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  • Welcome! It is wonderful to hear your story! … I feel kinda like a drug dealer…

    Ha ha ha, in that case, where’s my LE Unicorn/Pegasus CRACK?!?!

    I’m jones’n here, just so ya know.

    Welcome Dragoneer_88. Your story is awesome.

    My addiction was simple, back when I was 15 (we won’t go into when that was), my best riding buddy was gifted the male Unicorn by her boyfriend. She used to hang her rings from its horn. I used to just stare at it, thinking how amazingly realistic this Unicorn looked. Of course, she nor I had a clue where he bought it. However, later on, during a very rare mall jaunt, I discovered Windstones in a tobacco store in the mall. I know I left drool on the glass counter as I stared at the Grand Unicorn.

    The best I could do at that time was collect the fold out flyers that displayed all that Melody had created to date. It included shots of the entire Unicorn and Pegasus family. I was in awe.

    Some years later, we won’t say how many, I was gifted the mother Unicorn by guess who, yup a boyfriend. As I stared at her, I kept asking myself, how the heck had I forgotten about these amazing statues that were my Ferrari of Fantasy Equine statues?

    After staring at her for some time I wondered to myself if the internet could help me find out more about where to purchase Windstones.

    Melody is right, they’re like crack and she is our drug dealer.


    Windstone addicts welcome, we understand.

    in reply to: Pewter horns, Brandi's blue roan Unicorn #910067

    What a great color for the polished pewter horns. It really blends so well. Brandi sure had some interesting and creative color schemes on the hoofers recently.

    I am reminded of the Slate Grulla’s, but with a dark head.

    What are the chances of this color scheme, with polished pewter horns, being made as a small batch of limited editions?

    Can’t knock a Windstone fan for trying. :->

    I think we should do unicorns with the polished pewter horns. I like them. Maybe a new regular color? and pyos?? whadoya think?
    -but the important part is we have -HORNS!! HORNS!! HORNS!!


    Unicorns with polished pewter horns and you don’t have to bother with the effort of gold dipping them.

    New color, LE or Regular, I am so not picky.

    The roans blend so nicely.

    As a side note, I’ve been drooling over the Griffins sculpture for years. All the color schemes were so nice, but they didn’t catch my eye the way the version 1 Copper Patina did. The rich golds on them looked so fantastic on my screen, I was in awe.

    When I saw the last Copper Patina male in the store, I just had to take the leap.

    Oh my gawd! I am so glad I did. They’ve arrived and just WOW. The mother and male Griffin are HUGE sculpts compared to the Pegasus I also ordered. The mother herself is a big ole girl. I am so pleased with this color scheme.

    Please let Susan know that I am also very pleased with the new version Copper Patina male Pegasus. He’s an odd man out, but he’s cool with that. :->

    Thanks for considering the polished pewter horns in the Unicorns as a production. We’re all so ecstatic that you are able to cast horns now.

    in reply to: Store main page 'Category' glitch #906756

    This should be fixed now – are you all getting the proper display? If not, let me know! Thanks. susie@windstoneeditions.com

    Jup, fixed on my end. Thanks for that. :->

    in reply to: Holiday/X-mas cards? #906754

    Yeah that works. A good general rule is; if you want me to remember to do something, tell Susie!


    Hay Suzie, please remind Ms. Melody to make some more Buckskin Pegasus Fathers and Mothers for equine Windstone addicts with horrid timing, like myself.

    Oh and Suzie, don’t forget to call me direct when they’re ready for purchasing.

    Remember, the house # is 1(900)YEA-RIGT and the work # is 1(700)I-DREAMR.


    And for the real reason for the missive.

    Ms. Melody, I just have to say, you are UNBELIEVABLE!

    Firstly, you’re active on the boards here, so essentially, you’re attainable for those of us that adore your work. Secondly, you do a monthly raffle of you’re amazing work for members here. And thirdly now you’re sending out :santa: Christmas cards to members?

    Everything that you do is just so above and beyond what I’ve seen any company do.

    You rock and yes, I’ll get over missing the Grulla Unicorns and the Buckskin Pegasi. I remind myself each time I look over at my whites that they are still as beautiful and were perfectly fine dust collectors before you made the Limited ones. :->


    Best of the Holidays to everyone. :santa:

    in reply to: Hoofer Luv – squeek #905703

    We have resisted having any kind of pre-paid thing, just to avoid increasing the complexity of Susie’s workload!
    Keeping up with regular orders is enough to keep her busy, without her trying to keep track of who has paid for what, when.. etc.

    Well, I envision it as something that your IT people (person) could create for store pre-purchasing. A good way to address the idea and keep the workload off of Suzie searching around for the information. Of course, they’d have to create a limit on preorders, just in case a billion people wanted a particular sculpture/color scheme. :->

    HOWEVER we have been working ( slowly of course, like everything else we try to do) on a “Kickstarter” campaign for a product. That would be a way to let people prepay for a new piece.
    Kickstarter has some issues though, from what I hear…

    I’m sorta familiar with Kickstarter. I don’t know all the ins and outs of it by any means, just that it’s a way for smaller companies to gain funding from a much wider audience, in order to start their projects.

    I have begrudgingly stepped into the Millennium and invested in a router and a laptop. So, I can make a point of stalking your store on a more regular basis. :->

    As and aside, your items are so highly sought after, I see no problem with you gaining a nice foothold on Kickstarter for whatever project you put on there.

    I don’t know how many Grulla unicorns we did, but not a huge number. They were limited production and not normal production.

    I’m guessing less than 50 of each sculpture?

    Does the above translate into, ‘you are done with the limited production of the Grulla Unicorns?’ Those and the Buckskin Pegasi are showing up with the “Notify me when back in stock” button, which implies that you might do more of them one day. Which of course, if you don’t plan to, that Notify button is a HUGE tease for those of us that did miss them.

    Granted, I am aware that if you did decide to make more of the Grulla Unicorns, you couldn’t until you had the horn situation rectified.

    I don’t want to do more Buckskin Pegasus because the tan color is transparent, which means that every splat and speck will show, and is impossible to paint over!

    Noooooo! You lucky dogs that did manage to get them. They’re awesome and one of my favorite real life horse colors on my most favorite of all time fantasy horses, the Pegasus vs the Unicorn.

    Ah well, although I’m disappointed with your answer, I do understand the pain it must be painting some of those color schemes (can we say Rainbow.) Thank you for your response though. I’ve been seriously on the fence about buying one of the few remaining Buckskin baby Pegasi, in hopes that one day, some day, I’d be able to get the Father, Mother in that color scheme from you.

    I’m such an optimist though. There is always the resale market. Although I’ve not seen any being offered, I have been checking the resale market for the Grulla Unicorns from the various venues available.

    I’ve been considering offering up some of my regular production Dragon sculptures for trade on the forums here. But I know I wouldn’t be tempted to trade either the Grulla Unicorns or the Buckskin Pegasi for regular production Dragons had I had the opportunity to purchase either of them when they were offered. So I’m kind of doubtful anyone else that obtained them would consider the Dragon trades, so I’ve not really bothered.

    Need a new color.
    That’s why I like Pintos and Appaloosas the best. Specks aren’t a problem, those colors are specked! How ’bout Grulla pintos? Or roans? Dapples are too complicated for limited production, unfortunately.

    Why a new color? I LOVE the Grulla Unicorn coloration! Why stop the Limited Production now? Out of thousands of us Windstone collectors, 50 (my guess) is barely a drop in the market for a Limited Production.

    You still have signed, Limited Production, Rainbow winged, black Pegasus fathers and babies in stock from years back, not to mention the new Opoponax color is still in stock. Which to me indicates that the solid black color scheme isn’t nearly as desirable as the Grulla, Przewalski’s, Palomino and Buckskins that are long sold out.

    I truly believe that it’s because of the different color shading that goes into those color schemes. It just makes your horse sculptures so much lovelier, which in turn translates into much more desirable by us addicts, I mean collectors. :->

    Personally, I’m not a huge fan of the Appaloosa (speckled, spotted colors) on your horse sculptures. Although I do like a really nice blanketed App in real life, I just don’t care for that color choice on your sculptures. I know there are adoring fans of the color, not knocking you folks, it’s just not MY cup of tea for her Limited Production horse sculptures.

    If you’ve retired the Grulla, and want ideas on a new “fresh” color scheme that lends well to paint mishaps, how about the rich, dark red color of the liver chestnut?

    Of note, liver chestnut is not an official recognized color of chestnuts in the real world, they’re all grouped as ‘Chestnut’, but the deep, rich red color might be a nice option for Limited Production consideration.

    As mentioned, I love the Buckskin color because of the variation to the muzzles, ears, manes, tails and legs and you even gave them a blaze! And of course, in regards to the Pegasi, the gradual shading you did for the wings. And it’s the same reason why I like the Grulla color so much. It’s the shading on the ears, muzzles, legs, manes and tails that made the grey color POP when viewed.

    I could see the dark red of the liver chestnut lending very well to either the Unicorns or the Pegasi. They naturally have darker legs. Some even have very subtle, dark red striping along the legs and although you don’t want to paint it (understandably,) they can have very subtle dappling along their sides.

    My liver chestnut has a really neat, very subtle dapple patterning along her barrel. Which is really only noticeable during the winter months when she grows in her fluffy winter coat and if I keep her in a stall during the summer months, which prevents the sun from bleaching the coat so much that they can’t be seen.

    Ignoring the dappling and stripping that can occur with the Liver Chestnuts, you could administer creative licensing with the rich, dark red color by giving them black manes, tails and muzzles with darker red shading along the ear edges and legs. If creating a darker red shading for legs and ear tips proved to be to difficult for blending, you could continue to apply the leeway of creative licensing and use black for highlighting the ear tips and legs. Blazes are a definite. Lots and lots of blazes on the sculptures. No such thing as not enough blazes.

    Roans are a very nice idea, but I’m sure the shading accuracy could be a bit of a pain for Limited Production. And I suspect the same would hold true with Limited Production paints, fear of splotching the white while painting the darker paint patterns would also make them a pain for Limited Production.

    Man, its times like this I wished I could find some extra time out there to devote to my creative side. I can so envision the rich, dark red color scheme with black highlights and although I used to pencil draw horses and paint ceramics, I put down my brush and pencils long ago. Course, I did supplement the addiction with spending what free time I have with my real horses. So it’s not all that bad. :->

    Thanks again for the responses and Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


    in reply to: Confusing problem of the day #851257

    I think you’re right.. it sounds like this guy had a problem with it and for whatever reason he felt like he had the right to tell you what you could and couldn’t wear. Telling you you have to take a collar off when you get weighed? Like it’s really going to make a difference in your weight? Really?

    Honestly, it sounds to me like someone who had a teensy bit of power (IE: a supervisor or some sort of middle management) decided he wanted to use it because he didn’t like your style. I call shenanigans on the entire affair, since you’re totally right – you have every right to wear what you want to!

    As long as the attire is within reason, no bits and pieces are falling out, you should have been left alone.

    I’m with Hannah on this one.

    Your unusual uniqueness of a tail and collar maybe disturbed him and he felt he needed a power trip boost. “Oh, don’t like, must make her take them off.”

    Sadly, people are like that.

    Me, I’d wear them again in hopes he was there. Not that I like causing trouble in any way shape or form, but because I despise power tripping jerks. The former would superceed the prior.


    in reply to: Testing postability & a hello to the WE community #851236

    Nawp, Avatar did not upload, interesting.

    Jennifer had to work out a kink with my account. Thanks Jennifer! Hope the show goes well for you.

    As with all changes, it will take some time getting used to the new boards.

    Only way to do that is to dive right in, so forgive any of my screw-ups.

    Oh and e-mailed.

    Edit: And now my Avatar is up and running. Woooo!

    in reply to: More grulla unicorns? #851253

    Ah ha! I knew if I looked hard enough, I just might find a thread that already inquired. Yup, located on page five.

    Glad to know that these limited production Grulla’s are not already retired. The Grulla scheme is just fabulous. Thanks a million for listening to our squeeks.

    I really dig the darker slate. I noticed that no Grands where done in the darker slate. Hopefully you have plans to relese the Grand in the darker slate.

    Might I make a suggestion for the store section of the Website?

    Eventhough you confirmed that there would be no more production of black pegasus family a couple of years back when I inquired about the possibility, I still end up with a moment of hope when I see them listed as ‘Out of Stock.’

    Could the website adminstrator create a way to replace the ‘Out of Stock’ with ‘Retired’ for the ones that will officialy no longer be produced? If anything, it would ease the questions here on the boards of, ‘when will it be restocked?’ that I know you get.


    P.S. The preview pane of this post is showing me a double printing of the first line. Here’s to hoping that it does not actually do that when I submit it.

    P.P.S. Please, please don’t retire these to fast.

    in reply to: Squinty eyed male dragons #851237

    I have to say, the lower eyelid definately looks more reptilian.

    For me, the ‘grumpier look’ is more appealing. I suspect that’s because I don’t consider dragons cuddly.

    To bad it made the eye harder to place.

    in reply to: Coiled Dragon – Silver in the Store now! #850676

    Must not have been a large batch. Not seeing them in stock anymore.


    in reply to: (experiment trade) raffle time Winner is……. #768646

    Hay Laurie, forgive me if I missed this in the thread somewhere.

    Is there a set amount we are supposed to be donating to the one we choose?

    Neigh everyone. 8)

    in reply to: (experiment trade) raffle time Winner is……. #768624

    Laurie wrote:

    XD go ahead and start. Lets say 2 weeks from tomarrow being the deadline? 😉

    And then the drawing day/date?


    in reply to: Panty Poad! PICTURES page 2 #784762

    I just had to say …

    What a hoot this thread was!

    ~Hoofer Hoots @ U 8)

    in reply to: (experiment trade) raffle time Winner is……. #768615

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Laurie wrote:

    Cool, Then all I’ll need is an email with the donation confirmation and entries, names, etc.
    Hmm, guess I better get working on the poll, huh? Sorry, just a bit blue today. 🙁

    Great. So we decide on a charity and only donate then, right? No sending donations to just any charity now? I just don’t want to mess up again. 😳

    Right GB, Laurie has to first set up a Poll, so that we all can vote/decide which charity will receive the monies for this raffle. If anyone else has a favorite charity in mind, I believe she’s still open to suggestions.

    If anyone does have a favorite charity, I suggest a link (assuming the charity has one) to their website so that we all can view the entity for voting purposes.

    Considering her new job and all, I suspect she’ll be getting the information (Poll) compiled and posted as soon as possible. So if anyone does have a favorite charity in mind, you should probably PM her or post the information here as quickly as possible, so that she can include them in the Poll.


    in reply to: Don't you love hidden auctions (not) #784115

    Not so hidden, but OMgawd, WHAT A DEAL !!!


    😮 🙄 😥 😮 🙄 😥

    I missed the auction end by a hair.

    And I also wanted THIS deal.


    Half off with free shipping???

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