
Amethyst & CP Hatching Emperors –

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      I know when you painted the Amethyst Hatching Empress we were told there might never be an Emperor have you changed your mind I hope so I would love to have one. Also more CP Hatching Emperors. PLEASE


        That’s weird there would never be an emperor. Did she say why?

        Wampus Dragon

          I would like Amethyst hatching emperors! And CP kinglets! (and more CP emperors, even though I have one)!


          How about Black Gold Hatching Royalty? *ducks and runs from the shoes and rotten fruit Melody is about to throw*


            I also would like a CP Kinglet will there be any?


              I’m resurrecting this thread to squeak for a restock of copper patina hatching royalty (and regular CP hatcher too). I know that many of us missed out on the first batch, and would buy them in a heartbeat if they were restocked.

              Melody, I know that you have an aversion to painting hatchers due to having to keep the dragon and egg paints perfectly separate, but the copper patina hatchers don’t have that problem, so…. SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK 🙂

              Personally, I think the hatching emperor is the cutest Windstone, period (and that’s saying something). The fact that there aren’t more of them grieves me.


                We haven’t been casting egg items. Perhaps when we get ahead on everything else we can try casting them again and see what happens. We kinda gave up on them because they have the double whammy of being difficult to cast AND difficult to paint.
                One or the other of these problems is enough for me.


                  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make a CP and Amethyst Hatching Emperor – you will have my eternal gratitude


                  I really REALLY want a hatcher in barn swallow colors. PLEASE! Maybe the production painter that painted the other barn swallow pieces would be willing to paint one or a few, I would snatch one up in a streak of lightning!!! PLEASE? I have the barn swallow young and he’s the only young I have that doesn’t have a hatcher partner and he looks so lonesome! (on my creaky knees, begging)please Puleeeze?

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