Forum Replies Created
Darn it, I missed it. 🙁
You wrote a book?? That is so awesome! I gotta get it now!
Yeah that would help, Pam. Sadly while I make sure they have all these things from me, I don’t always get them from my customers, I guess I need to make that a policy.
November 2, 2011 at 2:16 am in reply to: ♥♥♥NEW Little dragon Avalon ♥ ♥ !! photos page #5♥♥♥ #861501So pretty, I want her! You did a beautiful job on her, I love it.
drag0nfeathers wrote:Honestly, the only way you can tell it was broken is by flipping it over and seeing where the felt pad abruptly stops and the plaster begins. 8)
But that’s the way really good repairs are supposed to look, yes? To be able to display a piece and no one is the wiser that it was once utterly broken. I dont remember who on here did the male dragon complete facial reconstruction, but this emp tail is along the lines of that.
I was the one who did the complete facial reconstruction on a White Male dragon, several years ago, surprised anyone remembered. 🙂 I still have the pics, somewhere. I also think the archives have it, have to do a search to find it though.
Okay, the forum ate it, I also posted on this that Drag0nfeathers so cheated on this one! LOL! Ya gotta teach me how to make molds, that would have saved me so much on the Emperor I just finished. Great job though, you still cheated though! 😀 Oh & btw, I wanna see the new paint job you did!
Yeah, I was gonna say what Melody said, beg Windstone for some! LOL!
Oh heavens, I can’t think of a brand name, I always have to mix to match. I usually use a base white, then mix in a small amount of tan then keep color testing on a small area until it matches…good luck.
I know Drag0nfeathers, we’re cool really. I just wanted to straighten it out before someone read more into it than you actually meant. You are more or less in the boat I have been in for the last year. Too many sculpts in your house not yours that you have to work on.
I tried with the communication thing, problem was I was having some serious password issues with the Windstone forum, kept being locked out of messages cause I couldn’t remember my password & the system wasn’t letting me reset it, finally had to get Jennifer to fix, but then I would promptly forget the dang thing again. X{
Email has been an ongoing problem, I go through & tell it what is spam what isn’t & it labels the legit messages as spam & the spam as legit messages. I get about 100+ spam messages a day, & maybe…maybe one or two actual emails from someone I know in a week, add that up…how am I to find those one or 2 in that?
I think I will be able to keep up if folks want to message me on here now, I plan to check back at least once a week from now on. If anyone really really needs me, tell Laurie, I will jump on & respond.
Oh & if you mean it, I will take you up on the offer of peanuts, I need to send a mess of Windstones to Scotland & I don’t feel comfy trying to use newspapers & whatever I can get my paws on. PM me.
November 2, 2011 at 1:18 am in reply to: PixieDust's Orange Eyed Emerald Emperor Repair Updated #861491My baby is coming home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :party:
I cried when I opened the box and saw his severed head staring
back and me! Then I cried even harder when I realized he was
an orange eyed one! 😥
Thanks to Kyrin, he is back together again! I can’t wait to
see him in person!
All hail Kyrin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!He is on his way home, should be there on Thursday, I’ll get his tracking # for you tomorrow, it is too freaking cold for me to go out to the car again tonight, yes I am a wimp. The felt will be a few days after that, cause I forgot to grab it & ran out of time, it was ship it without or not ship today, I figured you would rather I shipped him.
Thanks Scenceable, I do agree for those scamming people & such, yes definately post it publically, that is a matter of protecting the general public.
You are right, I am working towards getting everyone’s stuff where it belongs. My biggest issue at present is being out of packing peanuts, I did a trade, but well it didn’t work out so well as I ended up using up all the peanuts to send the trade half back, so I ended up negative peanuts again. *sigh*
Talking about sending things back, I gotta run, catch you guys later…gotta ship a dragon!
Most of the trouble with contacting me was that people were depending on emails & forum messages when they should have used the phone. Everyone who has had something with me has had my phone number. I was a bit unhappy that so many people complained in public on the forum rather than simply picking up the phone & calling me.
So while I may have been gone from the forum, I really wasn’t out of contact with them, except through their perception because I wasn’t using the forum or emailing. I did tell them that email & forum messages was not a good way to get a hold of me, btw. I almost never use my email anymore, it has become a spam trap & I can’t find legitimate emails for my life due to the 100’s of spam messages I get. Ask poor PixieDust about that, she had to put hers in all CAPS just so I could find hers!
That is what upsets me so much, folks went out of their way to bad talk me on here, but were just as guilty for bad communication as they accused me of. Not fair, & slamming me in public was inappropriate in the extreme.
If you have an issue with someone on a forum, I don’t care what it is, you DO NOT post it publically! You take it up with them.
I realize that I may not have been perfect in my communications, but I was never more than a phone call away…just to make that very clear to all those who think I left everyone who had stuff with me hanging, I didn’t.
My turnaround for things got bogged down unacceptably for several reasons, some of which was my willingness to accept things before I was ready, then getting way more than I ever anticipated. I will no longer accept multiple repairs past 3 pieces from the same person. I will also no longer accept a repair being sent to me with the agreement that it is okay if it sits here til it’s “turn” because the owner doesn’t want it sitting at their place, then get mad at me cause their “turn” isn’t immediately after I get it as they hoped it would be.
So from now on, when I have something not done, nothing will be accepted until it is done. That way my turn around will not get bogged down by having too many repairs in house. Those doing repairs, try to avoid accepting a lot of multiple repairs from one person, especially if you still have several other repairs you are trying to get done when they send you the lot. Not to mention when you are going through a major life upheaval.
Lesson learned.
November 1, 2011 at 7:09 pm in reply to: Repairs I – Look for updates in new Repair II thread #861457I am back!!!!!!
Sorry I was gone so long guys…had a huge upheaval & change in my life. Got divorced then remarried, everything was flipped upside down for a bit. Stabilized now, doing great, happy & finally got the long line of Windstones I had here for various peoples fixed & sent home.
I will be taking a break from accepting any new repairs until January, but if anyone wishes to submit repairs around then, I should be willing to take on one or two.
Not so overwhelmed now, Drag0nfeathers. Though I was. As for people getting their pieces back everyone who had pieces with me have gotten them back. The way you put it you make it appear that I don’t return people’s Windstones at all…which is not true. Talk about making me look like a thief & not to be trusted. I am sure that wasn’t your intent, but if you read what you wrote, that can easily be the conclusion drawn.
If I repair any more pieces in the future, it will be one at a time, no more agreeing to let someone send more than one at a time…yeesh, who knew that agreeing to take one person’s “few” quick repairs, was in reality about 14 pieces all told. I had thought I was agreeing to like 5, not doing that ever again.
I may be willing to work on this guy, my biggest concern is the sheer weight the broken legs are going to have to support, not sure if this can even be done or not, but willing to try.
If you aren’t in a huge rush, contact me in January after the holidays. I should be up to taking new projects then, I have all the previous ones off my plate, just need to ship a few things that i have held in trust & want to work on some of my own stuff for a few months.
Susie has often sent me replacement horns for damaged pieces, I am sure if you ask she would send you one if there are any available.
That works, I knew Drag0nfeathers was a bit swamped, so I thought I would offer.