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  • in reply to: Blue Morpho Dragons #914056

      Are you doing anything else after the dragons. I would LOVE a blue morph Pegasus.

      Those would be pretty – even if they were just black bodied with blue, silver and white wings. I may have to bend my “Only natural colors for horse sculpts” rule for one of those. It already happened for the blue morpho griffins – and I never thought it would. πŸ˜›

      in reply to: clarify please ? #914051

        Has it been determined yet if the hoarder will be a production or LP color or a grab bag ??? Or both ?
        & is the name hoarder sticking with him?

        I kind of hope they keep the name. I’ve been calling it the hoarder in my mind since I first saw that sculpt – It’d feel funny to change it to something else. But either way won’t stop me from buying them.


          Personally, I hope the Young is on that list. πŸ™‚ He’s the one I’m waiting for, and I think he will be awesome in this color. I love the Hoarder, but I am sort of hoping he’ll be a grab bag one day….

          Grab bag hoarders would be great as well – but I’m not a fan of the randomness of colors (I’m kind of picky about my dragon colors). The blue morpho is a color I know I love – and it looks great on the hoarder sculpt. I’d rather buy the morpho hoarder than the Grab Bag hoarder.

          That being said I’d probably still buy the Grab Bag too. πŸ™‚


            We have more Blue Morpho choices coming soon to tempt you!

            Come on hoarders, come on hoarders, come on hoarders, come on hoarders . . . (insert crossed fingers and anxious bouncing)

            Can you guess which one I’m most looking forward to? πŸ˜›

            in reply to: Baby Koi-Rins? #913805

              Personally, I like it when batches have a clear theme. All koi, or all fantasy, or all natural…

              When you mix them it can be really disappointing.

              Squeeeeeeeee!!! for GB kirins. And one more vote for themed batches, I’m not super picky, but it’d be nice to buy one without having too worry about it being a pastel or a fantasy type (my two most hated themes :P)

              in reply to: Kitty griffin #913804

                Well, it can’t be that bad. I’ve been staring at mine for the last 5 min, and all I keep noticing are the places I missed when I did my base coat. πŸ™‚ That and the tail – it just couldn’t have a cuter tail.

                in reply to: Livestream Going on! #913010

                  Dang, I wish I’d seen it, but I was at work at the time.


                    Ah, my PYO Flap Kitty arrived and I think he looks even cuter in person! <3 Anyone have a planned color scheme for him? I haven't decided yet and he hasn't told me yet what he wants to be.

                    Yours arrived fast, mine always take a couple weeks. If you have time could you measure the size on the eyes? I want to order a couple pairs elsewhere – and it would be nice to not have to wait until after my cat gets here.

                    I don’t know where my caliper is to get a precise measurement, but placing it up against a ruler, it looks to be 7mm. Maybe someone else can confirm the measurement before you place your order.

                    Thanks for letting me know. I may wait in that case, since I have some extra 7mm eyes kicking around in colors that I would love to use. If I need smaller, I can always order them later. I’ll use the eyes that come with her to keep her from creeping me out if I have too.

                    in reply to: Ladycat's PYOs #912674

                      She’s really pretty. Great job, especially since you did it in one day. Mine usually take me a couple weeks, since I tend to have maybe an hour of free time every other night to work on them.

                      I like the addition of the chain too. I’m kind of bummed these guys didn’t have a collar.

                      in reply to: What kind of quest for #15? #912621

                        Another photo contest: “Windstones: Just like real pets”. Photos of Windstones being like our real, live fur babies. (Seriously, I can’t be the only one that pets my flap cats when I walk past them XD)

                        You’re not alone – I boop my windstones on the nose quite frequently. (Then I feel bad if I’ve only booped one or two, and have to boop all the ones on the same shelf)

                        To follow the thread: I like quests that let us be creative. ie. photos, stories, etc.

                        in reply to: Have you given up on the pebbles? #912623

                          I’m sure the flat bottoms would look great as well. I hope it works for all the pebbles – I’d love to have a set of foxes some day.


                            Ah, my PYO Flap Kitty arrived and I think he looks even cuter in person! <3 Anyone have a planned color scheme for him? I haven't decided yet and he hasn't told me yet what he wants to be.

                            Yours arrived fast, mine always take a couple weeks. If you have time could you measure the size on the eyes? I want to order a couple pairs elsewhere – and it would be nice to not have to wait until after my cat gets here.

                            As for a painting scheme – I’m planning a grey and white persian coloring to match the cat that hangs out by the backdoor at my work. Maybe with blackish wings (haven’t decided on that part yet).

                            in reply to: January — 2014 eBay Auction Picture Thread #912348

                              The wolves are adorable, but my favorite has always been the arctic fox in the silver/white? rainbow sparkle.

                              As far as I know none of them were ever sold.

                              I haz one of these πŸ™‚ he was a quest prize… luveses him :love:

                              tdm πŸ™‚

                              Lucky, lucky you. They’re sooooo cute. I hope they figure out an easier way to paint them for production. I would love a bookshelf just full of pebble animals.

                              in reply to: January — 2014 eBay Auction Picture Thread #912339

                                I’ve always wondered, if Windstone ever considered selling these little guys as PYO’s. Since they’re so hard to paint, they could just let us fight with them instead. πŸ™‚

                                As far as I know from similar discussions in the past, the issue is one of copyright. The PYO sculpts are copyrighted as that and the production ones are copyrighted with the official Windstone colour schemes, test paints, etc. so there’s no way that any production sculpture will ever end up as a PYO.

                                I remember reading something like that as well. It’s more just an idol curiosity if they were ever so annoyed with them that they just said ” ***** it, if they want them then they can deal with them!”

                                in reply to: January — 2014 eBay Auction Picture Thread #912332

                                  YES! I’d Love to get a Pebble Wolf too! πŸ™‚

                                  The wolves are adorable, but my favorite has always been the arctic fox in the silver/white? rainbow sparkle.
                                   photo SciFiFantasyartic-fox-sparklejpgartic-fox-sparklejpgrZd422888_zpsabb8334f.jpg
                                  As far as I know none of them were ever sold.

                                  I’ve always wondered, if Windstone ever considered selling these little guys as PYO’s. Since they’re so hard to paint, they could just let us fight with them instead. πŸ™‚

                                Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 201 total)