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  • in reply to: workspaces #524166

    ladybrooklyn wrote:

    HA HA! I just too pics for another forum of my hideoust studio….

    Enjoy! 😆

    Now if I switched out all those Breyer models with the Grand Champions I’ve collected, we’ll be about the same in number! Except…mine are all line up nicely on a shelf lining near the ceiling in my room. XD

    But how I would love to raid yours. 😈

    in reply to: melody asks you .. again #523877

    Mystery Keeper
    Keeper’s Hold
    For some reason it seems like a Rook dragon to me too, like in Chess. XD

    You can’t tell whether the dragon is naughty or nice or just ready to bite you hand off. XD

    Dream Keeper is nice too.

    in reply to: Mould Making? #520282

    mimitrek wrote:

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Where’d you find that, Algy? It would be cool to see the whole process.

    I remember that picture! It was in an article on Windstone that I had bookmarked. But I just checked that link, and all the pictures that were in the article aren’t visible anymore…including that one that you posted… 🙁

    Yeah, that’s where I found it! I still can’t remember how I came across it, though.

    in reply to: Mould Making? #520278

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Where’d you find that, Algy? It would be cool to see the whole process.

    I found it last year through google. I don’t remember what site or anything or how I even came across it.

    in reply to: Mould Making? #520276

    I’d love to see the pics too, Melody!

    I only ever found this clipping:

    in reply to: Airbrushing PYOs… #519648

    Practice practice pratice!

    And yes, testing out on an el cheapo makes for perfect practice.

    in reply to: Help: Emperor Dragon's Wings #519006

    Romeodanny- Lol, that would be awesome and I would be so grateful, but yes, you do live too far and I would not have your Emp travel the road at this time of year. No way. XD; But thankas for the offer. 🙂

    skigod377- Don’t worry, I will!
    But just for quickies, here is one: You can see all the white areas on his wings, that’s where a lot of pieces are missing. The black gap alonger the out edge is a chunk of nothing after what ever it was that was used to repair it. Even other pieces were all glued crooked so some are jutted out unevenly.

    in reply to: Looks like folks are not too fond of the pink eyed albino… #519160

    I would love to bid on him, but I just can’t go over a hundred-dollar budget. 🙁

    Some day….some day….

    in reply to: Help: Emperor Dragon's Wings #519003

    Thanks everyone for offering to help!

    dragonmedley, those are perfect! Thankas so much!

    Now I can get to filling the breaks with gypsum and recarving the details~ I’ll probably take progress pictures from now until he’s completely repaired. Maybe I’ll post it all up. *shrug*


    in reply to: Help: Emperor Dragon's Wings #518993

    dragonmedley- Thankas!

    Romeodanny- I’m in no rush. I still have to finish cleaning up the old mess and remove the marker mess.

    in reply to: Help: Emperor Dragon's Wings #518990

    Romeodanny wrote:

    I might be able to help you out. I have an old emperor in peacock. He’s quite dark. I’ll try to get some photos. I’m not very good at close up shots though.

    Thankas! If they can catch the detail clearly, it helps me out a lot.

    in reply to: Help: Emperor Dragon's Wings #518988

    Anyone out there able to supply some quality close-up photos of his wings? Backside, right, left and the upper underneath area needed, preferably from another peacock or any darker painted Emp so details are easy to see. He’s in need of some repairs of resculpting details and I have found very few that I can barely use.

    I’ve already asked Melody about touch up paint, but photos are all I need now.

    Can anyone help?

    in reply to: Need Mold Help! #516101

    The Hydrostone cast is on the far left, the Hydrocal (notice how bubbly and broken leg) in the middle, and the original on the right, on of three same pose Stone Critters I have.

    These aren’t completely perfect for my practices, but any holes or clips I find and make a very small batch of the gypsum mineral and fill them in. It works wanders~ This is how I’m currently working to fix what windstones I have that are damaged.

    in reply to: Need Mold Help! #516099

    When I fell back into sculpture I used something called “Mold Builder” as a prelim layer (it’s a liquid latex) that sets directly on the sculpture, then you can use a hard outer shell over the latex(clay, plaster, etc.) for support. And also, Rub-R-Mold. Both are great for small projects.

    I used an old unicorn sculpture and made a few that are plenty perfect for paint testing and I cast them in Hydrocal or Hydrostone. Hydrocal is easy to carve with once cured, light-weight but not as durable as Hydrostone (slightly heavily and bubbled less). I have plenty supply of both let in the buckets too.

    I dunno if I could help or not, but I can let you be the judge of that. 🙂 I can post pictures if you’d like to see.

    A helpful site that I know of:

    in reply to: Ideas for Hybrid Emerald Peacock name #513285

    I was suddenly reminded of Mystic Topaz (by the wings) when I took another look at the image in the gallery. :’

    Other than that, Azurite comes to mind too.

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