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  • in reply to: Nightmares & Insommnia… #828104

    Hate to be a little on the downer side, especially after a fun time camping, but i’m not exactly sure what to do… 😥 I have tried to just go to sleep lately and i’m either too “up” to sleep or I have really wierd, vivid, and horrible nightmares. Like, I had a nightmare a few days ago about how I woke up one morning and I couldn’t remember who I was, where I was, or why. I couldn’t tell you my name, I couldn’t recognize my favorite “little kid toy” animal and I couldn’t feel anything. I also had another one where apparently, I was somehow an experiment of the devil (even if I’m not religious)… I feel rambly, but I just really have to get this stuff out because I had the same type of insommnia/nightmare stuff the first time I saw Saw 2 and it took a long time to turn off my tv and my lights, and to stop hiding under the covers. Maybe its just looking over the edge of who I used to be as a kid and a student and trying to transition into someone responsible and tough and an adult but its just… hard. I try keeping up my “I’m happy and everything is fine” mask, but if I can’t sleep soon, I’m afraid that someone will find out and think I’m mental or something really bad… help?? :shrug:

    in reply to: The Zen Of Camping- I'M HOME!! #827521

    Oh, wow. Camping was AWESOME!! 😀 Turns out we got there on Nat’l Parks Appreciation Day, so entrance was free (almost, we gave a $10 donation that supposedly went straight to the park). It was colorful with the fall season, daytime weather was bearable (instead of sweltering), there weren’t as many people, we went up to Bridalveil (which was roaring!), walked the valley floor trails, and nights were just a tad colder than summer usually is. And because we stayed in Wawona, they had one of the campground loops shut down for the fall season (frozen pipes or something…) so even that was almost deserted. There were a few setbacks: Yosemite falls was dry still, there was a ton of construction for the main road (even put some guardrails), we moved camp once because of the loop shutdown, the river water was freezing, got a really bad headache coming down from Glacier Point, there weren’t very many animals, and it turns out I had an infected toenail that my mom (she was a med. assisstant) had to fix (THAT KILLED ME). But with everything, it was still great. 🙂 I’m actually going to put my pics in a couple of threads later, because I don’t have the time now. And I took a lot of pics… 😳 So anyway, hi!!!

    in reply to: The Zen Of Camping- I'M HOME!! #827514

    Just take a moment to breathe a cool, pine-scented deep breath… Ahhhh….. Good?
    Going camping on saturday and leaving at 4:30 in the morning(to watch the sunrise cause who needs sleep??) and there’s just something awesome about swimming in ice water, waking up in a tent to water on the roof and birdsong, watching the middle of a fire, enjoying the sightseeing, and sitting in a chair or sleeping bag all day because, frankly, you don’t have anywhere to be. You can think, you can truly breathe, and enjoy it all. I love it because its YOSEMITE!! So, the amazing view will get even better because instead of going in summer (stepdad’s surgery delayed it) we’re going right in the middle of fall, where every animal could be seen, every leaf changing to brilliant shades of gold, orange, and red, and hopefully not see as many bugs (giant beetles dive-bombing over your head could literally scare the ____ out of you). Sure, we’ll fight about where the our tent is going, which way is the fastest, and stress because the bag with the sunblock, bug spray and medical kit is remarkably sitting on top of the kitchen table 200 miles away on the first day, but after that, life isn’t good, its AMAZING!! And coming from a dry desert where everything (including people) is fake, and where some people still believe if you planted a whole bunch of different vegetable seeds in one hole it will grow a pre-cut salad (I am dead serious.), it’s even better. So go ahead, relax…

    in reply to: 8th Anniversary #827354

    *deep breath* Happy anniversary, happy anniversary… HAAPY ANNIVERSARY!! 😀
    And congrats! I’m on that challenging road now.

    in reply to: Windstone Birthday? #827361

    Is there an official windstone birthday?? I think it would be kinda fun to just log on, maybe post everyone or their sculpts “eating” cake/cupcakes and just have a random good day we could all look foward to. 🙂

    in reply to: Wampus Cat #827043

    ROFLAMO!!! XD I personally LOVE him, but even I admit he’s almost like somebody took a whole lot of big cats, mixed in snake patterns and vio’la! A DRAGON!!

    in reply to: ART CARD SWAP 2 – New Deadline to Mail JANUARY 31 #826361

    ghostndragon wrote:

    Are there special cards that you buy? Or do you cut your own? I’m not a great artist, myself, but it might be fun to try. I would have to see how badly my artistic skills have atrophied over the years before I could commit. It wouldn’t be fair to anyone else if all I could produce was a visual form of doggerel.

    Lol. I’m hoping I’m not THAT bad, but it is a cool idea that I would like to try as a still-learning art student (and I would make 2 for every trade, because I don’t want to cheat anyone out of good art for my bad ones). 😳
    But I also think we need more ground rules for newBs like me. Such as:
    Do they have to be laminated?
    Are we going by theme?
    What do we add to the back? A mini-bio, a random backing, stickers??
    Could they be made with any kind of paper? Or is there some special cardstock?

    in reply to: Random! #827262

    So sometimes i’ll find an interesting topic or random things to cheer, debate, and sometimes hate, (rhyming…lol) so I made this thread for all my random (I swear I have a small form of ADD :D) . Feel free to chat, debate, or post any and all comments. 🙂

    Topic i’m mostly on right now and have decided to put in my time is a small Linkin Park fangirl session.

    See, I love their music and the people who are in the band are actually pretty dorky (have you SEEN “The Making of Minutes to Midnight?” LOLZ!!) It’s somewhat off-kilter, you can bring them up as a topic to friends and acquaintances (at least mine anyway), and it’s a rock band. So I can fangirl and show pride (I stop at wristbands and logos NOT AT ALL like the creepy, stalkerish wierdos like some other people…those people scare me…) and all the other fan stuff without looking like a complete dork or one of those tight-jean emo kids (never understood that trend :scratch: ). So yeah, I’m a fan! 😛 I actually got a chance to get free tickets to see their Griffith Park performance on sunday at the VMA’s, and sadly, it didn’t work out. 😥 I needed an ID and no one wanted to go with me (and so I had a ride… 😳 ). And about the “Thousand Suns” debate, I liked that it was different. It’s like “Hey, we have all these random sounds in our studio computer… want to put it on a CD?”. And no, its not an actual ‘album’ its more of like a computer clean. The speech sound bites are a little off, I’ll admit, but if you like them, buy it. 🙂

    in reply to: A shout-out to every artist here! #827225

    I don’t know about me, (I personally think I suck… :shrug: ) but everyone else deserves a rock-concert’s applause, that’s how awesome everyone is. 😀

    in reply to: These Cakes Are NOT A Lie… (Cake Wrecks) #826582

    XD You’re welcome. Glad to see someone caught that. I should probably stop playing it (along with Kingdom Hearts, the old Pokemon, Rhythm Heaven…) but I’m too much of a gamer. 😀

    in reply to: WHINE is served #820346

    All the spam posts… 🙄 😡 😡 😡 *evil glare* –_–

    in reply to: These Cakes Are NOT A Lie… (Cake Wrecks) #826580

    Seriously one of the funniest sites I’ve ever come across! Also one of the more unusual ones. Click! 😆


    in reply to: Melody, John & Family #826284

    The greatest of condolences and a wish of luck and love for your family. Remember that she’s someplace great and this can only make your family that much more loving and closer together.

    Much love, Jessica (DragonCat) & family

    in reply to: Oh NO! (Update, and then there were three!) #825976

    Here’s hoping you find them! 🙁 And its great you found whoever you could! 🙂

    in reply to: Valentine's Day Sale! Page 6- Updated 2/7/11 #803482

    I signed up!! 😀 Sooo cute!!

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