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I’m having trouble ordering. I have one in my cart but it keeps saying there are none in stock!! Help!!
I had that happen to me too. I had to go back to the store front page and start over to get the order to go through. The dragon stayed in my cart at least.
Thanks everyone! I hope this one will last so I can start collecting again. I need to catch up on a lot of other things first.
Congratulations, Dragoneer! When’s your first day?
Technically, my first day is Tuesday. It’s only a few hours orientation. I’ll know my schedule after Tues. I already know my hours are 4am-1pm. It’s going to be rough getting up that early, but it’s not too bad. I like not having to wait half a day for my shift to start. Lol!
Found a new job! Whoo! It doesn’t pay as well as the last one and it’s only part-time. I have the option to move up to full-time after I’ve been there a few months. Can’t complain after working that awful factory job. There’s not many jobs I would consider awful after that experience. Ha!
She’s coming right along, and I love the idea of her being a business card holder!
Keep us updated!
Thank you! 🙂
A preview of the sculpture I’m currently working on. It’s my Babygirl of course. I like to think if I ever have my own business she could hold my business cards. 🙂
Oh my goodness! Those loaf dragons are so gorgeous and cute! Hope I can snag one when they come out!
Thank you everyone. I’m still not satisfied with the colors. I’m not sure why it seems off. Anyone have any suggestions?
Kim, next time I make a sculpture I’m definately going to paint it like the colorful collared lizard. I kind of wish I would have tried it with this piece.
Happy Birthday!
Well, I’m not sure what I was going for when I started painting, but here’s how it turned out. I think I’ll just call this one a prototype.
Congrats on the new Keurig! They’re great, convenient little machines. I’m not a heavy coffee drinker so the ability to make just one cup whenever I feel is great. Just be wary of using tap water if it’s heavy in minerals. It’ll ruin the machine fast. I have to use distilled bottled water for my Keurig. If you don’t know already, consider buying a Keurig cleaning solution or using a half vinegar, half water mix to clean and flush the system once in awhile. Beware with the vinegar/water mix though. It will take quite a few runs of plain water to flush out the vinegar taste.
Was that a chicken plant?I worked @Tyson over 6yrs. so I truly identify.I sawed chickens for 4yrs ,still have all my digits but that is a tough job.I have lost feeling in my arms many nights after work and it was always wet/cold.Don’t give up,now you know not for you,onward and upward!!
Eck, Tyson! So sorry you had to endure that job. I couldn’t imagine.
I was tire trimming and throwing various size vehicle tires. I ruined so many tires by over-trimming, which was easy to do. We wore fingerless gloves because we had to feel the tire and trim it with a cruddy hand tool while it was spinning fast. The shaver kept getting caught on a thick piece of rubber and pulled from my hands. Uh, the smell in that place…it was hard not to gag the whole night. My thumb is still numb. You’re right. Move onward and upward. Just as well it didn’t work out I suppose.
Sorry for your loss Suzanne-Marie. Losing a pet is unbareable. No words can completely ease your pain, but I wish you the best in these difficult times. Time is the only thing that can heal.
Pipsxlch: So sorry you’re going through a difficult time as well. I can relate to the gallbladder loss. A few years ago mine essentially died. I thought my abdomen was going to explode. It took the doctors 3 months to figure out what was wrong! Wishing you a speedy and safe recovery. I hope a way to get the bills and other obstacles worked out will turn up for you soon.
Well, it seems I didn’t make the cut at work so I’m already out of a job. There’s a fine line between ruining the product and trimming it perfectly. I don’t have depth perception, so that didn’t help. Just as well I guess. My hands looked like they’d been slammed in a car door a few times, felt like they were severely sunburned because I was unable to touch anything without pain, and they were shaking badly by the end of the 12 hour shift. It’s very disappointing. I needed this to work out, badly. I’ll have to start the job search all over again.
Thank you! I think it’s safe to say I am among the employed now and I’ll finally have the opportunity to catch up on some things! 🙂 It’s not a temp job unless I make a major mistake within the first 30 days. Haha! It will be a bit tough at first with 12 hour rotating shifts. That’s okay. I’m just thankful to have a job at this point. I should start by the end of the week. They’re waiting on some paperwork to come back.
The Falcon rocket launch was fantastic! Honestly, I was most impressed with the successful landings. That was awesome!
After two years, it seems I may have finally found a job that pays a living wage! It’s not an easy job in that I’ll have to work a 28 day shift cycle in a factory, but I can’t be picky! I’m not sure if it’s a temp job. I certainly hope it’s not. I’ll know for sure by tomorrow afternoon. This opportunity comes just in time considering the negative developments of last week…and the past two years really. Thanks to everyone that wished me well in my “whine” post. The positive vibes may have worked!
Thanks everyone. I’ve narrowed the color choices down. My sculpt reminds me heavily of a texas horned lizard, but I find the their color to be a bit dull for my taste. The next option is the beautiful collared lizard. Both lizards tend to live in rocky habitats. I’m hung up on which I should try. I’m honestly leaning toward the colorful collard lizard. What’s your vote?