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  • in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #875338

    May I make an impassioned plea to Melody for a barnswallow hatcher? Please, please? I have a collection of 14 youngs each with matching hatchers and one lone barnswallow young and no matching hatcher! He is so lonely!!!!Please take pity on the pore li’l feller and give him a companion like the others in the playground! Please? Thank you!!

    in reply to: Amethyst & CP Hatching Emperors – #863879

    I really REALLY want a hatcher in barn swallow colors. PLEASE! Maybe the production painter that painted the other barn swallow pieces would be willing to paint one or a few, I would snatch one up in a streak of lightning!!! PLEASE? I have the barn swallow young and he’s the only young I have that doesn’t have a hatcher partner and he looks so lonesome! (on my creaky knees, begging)please Puleeeze?

    in reply to: BARN SWALLOW DRAGONS!!!!! #860846

    I would like to squeak for a barn swallow hatcher. I match up the youngs with the hatchers and I REALLY want a hatcher to pair up with the young I have. He looks so lonesome without his little partner companion. I was/am so grateful that my little copper patina young finally got a companion hatcher and it even had a copper egg to match. So the egg color doesn’t really matter as much as the color of the hatcher. Please don’t let him be permanently lonely! Thanks!

    in reply to: Lions #860539

    I have another question (gee, what a surprise!) The white lion on ebay now says it is #1. Is that number just for the white lions and will there be #2/30 for the brown ones and then #2-30 for the white ones or just 30 total for all the lions? I really want a brown one so do I have a one in 30 chance or one in 15 chance? Thanks, Melody, they are really beautiful.

    in reply to: Lions #860302

    I’m so glad I didn’t miss them!!! Thank you so much, they are so majestic!! You said (I think you said, I don’t know what was said anymore!)that the later pieces were going to be smoother, is that true?

    in reply to: The Chores We Don't Want to Do #858843

    White vinegar also works really well on burnt cooking pans. Put water in the pan about 1/2 way up the pan, and about 1/2 cup of vinegar and boil it, then put it in the sink and pour in some baking soda. It will froth up and sizzle, and when it stops, put in some more baking soda and keep repeating until it stops fizzing. Use a spoon to scrape the bottom, then repeat the process until the burnt stuff is really loose, then scrub with a scotchbrite. It takes some work but it will save the pan. Most of the time, the burnt stuff will start floating to the top.

    in reply to: The winner of the September 2011 raffle #858841

    WOW!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!! At last a long time member won the raffle!!! That’s great!!! Yabbadabbadoo and Hotdiggitydamn!!!!!! Good for you!!! And such a stunningly beautiful one!!! I’m so glad for you!!!

    in reply to: Not sure how to proceed with my wild scheme #856562

    This is in response to dragonMedley: There are some practical sides to being married. I watch The View TV program and Joy Behar got married this past summer to the guy she has been with for 30+ years after stating numerous that it would NEVER happen. What changed her mind was a lesbian couple she knew that when one of them was hospitalized and died, that her partner was not allowed to visit her or have any input into her treatment including Do Not Resusitate and also not allowed any input into the funeral service. I lived with my husband for almost 10 years before we got married. 14 months after the wedding, he died. If we had not legally married, I would have not been able to prevent his ex-wife from taking over everything, or his parents which was about the same in awfulness. The will would not have made any difference, it doesn’t get read until much later, often insurance income is delayed or denied. Aside from the feelings about marriage, the legal ramifications need to be considered. Also, relationships are living things and if they don’t grow, they often die. This can happen both in and out of formal marriages, but are more likely to happen in less formal arrangements. I’m just saying….

    in reply to: Windstone Dragons: Listed by color and sculpt #855191

    What a wonderful gift to the forum! Thank you so much!!, I would love one when it’s available. There is such an advantage to being a “dork” and even more great to have a “dork” in the forum family!!! 😀

    in reply to: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! #854877

    Oh, I’m so sorry!! What a mess! I do hope you have insurance that covers this kind of catastrophe!!!All that and a hurricane too!!!Hey, please don’t beat yourself up about this! You are doing the best you can and these things happen to everyone one time or another that isn’t living in a closet!! Just think of all the people that you are providing an opportunity for feeling good about being able to help you! And all the warm and fuzzy thoughts that are coming your way through the forum! Yeah, it’s hard to think that way when you are in the middle of it, but it’s still there! So cry hard, get it out of your system, and believe that somehow, somewhere, there is some reason for all this, and maybe you’ll find out what it is and maybe not, it doesn’t matter as much as keeping your head up(above the water, so to speak!Heh!) However, we are all cheering for you!!

    in reply to: The recent new Curls #854466

    Just wondering: Would using the automotive red paint work? I know it was used on the redfire for the first 10 of each sculpts. I have never seen a faded-to-pink car, an occasional a faded-to-pink tractor maybe on a really old one. Automotive shops have some spray-on stuff that makes the color stay true a lot longer. I use it on my steering wheel cover which is red, yellow, and green. Just a thought
    Another thought: I have an OOAK fledge called Easter that is in pastel colors: pink, lavender, pale blue, yellow, green with gold accents that is truly charming. Maybe some of those colors in different combinations on some of the other sculpts.
    I think the idea of displaying the curls under a domed cake plate is a great way to show them off! Another way would be a domed cheese plate for one really special small piece. I have a PYO dragon that Kujacker did for me in forest colors that is on a brass pedestal candle holder that is holding court in the middle of a 1/2 circle of fledges. Glass candle holders too. I have one of those that I got at Kohl’s and haven’t decided yet what to display in it or where to put it, but I’m sure it will come to me :)!

    in reply to: The recent new Curls #854465

    Just wondering: Would using the automotive red paint work? I know it was used on the redfire for the first 10 of each sculpts. I have never seen a faded-to-pink car, an occasional a faded-to-pink tractor maybe on a really old one. Automotive shops have some spray-on stuff that makes the color stay true a lot longer. I use it on my steering wheel cover which is red, yellow, and green. Just a thought
    Another thought: I have an OOAK fledge called Easter that is in pastel colors: pink, lavender, pale blue, yellow, green with gold accents that is truly charming. Maybe some of those colors in different combinations on some of the other sculpts.
    I think the idea of displaying the curls under a domed cake plate is a great way to show them off! Another way would be a domed cheese plate for one really special small piece. I have a PYO dragon that Kujacker did for me in forest colors that is on a brass pedestal candle holder that is holding court in the middle of a 1/2 circle of fledges. Glass candle holders too. I have one of those that I got at Kohl’s and haven’t decided yet what to display in it or where to put it, but I’m sure it will come to me :)!

    in reply to: Riku was put down today #848431

    I’m so sorry that you are in so much pain. I just wanted to let you know that the little PYO you painted for me in the forest colors has a special place in the collection on a little pedestal of his own, and he is much admired and special by everyone that sees him. You have been through a lot and you keep hanging in through it all, using your talents and keeping on keeping on. Please get some help for this debilitating sickness, Kujacker, no one needs to live in emotional pain and neither do you. Therapy and chemical help(like the right anti-depressive meds) can really help you move on through this dark place. You are a young and loving man that the world of both people and animals need more than ever right now. Please don’t give up, it’s not the answer to killing the pain. Ok? Please keep letting us know how you are doing!

    I’m so glad to hear from you! I still haven’t figured out the way to use this new forum, so I sort of stumble around and get messages when I find them!
    I have a list of what I sent you:
    (1) Young white male unicorn–broken pieces in the envelope

    (2) OOAK orange and white cat–scrape on its tail

    (3) Emerald

    in reply to: Chocolate Male Dragon #845105

    Yes, I own him. I made a reggae dreads wig for him and he was my icon until the forum changed and so the icon disappeared. I don’t know how to take pictures yet so I can’t post or send one. Yes, I agree he really is beautiful and he’s cute in the wig. (I thought the “chocolate” dragon was appropriate and I love reggae!) When I learn to take pictures or find someone who can do it, I will post it.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 520 total)