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  • in reply to: One Batty Cat… #821363

    Why thank you. :hi:

    I love siamese cats. 😀 Those bright eyes, velvet paws, and fawn fur… not to mention Lady & the Tramp, the old PBS cartoon Sagwa, and my favorite book series The Cat Who… by Lilian Jackson Braun. *sighs* They’re awesome.

    My condolences. 😥

    in reply to: Let's see photos of everyone's pets!!! #811470

    Angel, my family’s German Chihuahua. 😆 She’s 2 this summer, but she’s the size of a german shep. puppy and has short fur with a long skinny tail. Weird isn’t it? Were not completely sure what she is, but we love her. At times. 😀

    in reply to: One Batty Cat… #821361

    So, you think your cat is driving you batty?? 😀 Drew her as a normal cat at first, then kind of changed as I went along… :shrug: Idk what I was thinking exactly, but she’s cute.

    in reply to: Excuses… #820017

    Thanks a lot, everyone. 🙂 Advice like this makes me feel better about stressful stuff like the position i’m in.

    Its good we caught it (everyone family or co-worker is surprised and relieved). No, he doesn’t have any therapy right now (but we still have to go for follow-ups), and there isn’t anyone other than my sister who can help out (but she’s hiding at friend’s houses or her room), and if I have a single complaint or request to lessen my workload, my mom makes this speech about how “I do so much” and “you have to, because your family”.

    He’s now back to his original lazy-bum self. He even makes excuses for some things because “My head hurts like hell.” Yeah, sure…
    😛 And, life got a little better last weekend. I had one of those looooong relaxing weekends where we ‘cleaned’ the pool, and my grandparents from his side of the family came over and took us out for dinner, and I got to go with my whole ‘family’ (mom’s sisters, parents, my cousins) on my uncle’s boat and hang out. Now I hurt because of sunburn. It was funny because we thought we were at the lake for a long time, but when we actually checked the time it was like 2:30. All of us had this silence where we were thinking “wow, this is cool” and my grandma broke the silence and practically yelled “REALLY?? 2:30?? I thought it was 5!”. Things don’t get past her.

    in reply to: Jokes and email sharing #600664

    The blond who went to Disneyland:
    A blond was going to Disneyland and as she was driving she saw a sign that said: “Disneyland Left”. So she went home.

    I have a whole bunch more, but here two real-life stories of my grandma. 😀

    My grandma gets her eyes checked for a new pair of glasses. She sits in the chair, they put the lenses over her eyes and the doctor says: “Read line 5 on the chart.” My grandma confidently replies: ” 21, 5, 19, 6…” And the doctor goes, “Ma’m, you do realize those are LETTERS, right?” My grandpa came home DYING!

    The times are changing:
    Passing by a coffee shop, we saw a sign that said: “Free Wi-Fi”. I said, “That’s one way to get business.” And my grandma turns to me with a confused expression and asks: “What’s We-Fee??” Now if the computer doesn’t work, we blame the We-Fee.

    in reply to: Excuses… #820008

    Back. Ish…
    So what happened was that my stepdad for months now has been complaining of really bad headaches. My mom (and me secretly) were tired of hearing it and since we’re so darn poor, we decided to take him to the VA hospital about a week ago and found out the reason was because he had a blood clot in his brain and could have possibly died. My mom was hysterical, he went into surgery, and came out fine with 36 staples, a shifted brain, and a huge scar. SO (because they decided to dump everything on me) I turned into Cinder for the whole time (cleaning, cooking, watching kids & COUSINS) because my mom was going to work & the hospital and my grandparents decided to go on a vacation over the 4th of July weekend with one of my aunts. Figures, doesn’t it? My stepdad came home a few days ago and now he’s fine and can speak (but forgets things easily or stutters), walk, and now has to be careful of where he puts a foot down, because he could hit his head and otherwise form another clot or just plain move his brain. So now i’m continuing my job as Cinder (haven’t gotten the ‘ella’ part yet) and doing everything, so if i’m gone again, people know why. *exhales*

    Had the same problem yesterday. *sigh* About practically the same thing. If you want, since i’m trying to go to school in L.A., maybe meet halfway?? It sounds pretty good. :shrug: Do what i’m doing now. Hide, go to friends’ houses and try to figure things out.

    in reply to: Lol Namesake… #818679

    Well, I still want to see what happens. And I wish the best of creativity on the project, it will come to you eventually. 🙂

    in reply to: Daydreamer's Art – New stuff! p.4 #808674

    squeek* Kitten!! LOVE your stuff lots DD!!!

    in reply to: Yep, I is a Big Kid #818427

    I actually like the animation they’re using. It looks realistic and the story promises to be pretty deep. A book i’ve been DYING to see made into a movie is The Sight by David Clement-Davies. Being about destiny and wolves, I think it would make an awesome movie transition.

    Arrgh! Makes me sad I can’t help! 🙁 Your stuff is awesome and I would love to help you get your poor pup to the vet. I wish for a good diagnosis and a cure.

    in reply to: Lol Namesake… #818677

    It’s good you put to check out the blog in the June raffle. I didn’t know you were working on one of my fave mythical creatures. 🙂

    I love the drawing you did and I have to say, the practice faces are good, but might I suggest maybe raising the ears and shortening the muzzle to suggest a cat-like appearance and then add dragon touches like cheek scales (or frills) and short horns? I know, I’m being really rambly, but I just wanted to add some ideas… and it makes me excited! 😳

    in reply to: June Raffle? #817830

    *squeal* Can’t wait!! It’s adorable!! 😀

    in reply to: KoiPYO's Batch5: 2 new Keepers pg.47 #699762

    Beautiful choice of colors! It makes me want the season to come faster… 🙂

    in reply to: "Volcano" Keeper – Progress photo #1 – Pg. 46 #799705

    Wow…. You capture the colors so well!! 😀 Great work MG!!!

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