever won! There’s no hard feelings, just a bit of regret on my part for not being more aggressive. πŸ™‚ I need my chocolate now.

          Windstone collector in remission. πŸ˜‰


          I`ve experienced the same thing with a CP Prototype OW. I was outbid in the last minute. I felt disappointed, but in the same time a bit relieved because it wouldn`t be very smart for me to pay that much in one payment… πŸ˜›


            Can I join? I still weep for the fancy little rock dragon. He has a good home though with a forum member.
            And my husband was glad, because he then had that money to spend on computer stuff. πŸ˜›


              I think the griffin I was trying to bid on was the second savannah male griffin. The one without the blue/purple interference over his black markings. πŸ™ That was the first male griffin I had wanted to bid on and I missed my chance πŸ™ Oh well maybe there will be more


                pipsxlch wrote:

                Can I join? I still weep for the fancy little rock dragon. He has a good home though with a forum member.
                And my husband was glad, because he then had that money to spend on computer stuff. πŸ˜›

                “Membership” open to everybody, of course! πŸ™‚

                NicoleH wrote:

                I think the griffin I was trying to bid on was the second savannah male griffin. The one without the blue/purple interference over his black markings. πŸ™ That was the first male griffin I had wanted to bid on and I missed my chance πŸ™ Oh well maybe there will be more

                Ahh, okay. No, that wasn’t me. I was being “good” for a while and not really bidding on stuff until the “Goldfish” Male came up. I’ve been waiting for him to show up for nearly a year, and didn’t want to miss out. πŸ™‚ (Of course, the fact that BOTH the Phoenix and the Hot Summer Lap came out the same week was killing me. I lost both of those.)

                Windstone collector in remission. πŸ˜‰


                  congrats on your goldfish griffin. I’ll just be hoping Melody does some more savannah griffins πŸ˜€

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