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  • in reply to: Keepers! (all gone for now :() #770858

      *breaks off a square of chocolate, passes it on*

      Well, it was a week between the first and second batch. If they continue to come out at this rate, maybe things will mellow in a month. πŸ˜•

      I hope.

      in reply to: "TUT" Griffin in progress PICS pg 34!!! #760925

        Eeek! Delay in posting. That’s an awesome restoration job! Great to see the fellow in one handsome piece again!

        And that’s a cute Kirin too. :yes:

        in reply to: drag0n's Windstones For Sale NEW 1st POST 06/25 #768119

          Or maybe they’d be even more careful because they’re novices and cautious. πŸ˜• Of course you also run the risk of them gasping and stammering “I didn’t mean to do that!” or “Ooops!!!” over nothing, thereby terrifying you for that reason. πŸ˜†

          And that’s a very sweet little rock dragon. Darn moths in wallet…

          in reply to: PYO Dragons & Griffins too (6/19/09) #770929

            Ah, so it’s delicate issue territory. Thank you, that’s good to know.

            I’ll see to it that any Keeper photos I publicly post, or any Keepers that leave my house have the classic Windstone eyes. I’ll be trying something with a personal piece, but (barring disaster) she won’t get any further than my shelf. The eyes-out thing is a generous gesture of trust on the part of Windstone, and a huge convenience for painters, so I don’t want to gum that up for anyone.

            in reply to: The next swap – See p. 4 for set date #762060

              Oh, my, that date’s coming up quick! Eeeeeee! πŸ˜€
              Looking forward to it.

              in reply to: PYO Dragons & Griffins too (6/19/09) #770922

                Well, I emailed John, seemed like the best way to know for sure. πŸ™‚

                in reply to: PYO Dragons & Griffins too (6/19/09) #770918

                  Susie wrote:

                  You will also note that the eyes and jewels are no longer glued in ahead of time, you glue them in after painting. The eyes and jewels will be in the plastic bag with felt pad.

                  Oh, glorious. *plans fierce and wicked things* Er… there wouldn’t be any copyright issue if I replace them with other taxidermy glass eyes, I hope?

                  in reply to: Keepers! (all gone for now :() #770839

                    Ack! Missed by five hours. Still, it’s great that production is restarting. Maybe I’ll catch the second or third batch. πŸ™‚

                    in reply to: The next swap – See p. 4 for set date #762051

                      abatos wrote:

                      Thank you so much again :D. That’s a great relief to hear! Very true, it would be a good opportunity to learn a new sculpt, I just want to be sure to do a good job too. Aww, thank you :).
                      That phoenix looks incredible so far, I can’t wait to see the finished, paintable version too – the detailing on those tail feathers, just wow! I bet you’ll have a wonderful time painting it for sure then! πŸ™‚
                      I wonder what other PYO’s are in the works?

                      There’s a lovely bookend of a wing. Simply a feathered birds wing but very pretty. It’s somewhere in Melody’s gallery. *wants* Also there’s speculation about a big hippogriff possibly being a PYO, as well as a hippocampus. (as far as I am aware of anyway)

                      in reply to: Chicken Candlelamp #770735

                        Well, just saw the little guy on Ebay. He’s absolutely adorable.

                        Is there any chance of more of these little guys being cast in the foreseeable future? squeek* squeek* squeek*

                        Or will it be limited to just these two?

                        Thanks. πŸ™‚

                        Edit: Ah, just saw the blog. Hmm… Cockatrices also sound pretty nice…

                        in reply to: Windstones' new eBay auctions thread Aug 27 page 64 #756464

                          *squeals like a little girl with a spider on her nose*

                          What a cute little chickie!!! Do the molds for this still exist? I’d love to see ’em limited production or something, it’s adorable!!! squeek* squeek* squeek* squeek* Squeaky!!!

                          And that husky candlelamp is glorious!!! It fits the sculpt beautifully.

                          in reply to: Wild Plum #770361

                            Oooh, he’s all radiant and glowy! πŸ™‚

                            in reply to: "I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.4 #753765

                              Congrats! Not much is so sweet as a lovely signed Ebay piece. πŸ˜€

                              in reply to: A Crazy Thought—Windstone Games #769018

                                Griffinlover wrote:

                                My Finace is a programer and is pretty bored. I could talk to him about how much work it would be and maybe he could do it. He has made a few Flash games in the past that were pretty good. πŸ˜€

                                Oh, my… πŸ™‚

                                in reply to: A Crazy Thought—Windstone Games #769015

                                  It sounds incredibly fun, but seems like it would be a heck of a thing to program and design. πŸ˜• I’d be very happy to play it, but the actual creation process sounds epic.

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