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  • in reply to: WHINE is served #820603

    We all love you Foxfeather (and anyone else feeling the – “have to be with someone to be happy” on V-day). I personally am without my guy on Valentines day. *cuddles the cat*

    in reply to: WHINE is served #820595

    I hate my body, can I trade it in??? I think I went past my warranty and it’s starting to break down. 🙄

    Between getting a flu 2(?) weeks ago, to a cold last week, to the fact that I just threw out my back PETTING THE CAT :shout: (and it’s not responding to pain killers), I have just been having an awful time.

    Did I mention that a lady that did a bunch of my paperwork quit last week too?? So now I’m gonna be super behind at work, too. 🙄

    in reply to: koishii and grayfire combo Copper Oxide Leaf Keeper pg#5 #788441

    Oh *why* did I have to look at this?????????????? Now I want it!!!!!!! :shout:

    Beautiful work!

    in reply to: The WTF Thread #836305

    WTF moment. The OH&S lady at my work comes into my office this morning, says “It’s been good working with you” and then leaves. And apparently EVERYONE but myself, my boss, and my boss boss (who are both also her bosses) knew about this WEEKS ago! And me and my direct boss are the only ones who now have a truckload more work to do because of it. 🙄 Not to mention I’ve been sick twice in 2 weeks. Flu, then cold. AUGH! :shout:

    in reply to: It's a ZOMBIE! #836732

    And he packed a lunch!!!!! AHHH that’s funny! And the Zombie is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! *brains*

    in reply to: Bomb scare… #836753

    Gee, that’s a lot of excitement! (though I’d probably go to watch the boom……………… 😳 )

    in reply to: I am just in shock and tears. #836802

    Oh man, that is my worse nightmare! I really hope they can be repaired, at least, and am glad that no one was hurt, and that the really irreplaceable ones weren’t in that cabinet. *HUGS*

    in reply to: If anyone is interested #836858

    Phoenix wrote:

    Two feet coming out her hind end… 😆

    That’s probably about where I’d figure it out……. 😆

    in reply to: The WTF Thread #836281

    WTF, my insurance raises rates by the same amount whether they pay out $20 or $20000. How stupid is that? Looks like I’m eating KD for awhile so I can pay that claim myself. I can’t afford $40 more PER MONTH. 🙄 Not for a broken tail light cover.

    in reply to: WHINE is served #820573

    Me and my car are going to go hibernate until this f@*$%ng snow is gone. 😡 🙄

    in reply to: LAST CALL for PYO swap sign up! #836068

    Awe man, I *want* to, but I haven’t the energy to do so lately. :shrug:

    in reply to: Zombie Keeper #835986

    I think olive green would provide a nice contrast to blood and gore…. grey is my second choice. I don’t think the reddish brown would work… just my opinion.

    Can’t wait to see!!!

    in reply to: Hi Charlie32 #835393

    Welcome to the forum. 😀

    in reply to: Ted is at rest now, thank you for your support #825304

    drag0nfeathers wrote:

    Oh… weird for this thread to have popped back up. I lost Treva last night as well. She was fine in the morning and when I got home she was already gone… it was very unexpected. She was doing really well… so now I have lost all my ferrets…

    It hasn’t been a very good year for pets. Bubbas is in the final streach as well. If he makes it into June he will be 24 years old, but I don’t think that’s going to happen. So that’s the cat situation.

    Dogs… well, Poopie is showing some improvement with medication, but she can also only be on it for small spurts at a time so she’s up and down a lot too.
    Whoop my bad. I should have a “Do not reply before I get home from work” button. I didn’t even read the time dates. Weird. So sorry to hear about Treva and Bubbas. 🙁

    in reply to: January Raffle #835438

    Vicki wrote:

    Hi, I just became a member today but I have a silly question. Are Canadians allowed to enter this fantastic raffle???
    Oh, please say yes…..just love the website, it’s so informative.

    Hello fellow Canuck! 😀 Someone’s already answered your questions, so I’ll just say howdy from under my little pile of snow! :hi:

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