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  • in reply to: WHINE is served #876939

    If I get through this week alive… I deserve a drink! (or more…)

    I hate audits.

    in reply to: Newly cast PYO's are an ivory color rather than white #876841

    Actually, it’ll make painting white easier – that way, we’ll be sure we didn’t miss any spots!

    This exactly. I hate painting white on a white PYO. >.<

    in reply to: I got a job!!!! It's now official. #876680

    Congrats! Having a job is a great thing – so I hope that things are starting to look up for you! 🙂

    in reply to: Music! #876612

    Eee female fronted goth metal – some of my favorite stuff! But I also like music I can sing to, and I’m a soprano so their music tends to be in my range.

    My faves are Within Temptation, Nightwish (both singers, I find it weird that a lot of people are all for the new girl or the old one), Lacuna Coil, Delain, Xandria (though I haven’t listened to it much recently.

    But I like a lot of other music too – a bunch of oldies that my mother has sheet music for that I grew up with – one of my faves to sing with my mother is The Gambler by Kenny Rogers, but there were many more!

    … I can pretty much appreciate anything that’s actually singing (not rap, or growling “cookie monster” singing)…. 🙂

    in reply to: Perspective #876224

    That was cool…. shrunk down to the smallest and then watched it slowly go out, thanks for sharing! 🙂

    in reply to: Not again… now it's my oldest, Snickers #875790

    Well, enjoy your break from the forum. I notice I lurk more then I post myself, I find myself typing a post, going “nah” then cancelling out… but I’ll miss ya round here!

    When you come back (well when you come back to posting more) it will be to open arms!

    in reply to: New puppies! (plural!) #875699

    Gah! The adorableness! They both look like they’re gonna be mischievous. 😀

    … great now I want a puppy (we agreed no dogs until we own a place with a backyard).

    in reply to: WHINE is served #875640

    I think I have the flu. Not cool body – not cool.

    Should be sleeping, but need to do laundry and it won’t get done if I’m asleep.

    in reply to: Sushi #875560

    I love sushi – my husband does not (anymore). Last couple of times he had it, he got food poisoning… and I got to take care of him. Not cool (being near people that are throwing up usually makes me do the same). I also got sick last time so I think I’m gonna swear off it. 🙁

    Though I could try some of the ones Jennifer suggested (mostly cooked or non fish) but I don’t know how to make sushi….

    in reply to: The "Heck Yeah!" Thread… #875036

    Heck Yeah: Expecting 20cm of snow at my work parking lot for my Civic to plow through…. and they got it cleared on Sunday. Perfect, clear parking spot. So happy I did a happy dance when I got out of my car. 🙂

    in reply to: Not again… now it's my oldest, Snickers #875033

    As I said on FB, I hope your kitty gets better. With the extra info, it does sound like crystals (which makes your vet’s doomsday talk seem unnecessary and strange).

    I second trying a high protein food. I would not do Science Diet though – it seems to work sporadically. Gave my girl the runs *ick*, even though it works fantastically for my parent’s cat, whose kidneys are (still) failing.

    in reply to: Almost Killed by Train today!!!! #874745

    I remember that you used to live up here. I am glad that all are safe too and I hope that none of your family members were involved. That is such a dangerous track in serious fog. You can’t even see the yellow warning lights up in the air in thick fog. Your warning is TRAIN HORN

    I haven’t heard anything, so I assume none are involved (my family would’ve let me know one way or the other – we’re all pretty close).

    in reply to: Frustration Scream Thread! #874744

    TDM, I think your sons have a lot of choice in who they want to be with at their age. As it is, you’re a very strong woman! I’ve only known you through your posts on the forum, and I believe you can do anything you put your mind to – you’ll get through this and you’ll be even tougher for it. I can’t say I know what you’re going through, but I’ll definitely be thinking about you.

    As for your dad – I sure hope the chemo works and I’m glad to hear he wants to fight. Cancer is a hard battle for anyone, and a hard battle for their loved ones as well. *hugs*

    in reply to: Almost Killed by Train today!!!! #874392

    Oh goodness. I have lots of family up in GP (I’ve driven across that particular train track before) and didn’t hear about it… SO GLAD you’re okay and that there were no fatalities in the pileup!

    in reply to: Frustration Scream Thread! #874387

    My frustrated scream of the day:

    My boss is either trying to kill the entire QA department, get us to kill him, or BOTH!!! He doesn’t even THINK about how LONG all this extra stuff takes to do, then complains when any of us do overtime! OF COURSE WE’RE DOING OVERTIME YOU ADDED 2 EXTRA HOURS OF WORK TO OUR SCHEDULES!!!!!!

    …. huh. I feel better. Sorta. Back to that grind tomorrow…..

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