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  • *snif* πŸ˜₯ Me wants…

    PLEASE someone post pics when they get theirs!! Congrats to you guys!!

    in reply to: East or West? #801948

    Haha. One more thing to add to west coast: IN & OUT!!! :yum: I just recently had it (double double & chocolate shake) and thought: “THIS is something I should add.” πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Summer 2010 Swap Complete! #809831

    Dragon Master wrote:

    I LOVES the kitty!!

    Thank you! He came with our newest rented house. They left most of their stuff and the theme was african safari/big cats. Which I have no problem with! πŸ˜€

    PLEASE take care of your problems first. We love the things you do to make fun stuff like this possible, but we want you to focus on what you need to do. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Valentine's Day Sale! Page 6- Updated 2/7/11 #803462

    That chinese dragon is amazing! :yes:

    in reply to: Summer 2010 Swap Complete! #809823

    THANK YOU!!!!! It came today and it’s in one piece! πŸ˜€
    I know, I need to find a way to shrink my pics & I’m sorry… 😳

    in reply to: Taking requests…sort of #817154

    Wanna try doing a kitty/dragon? Lol. Actually, since wolves are mostly your forte I would like to see a kind of vamp/werewolf. Basic wolf on steroids with sabre-tooth fangs and bat-like wings…just one of the many random shadowy creatures running through my head. 😈

    in reply to: Seth, my Corn Snake! #817904

    ADORABLE!!! He’s so CUTE!!!! πŸ˜€ Much congrats!!

    in reply to: East or West? #801933

    Dragon Master wrote:

    I guess I’m the first in CA to put in my 2 cents
    There is nothing in my opinion like CA

    LOL! I’m the 2nd for 2 cents. I’m such a Cali girl, even if I like beach, thunderstorms, and forest. I like being close to the beach, San Fran, Yosemite (BEAUTIFUL!!), San Pedro, Malibu, Ventura, Mexico, Vegas (and i’m not even legal age yet!), Disneyland…. not to mention all the places to shop & sightsee! 8)

    in reply to: Crazy Cat lady already? #817876

    * Crazy Cat Lady IN TRAINING!!! πŸ˜€ And proud!!!! 8) I especially want to have a Savannah cat someday… 😳

    in reply to: Two PYO Keepers for sale *BOTH SOLD* #816823

    πŸ˜₯ I think I need to go couch digging…. I probably couldn’t find anything anyway though…

    Love the way you pair copper/red and silver/blue. Kind of like fire & ice. Great job!! πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Hobbies?? #815962

    I almost forgot about this thread… 😳 Thanks DM.

    I’m looking up any places for geo! It sounds fun! πŸ™‚

    It’s weird. I love animals, I want to make sure they get good homes, I WANT to help, I WANT to go to an animal shelter…. OH LOOK!!! A KITTY!!!! Can I has….?? πŸ˜₯ I’m just too attached. A senior center I would go to, but what if I make this awesome friendship reading to this guy who’s bedridden and I find an empty bed…. & Hospitals give me chills. For some reason I had this weird idea that they did secret unknown experiments on their patients and tell my family I died and take my body instead and….. I have really scary wierd dreams… and a huge imagination… 😳

    in reply to: Summer 2010 Swap Complete! #809820

    The one I found was with the coffee in Target. :shrug: Now you know. πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Toucans and Stars… #817725

    The zebra finches are a cool idea! I like their colors too… 😳

    in reply to: Happy Birthday twindragonsmum! (June 13th) #817744

    HAAAAAPY BIRRRTHDAY!!!!!!! Have lots of fun!!! & i’m early!!! πŸ˜† πŸ˜€ πŸ™‚ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜†

    in reply to: Summer 2010 Swap Complete! #809813

    Hooray! I can stop worrying now that you got it. πŸ˜€ I’m glad you like it, it was kind of hard to try finding things for you. Enjoy a good day of reading! 8)

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